Radio Shows |
ADHD, Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, and the Pink Elephant Paradox
Wed, Dec 1, 2021, 4:00 PM
Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) is a buzz phrase in the ADHD world. Is it a thing? Not a thing? And what does the pink elephant paradox have to do with it? In this show, ADHD Coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline (www.drsharonsaline) on the topic. The two will have an open counterpoint conversation to bring context to the topic, provide an understanding of the role labels have in managing challenges, and discuss the issue from two perspectives - an ADHD coach and a psychologist. If the phrase “rejection sensitive dysphoria” calls you, don’t miss this insightful show. |
AADHD, Thanksgiving, and Preparing for the Season of Expectations
Wed, Nov 24, 2021, 4:00 PM
“Santa Stole Thanksgiving for Christmas” is the title of a Jimmy Buffett Christmas song. Symptomatically, it looks to be true, but upon analysis, the retailers framed Santa! In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about using Thanksgiving as a tool to manage your ADHD… that is, using this holiday as a tool to pause, be mindful, manage expectations, and regulate your emotions and your attention to live a more fulfilling life, not only through the holiday season but also throughout the year. If you want a helpful ADHD tool, take the time to tune in. |
ADHD: The Value in Apprenticeships and Co-Engineering
Wed, Nov 17, 2021, 4:00 PM
ADHD is an executive functioning impairment. Working memory is an executive function and, thus, is impaired by ADHD. In short, for a person with ADHD, thinking inside the head is more difficult. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about working memory itself and as an impairment, and thinking as an impairment for those with ADHD. Most importantly, he addresses the concepts of apprenticeships and the value of co-engineering things as a means to thrive. If you struggle in general, want to understand the root cause and get insight on where to look for ways to be more productive, this show is a must. |
Perfectionism and ADHD: Obstacle or Motivation?
Wed, Nov 10, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Are you a perfectionist? Have you ever thought about what it is to be a perfectionist and, if you are, how to deal with it? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline ( to get her perspective on perfectionism and ADHD. He talks with her to better understand whether perfectionism is an obstacle or if it's motivation and how to manage it with intent. If you've got ADHD and struggle with perfectionism, this is a show that will help you break it down into components to manage it to your benefit. Tune in for insights. |
ADHD, COVID, Telehealth and Depression: Get Perspective
Wed, Nov 3, 2021, 4:00 PM
What have we learned about humanity and ADHD during the pandemic? What positive impact did it have on the mental health field? And what are the concerns for the future? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. David Mou, Chief Medical Officer at Cerebral ( They compare notes on their experiences working with those with ADHD through the pandemic, what they both learned, what the mental health profession learned, the concerns they have for the future, what you need to know and what you can do about it. If you are a lifelong learner, struggled through COVID, or are impacted by someone with ADHD, don’t miss this podcast. |
ADHD and Productivity: The Issue Under the Issue
Wed, Oct 27, 2021, 4:00 PM
Those with ADHD long to be more productive. They often read books, participate in seminars, and endlessly search for systems that promise to change their lives. Problem is the theory doesn't translate into more productivity. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with productivity coach Cathy Rashidian ( to look at what productivity is and what underlying issues are obstructing your ability to be more productive and to manage your emotions around frustration and ambition. If you realize you are missing insights that would explain why you have not been able to become more productive, this is a show for you. |
ADHD: You're Not Always Wrong
Wed, Oct 20, 2021, 4:00 PM
Those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder struggle. Time and time again, others point out things that they're doing wrong. This conditions them over a period of time to immediately think it's their fault and start with "I'm sorry." In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( discusses the topic with Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( who coaches parents of complex kids. The two will talk about how "I'm sorry, I'm wrong" becomes a compensatory strategy to take the pressure off. It's good to relieve the pressure, but when they start believing it, then it keeps them from moving forward. If you've got ADHD and often find yourself saying "I'm sorry," this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: “I’m Sorry,” a Reflexive Response
Wed, Oct 13, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Do you lead off conversations saying you're sorry? How do such reflexive responses serve you? Do they take the pressure off? Are you always assuming you are wrong? Are you shaming yourself? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline ( They talk about the "I'm sorry" response and bring a realization to your reflexive responses for you to gain awareness but, more importantly, for you to manage your life with intent. If you are sorry a lot, tune in to this insightful show. |
2021 Annual Conference on ADHD: “Learn… Laugh… Connect”
Wed, Oct 6, 2021, 4:00 PM
The ADHD Super Conference is around the corner. On this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews conference co-chair Dr. Ari Tuckman ( around what you can expect and changes in this year’s conference. He also shares interviews from Caroline Maguire, Dani Donovan, and Melissa Orlov, this year’s featured speakers, to get a glimpse of topics that will help you learn, laugh, and connect. |
ADHD: Fixing It Versus Managing It
Wed, Sept 29, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Are you struggling? When you think in terms of ADHD, is your mindset focused on fixing it or overcoming it, or on managing it to work with it? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews parent coach Elaine Taylor-Klaus of Impact Parents ( to talk about the differences between fixing ADHD versus managing it. They share their own experiences and perspectives as to which is most effective, as well as sharing examples of what it looks like, If you’ve got ADHD, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD, Depression and Stimulant Medications
Wed, Sept 22, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Got depression? Which came first? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has a conversation with Dr. Sarah Cheyette ( on the comorbidity of having ADHD and depression, its causes, treatment, what you can do about it, and the impact of stimulant medication. If you are depressed and have ADHD, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: Why Don't People Get the Help They Need?
Wed, Sept 15, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Do you procrastinate? Does the root of the problem come down to motivation or to willpower? Could it be that the root of procrastination is often complex? Think about it… ambiguity, trial-and-error thinking, an overburdened ADHD working memory. Have you ever stopped to dissect what is really going on? Or do you just shame yourself using names like “procrastinator,” “unmotivated,” or “lazy”? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and Elaine Taylor-Klaus, parent coach and advisor to parents of complex kids (, dig into and analyze what is happening behind the scenes when you procrastinate. Listen as Jeff and Elaine blow you away with an understanding of the complex challenges of even simple tasks, like buying gifts for the holidays. They share strategies and talk about why some of them work and others don't and why the same strategy won't work for everyone. If you want to feel the calm and peace of judging yourself positively given what you are up against, be sure to listen to this show. |
ADHD and Autism: How Do You Treat the Comorbidity?
Wed, Sept 8, 2021, 4:00 PM
Are you or is someone you love autistic with ADHD and struggle with managing it? How do you manage and treat it effectively? In this show, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with Dr. Sarah Cheyette ( on the two conditions, their challenges, and the art of treating and managing the two conditions together. If you have ADHD and autism or are impacted by someone with both conditions, this is a show you must listen to. |
Taking the Emotion out of Emotion to Manage ADHD
Wed, Sept 1, 2021, 4:00 PM
ADHD is not so much a deficit of attention, but rather an issue of self-regulation. Two things you need to regulate: One is your attention, and the other is emotion. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about emotions, what they are, their nature, and their challenges. He also boils them down to their simplest form. Awareness will enable you to witness how feelings and emotions manifest in your world, their impact on your ADHD, and how you manage yourself. More importantly, Jeff helps you recognize how emotions show up and the basic process to manage them. If you have ADHD and you struggle, you’ll find this show very insightful. |
ADHD & Self-Regulation: Vulnerability When Lonely, Bored, Tired, or Stressed
Wed, Aug 25, 2021, 4:00 PM
ADHD is largely an issue of self-regulation. Sometimes those with ADHD can self-regulate, but other times it's more difficult. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADD Crusher Alan P. Brown (; They talk about self-regulation and self-awareness, and how much more difficult it is to self-regulate when you’re tired, lonely, bored, stressed, or hungry. They discuss how important it is to be proactive in managing these with intent and the dangers of passively reacting. If you find yourself repeating the same mistakes or going off on tangents, realizing the underlying issue of why you struggle is invaluable. We guarantee this to be an insightful show. |
ADHD and Organization: It Doesn’t Have to Be So Complicated
Wed, Aug 18, 2021, 4:00 PM
Many with ADHD feel disorganized. Professional organizer Cris Sgrott of Organizing Maniacs (, often finds herself deleting systems of those with ADHD because they tend to make everything more complicated than they need to be. In this episode, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with Cris about her experience and insights on the topic. If you have ADHD and struggle with organization, tune in. |
ADHD: Lost in a Sea of Information
Wed, Aug 11, 2021, 4:00 PM
If you've got ADHD, you've probably tried to do a little research to understand the condition. If you're like many others, you're overwhelmed by it. There's so much information, but you can't seem to find what you're looking for. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( discusses the issue with ADD Crusher Alan Brown (; They give you a context to help you understand how much of what's available can be boiled down to the same fundamental concepts even though they might seem very different. They will talk about emotion-based solutions and analytical-based solutions, as well as what's really going on. The focus here is for you to gain some context to be able to sort through the information to understand what's happening. If you're drowning in a sea of information, you can’t find what you’re looking for, or you’ve found so much that you don’t have time to read/watch it, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: What If You Were More Organized Than You Thought?
Wed, Aug 4, 2021, 4:00 PM
Those with ADHD often feel overwhelmed and believe they were chronically disorganized. One of our favorite quotes is “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Question is, what if you looked at your life as if it were organized? As if you had systems? What might you see? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( will talk to Kirsten Milliken ( The two will talk about the idea of self-observation in the context of what is organized and they’ll share stories and examples of many who have looked at their life as if it were organized and how what they saw, changed. If you feel disorganized, this show is for you. |
ADHD: What You Should Do vs What You Actually Do
Wed, July 28, 2021, 4:00 PM
Often, people with ADHD focus on what they think they should do, never acknowledging what they actually do. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline ( discuss the concepts of what you should do versus looking honestly at what you’ll actually do as a form of self-awareness with the goal of helping you move forward. If you have ADHD and find yourself “shoulding” all the time, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
ADHD: Managing Your Emotions and Everyone Else’s… Ugh!
Wed, July 21, 2021, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder creates an interesting dynamic, especially between parents and teens or young adults. At its core it is often an element of trust or distrust that creates either cooperation or conflict. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD parent coach Cindy Goldrich ( in an open conversation on this dynamic, as well as observations, insights, confronting challenges, and insight on how best to move forward. If you are impacted by an ADHD teen or young adult, we hope you are motivated to listen to this enlightening discussion. |
ADHD and Emotional Regulation: What Is Regulating Emotions?
Wed, July 14, 2021, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is being recognized as an executive functioning challenge. Part of Dr. Barkley's executive function construct is emotional self-regulation. Humans are the only animals that have the ability to change their emotions, which is important but challenging for those with ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and Dr. Ari Tuckman ( talk about the essence of emotional self-regulation, what it means to regulate emotions, the role emotions play in managing ADHD, and fundamentally how one goes about regulating emotions. If you struggle with ADHD, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and Self-Restraint: What Is Self-Restraint?
Wed, July 7, 2021, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is being recognized as an executive functioning challenge. One of the key executive functioning challenges is self-restraint. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and Dr. Ari Tuckman ( talk about the essence of self-restraint and how it relates to ADHD and the challenges of self-regulation. Given that self-regulation is one of the biggest challenges for those with ADHD, we encourage you to watch this show to gain insight on what it's all about so you can better manage yourself. |
ADHD and Self-Awareness: What Is Self-Awareness?
Wed, June 30, 2021, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is being recognized as an executive functioning challenge. One role of executive function relates to self-awareness. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and Dr. Ari Tuckman ( talk about the essence of self-awareness, times when it can get confusing, its role in executive functioning, and the challenge it plays for those with ADHD. If you struggle with ADHD, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: The Euphoria and Stress of Thinking and Its Impact on Focus
Wed, June 23, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Have you ever thought about how thinking towards a goal plays a role in your focus issues? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( summarizes and brings context to thinking and the material covered in four previous episodes: “ADHD and Working Memory: The Mind’s Eye” (; “ADHD and Working Memory: The Mind’s Voice” (; “ADHD: Playing with Information in Your Mind: The Mind’s Playground (; and ADHD: Thinking and Mental Effort ( Jeff talks about the focus problems of ADHD, the different processes of thinking, and relates them to appearance-based challenges of ADHD to help you understand why many strategies sound good but don't work. Understand the "why" behind parts of ADHD to help you gain insight on "how" to problem-solve to find what works. If you have ADHD and realize thinking is hard, don't miss this episode. |
ADHD: Playing with Information on the Mind’s Playground
Wed, June 16, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Have you ever thought about the notion that playing with information in your mind towards a goal is a problem under your struggle to focus? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about playing with information in your mind (the mind's playground) in the context of Dr. Russell Barkley's ADHD construct. Jeff shares his experience coaching those with ADHD around the role working memory plays in manipulating information in your mind and how it impacts focus. He talks about the problem beneath the focus problem and the value of addressing the underlying cause. The goal is to bring awareness around what's happening and why often it's easier for people with ADHD to externalize thinking. Jeff can help you to understand where you always are successful and where you constantly struggle in the context of thinking. If you struggle with ADHD, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and Verbal Working Memory: The Mind's Voice
Wed, June 9, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Do you talk a lot? Have you ever wondered why? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about verbal working memory (the mind's voice) in the context of Dr. Russell Barkley's ADHD construct. Jeff shares his understanding of Dr. Barkley's construct and executive functioning and why those with ADHD have an impaired verbal working memory, finding it more efficient to talk out loud. He talks about how this creates confusion yet is very helpful for those with ADHD. He also illuminates how self-awareness around what's happening can make it much easier for one to manage it simply by having the awareness and asking for permission. If you have ADHD, talk a lot, wonder why, and struggle with management, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and Visual Working Memory: The Mind's Eye
Wed, June 2, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? The problem is focus; right? Question is, is there a problem beneath the problem? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about visual working memory (the mind's eye) in the context of Dr. Russell Barkley's ADHD construct. Jeff shares ways of understanding visual working memory, talk about its challenges with those with ADHD, and look at its impact on focus issues that are actually based on working memory. He will bring attention to making the concept more tangible to understand the challenge and its impact and will share a mindset to help you manage working memory challenges to help you focus. If you have ADHD and realize the value of understanding the core issues to problem solve, don't miss this episode. |
ADHD, College, and Procrastination: A Lack of Cognitive Skills
Wed, May 26, 2021, 4:00 PM
When you think about it, observable behavior is a kind of shadow of cognitive behavior that is influenced by cognitive constraints. Question is, what role do cognitive constraints and cognitive behavior have on procrastination? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD Coach Jeff Copper ( has an informative conversation with Leslie Josel ( on her experience with students and procrastination. In terms of cognitive behavior and cognitive skills, we assume college students have them but often don’t. Jeff and Leslie discuss how this assumption relates to procrastination. If you or a loved one is a college student who procrastinates, be sure to listen to this show. |
ADHD, Vaping, and Smoking: What You Need to Know
Wed, May 19, 2021, 4:00 PM
ADHD isn't so much a deficit of attention but more of self-regulation. Research suggests that those with ADHD have earlier onsets of smoking and of smoking longer. Much of this is related right back to the challenges of self-regulation. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. John Mitchell at Duke University ( They talk about vaping and smoking, their impact on attention, the urge to self-medicate, the long-term effects of smoking, and some of the challenges associated with it. If you smoke or vape, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and the Social Dilemma: It's about Self-Awareness
Wed, May 12, 2021, 4:00 PM
Self-restraint is an executive function. Self-restraint is born out of self-awareness, which is something those with ADHD struggle with. Collectively self-awareness and self-restraint result in self-regulation. Social media, politicians, the news media, and corporate America prey upon this challenge. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about the Netflix documentary "The Social Dilemma" and illuminates how your own psychology is being used against you. Jeff talks about the need to look at yourself in the third person and use the documentary as a means to help you realize the spell being cast on you to get you addicted for their profit. The show is about creating self-awareness to manage yourself. If you have or are impacted by ADHD, you need to hear this episode. |
ADHD and Tutoring: Help through the Pandemic and into the Future
Wed, May 5, 2021, 4:00 PM
ADHD is not so much a deficit of attention, but rather an issue of self-regulation with thinking challenges. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Daniel Franklin ( about thinking and the process of learning. They talk about foundation principles around learning and the role social interaction plays in the process. They also discuss the role tutoring plays in making thinking easier to facilitate learning and increase productivity in those with ADHD. They highlight the challenges of the current pandemic and the fact that many with ADHD have been isolated and actually are now having to learn in a most difficult way. Unfortunately, they're focusing on tips, tricks, and strategies when they should be facilitating the environment. If you have ADHD and you're struggling with thinking and learning, this show will give you something to think about. |
ADHD: Thinking and Mental Effort
Wed, Apr 28, 2021, 4:00 PM
We think of ADHD as a deficit of attention. As we learn more and more, we find it's more an issue of self-regulation. Many episodes on Attention Talk Radio have highlighted the role working memory plays in ADHD. In this episode, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. John Eastwood, clinical psychologist. They have an open and frank conversation about thinking, mental effort, and the challenges posed to those with ADHD, as well as the urge to escape. With effortful thinking, the idea is to put a spotlight on understanding that it's not always a focus problem. Often, focusing on making the thinking part easier will make it easier to self-regulate. If you have ADHD and struggle with executive functioning, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD Problems We Can't Address
Wed, Apr 21, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Looking for help? Feel like you are painted into a corner? We want to help you, but our hands are tied. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Ari Tuckman ( around the frustrations and challenges they face when trying to help those who have ADHD with what seems to be unsolvable problems. They share the things they try to do and the mindsets that tend to help under some circumstances. If you feel like you have a challenging ADHD situation and need to understand things or just be validated, watch this show. It won't necessarily solve the issue, but you will understand the dynamics so you can manage the realities of the situation and find hope to move on. |
ADHD and Procrastination: So Simple Yet Complicated
Wed, Apr 14, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Do you procrastinate? Does the root of the problem come down to motivation or willpower? Could it be that the root of procrastination is often complex? Think about it… ambiguity, trial-and-error thinking, an overburdened ADHD working memory. Have you ever stopped to dissect what is really going on? Or do you just shame yourself using names like “procrastinator,” “unmotivated,” or “lazy”? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and Elaine Taylor-Klaus, parent coach and advisor to parents of complex kids (, dig into and analyze what is happening behind the scenes when you procrastinate. Listen as Jeff and Elaine blow you away with an understanding of the complex challenges of even simple tasks, like buying gifts for the holidays. They share strategies and talk about why some of them work and others don't and why the same strategy won't work for everyone. If you want to feel the calm and peace of judging yourself positively given what you are up against, be sure to listen to this show. |
Managing ADHD Meds and the Healthcare System: A Lived Experience
Wed., Apr 7, 2021, 4:00 PM
Those with ADHD struggle to manage themselves, especially within the system society has built. In simple terms, it is easy for society if you do it their way. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has a conversation with an anonymous individual who has ADHD and is struggling to manage her medications based on systems built by healthcare, pharmacy, and government. She shares her lived experience and her struggles within the context of ADHD. Jeff helps her to brainstorm a solution. If you have ADHD and find it hard to work within society’s system, this show is for you.
ADHD: The Difference between Knowing about ADHD and Owning It
Wed, Mar 31, 2021, 4:00 PM
You've read the books, attended conferences and webinars, and still you struggle to manage your ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with ADHD coach Vidya Guhan ( about the difference between knowing about ADHD and owning it. If you're struggling with ADHD and having trouble getting started, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: A Look at the Pandemic’s Shadow
Wed, Mar 24, 2021, 4:00 PM
Those with ADHD struggle with self-regulation. In our current environment, everybody is obsessed over the COVID-19 pandemic. In its shadow is another pandemic few are talking about. And that is the addiction pandemic. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Clifford Sussman ( They talk about what they have seen in the last year with regard to addictions for those with ADHD. With isolation and quarantine, many of those with ADHD have turned to occupy their brains and stimulate them in the white space of life. Many don't realize the long-term implications of this escape to occupy their minds. Jeff and Dr. Sussman have an open conversation about what's going on and provide the clues. The focus is really to put a spotlight on this invisible pandemic so those with ADHD can take control of their lives. If you are just of the curious nature or are struggling through COVID, it’s a shame you won't learn this. |
Managing ADHD Meds and the Healthcare System: A Lived Experience
Wed., Apr 7, 2021, 4:00 PM
Many of those with ADHD jot down their thoughts and ideas when they come to mind. But the trick is how to organize them. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about this topic and looks at how other professionals manage. In simple terms, he talked to many ADHD experts who also have ADHD to find out the various ways they do it. He shares these insights to enlighten you, to spark your creativity, and to validate your struggle with it. If you have lots of thoughts and ideas and don't know where to put them, this is a show you won't want to miss.
ADHD: The Need to Be Honest with Yourself
Wed, Mar 10, 2021, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Have the mindset that you can overcome it? That you can fix yourself? Are you focusing on what you think you should do but are stuck? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with Dr. Ari Tuckman ( around the need to accept ADHD, to understand it is what it is. They talk about managing yourself to understand who you are and then to design what actually works for you versus fighting your ADHD and struggling to live as if ADHD isn't an issue. If you are stuck or are struggling tune in to this insightful show. |
ADHD and Black Lives: Culture Matters
Wed, Mar 3, 2021, 4:00 PM
ADHD and Black lives… We know ADHD doesn't discriminate. It impacts all races, genders, and ethnicities. The question is, are Black lives underserved and/or underrepresented? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD coach Larry A. Jones, MD, MBA, ( around ADHD culture, the need for awareness, and the necessity to inspire thought leaders in the Black community to become educated about the impact of untreated ADHD. If this description evokes a strong feeling, emotion, or curiosity about how Black lives with ADHD are treated, you need to listen to this podcast to learn important and significant insights. After listening to this powerful interview, we hope you will be inspired to help the underserved gain greater awareness of how ADHD can impact their lives. |
The ADHD Journey: Managing Yourself Part 2
Wed, Feb 24, 2021, 4:00 PM
Just when you thought you “got” your ADHD, you realize there is more to learn. In this second part of a two-part series around managing yourself, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Master Certified Coach David Giwerc (, founder of the ADD Coach Academy. In the interview, David shares what he's learned about his ADHD in recent years, that he thought he “got” as a mature and younger adult, but which he's now realizing he didn't. If you've got ADHD and you think that you’ve got your head around it or hope to have your head around your ADHD, tune into this show and listen to the journey as you travel with the sage advice of an ADHD veteran. Part 1 is at |
The ADHD Journey: Managing Yourself Part 1
Wed, Feb 17, 2021, 4:00 PM
Is managing ADHD a destination or a journey? Great question, huh? In this first part of a two-part series around the journey to manage yourself, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Master Certified Coach David Giwerc (, founder of the ADD Coach Academy. In the interview, David shares what he's learned about his ADHD in recent years that he thought he “got” as a mature and younger adult, but which he's now realizing he didn't. If you've got ADHD and you think you’ve got your head around your ADHD, or hope to have your head around it, listen to this podcast and learn about the journey as we travel with the sage advice of an ADHD veteran. Part 2 is at |
ADHD and Thinking: A Context to Understand Focus Problems
Wed, Feb 10, 2021, 4:00 PM
Think about it. ADHD impacts executive functioning. Thinking is an executive function. Could thinking be the core issue when it comes to ADHD? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has a discussion with ADHD coach Cathy Rashidian ( about the nature of thinking, what is hard about thinking, how thinking impacts focus, how relieving thinking helps with focus issue, and the "why" behind what works for those with ADHD. If you struggle with focus and are curious about how to look at ADHD to understand how to move forward based on "why" ADHD is a challenge, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and the Glamorization of Technology
Wed., Feb 3, 2021, 4:00 PM
Is technology the be-all/end-all for those with ADHD? In some instances, it can provide significant help. In others, it can create havoc and overwhelm. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares his experience and what he sees each day in coaching those with ADHD around technology. Jeff shares his perspective on apps, the burden some technology puts on working memory, and he breaks down the process of organization to give you a context of the process. He also illuminates how the ADHD challenge of self-regulation draws those with ADHD to the promise of technology only to find themselves overwhelmed by it. If you find the big picture and context to be helpful in problem solving, this is a show you won't want to miss
ADHD, Marijuana, THC, Weed, and Cannabis: Facts
Wed, Jan 27, 2021, 4:00 PM
Let's talk about ADHD and marijuana, THC, weed, and cannabis. Does it help ADHD? What is really going on? The thing about marijuana isn't about what's happening. It's about what's NOT happening. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Roberto Olivardia to discuss behind-the-scene issues related to the use of marijuana that are not apparent. Dr. Olivardia shares insight on what we should know in the context of using marijuana, as well as using it to help with effects of ADHD. If you have ADHD and consume cannabis, you need to listen to this show. |
ADHD and Dr. Barkley: Embracing Word Problems
Wed., Jan 20, 2021, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder struggle to find tips, tricks, and strategies to help them live a fulfilling life. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares what he's learned in the last 10 years of coaching and interviewing thought leaders such as Dr. Russell Barkley. He shares his experience and looks at word problems as a metaphor to bring context to how to solve ADHD problems. The context gives insight to help you understand why those with ADHD often are swimming in a sea of strategies, why solving ADHD problems seems so hard, and at the same time helping you understand how to approach finding what works for you in a more analytical way. If you're struggling and want to understand ADHD and the problem-solving process, listen in to this show.
ADHD: Methylphenidates, Amphetamines, and Non-Stimulants
Wed, Jan 13, 2021,4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Want to understand what meds there are, how they work, and why you might try one over another? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Carolyn Lentzsch-Parcells ( Their focus will be on the categories of ADHD meds, what their differences are, why certain meds might be chosen over others, and understanding the process of prescribing meds. If you want to understand ADHD medications, listen to this show. |
ADHD and Digital Education: What Parents Need to Know
Wed, Jan 6, 2021,4:00 PM
More and more, digital learning is becoming a part of our world. For some, this is good news, but for many others who struggle with executive functioning, digital learning is difficult. In this episode of attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews educational and tutoring expert Ann Dolin (; about what ADHD learners need to bridge the gap between executive functioning and the digital world. Specifically, Jeff and Ann identify the challenges of working memory and the role self-regulation plays. They share tangible examples of things to do that will facilitate things in a way that’s easier for those in need. |
ADHD and Social Anxiety: Point/Counterpoint
Wed, Dec 30, 2020, 4:00 PM
Those with ADHD often struggle with social anxiety. There is help to those in need. Question is do you need a psychologist, a therapist, or a coach? Or should you will your way through it all or just give up and hide? The options are overwhelming. In this episode of Attention talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline ( They discuss social anxiety and their two different mindsets to help those with ADHD address the challenge. The point/counterpoint conversation gives insight and context to help you formulate what path might be right for you to gain the help and resources you need. If you struggle with social anxiety and are overwhelmed trying to find help, listen to this insightful discussion. |
ADHD Kids, Martial Arts, and Executive Functioning
Wed, Dec 23, 2020, 4:00 PM
As Dr. John Ratey, author of Spark, says: “If exercise could be put in a pill, it would be the ADHD drug of the century.” Exercise is remarkably good, especially activities like martial arts where there's a level of executive functioning required. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with Peter Johnson, professional martial arts instructor ( They talk in depth about martial arts and how it’s doing much more than just helping kids learn martial arts; it's also helping them improve their executive functioning, which explains why so much of Peter’s practice has grown by helping kids referred by counselors. Peter also shares his experience with the unique marriage that took place when the martial arts teacher and a psychologist teamed up together to write a book to help parents with kids. If you’re the parent of a kid who’s struggling with ADHD, this episode can give you a new insight. |
ADHD: Why Get a Comprehensive Diagnosis?
Wed, Dec 16, 2020, 4:00 PM
It is difficult to treat something if you don't know what you are treating. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr Sarah Cheyette ( on why it is helpful to get a diagnosis and on some of the challenges of a labeled diagnosis. If you are curious and want the knowledge to make an informed decision and the insight on how to move forward, you won't want to miss this show. |
ADHD: Why Get a Comprehensive Diagnosis?
Wed, Dec 9, 2020, 4:00 PM
ADHD isn't so much a deficit of attention as it is an executive function challenge, especially when it comes to self-regulation. As we’ve learned from our interviews with Dr. Russell Barkley, there are two things you need to regulate attention and emotions. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and Dr. Ari Tuckman ( talk about the impact of emotions on many of those with ADHD, specifically on some who have extreme challenges. IF you have ADHD and struggle with emotions, anxiety, or overwhelm, be sure to hear this insightful discussion. |
ADHD & Mindset: The Power of Problem Solving
Wed, Dec 2, 2020, 4:00 PM
If you're reading this, you're likely impacted by ADHD and are looking for relief. Your focus is likely on foraging to find a tip, trick, or strategy. Those who are new to it will likely keep foraging. For those of you who realize you’ve been foraging for a long time but haven't found what you are looking for, it's time to PAUSE. This episode of Attention Talk Radio is being brought to you by CHADD ( and Cathy Rashidian ( who is releasing her interview with ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( on her podcast, “Proudly at Work and in Business” ( In our conversation we define mindset, discuss it as a process, put it in context within the ADHD coaching model, and illuminate the success that those with ADHD find in embracing the adoption of a new mindset and realizing the problem-solving process begins with you. If you have been foraging but haven’t found life-changing tips, tricks, or strategies, please invest the time to listen to this episode. |
ADHD and Conflict between Beliefs and Self-Awareness
Wed, Nov 25, 2020, 4:00 PM
In simple terms how our mind is set up to think is a mindset. Mindsets are efficient ways to filter our world. The problem is mindsets often obstruct our ability to see the obvious and to gain self-awareness. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with ADHD coach Andrew Avery ( to illustrate the conflict between beliefs and self-awareness by looking at the character Maria in the movie, "The Sound of Music." The goal is to share insights to open your mind to self-awareness, its power, and relate it to the ADHD experience to help you move forward. If you struggle with self -awareness, can’t seem to get your arms around your ADHD, or find you have a strong belief system, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: The Impact of a Taxed Working Memory on Procrastination
Wed, Nov 18, 2020, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? Do you procrastinate? You have to listen to this podcast. Attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with ADHD parent coach Elaine Taylor Klaus ( about the role, impact, and influence that ambiguity and an overburdened working memory have on procrastination. Jeff and Elaine illuminate legitimate reasons you procrastinate and put a spotlight on why some environments are more productive for you than others. Secondarily, the insights help to explain why many of the tips, tricks, and strategies don't address ambiguity or relieve working memory and why they don't work. If you procrastinate or are drowning in a sea of strategies that are not working, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
ADHD, Executive Functioning, and School: A Lived Experience
Wed, Nov 11, 2020, 4:00 PM
The world is moving at warp speed. Things are changing rapidly. Learning, technology, and schools are trying to keep up. Everyone involved is well intended, but the reality is that the ADHD child has more challenges today than students years ago. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff copper ( talks with ADHD coach Emily Rubin Persons ( about her lived experience, contrasting her children’s experience in school with her interaction with the school system to help them with the challenging issues of the day. We don't solve the problem, but we do acknowledge the reality of life. If you like to be aware of the changing environment, you won't want to miss this show. |
High-Tech Solutions for Those with ADHD
Wed, Nov 4, 2020, 4:00 PM
At the end of our interview with Dr. Russell Barkley regarding working memory (, we concluded that paper was high tech for those with ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with ADHD coach Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( about ADHD and why there are times when those with ADHD should use paper (i.e., paper notebooks don't have tempting links) instead of other digital interactions. If you struggle, need insights, and understand the need to problem-solve, don't miss this interview. |
ADHD: Health Outcomes, Life Expectancy, and Self-Regulation
Wed, Oct 28, 2020, 4:00 PM
Research has well established that childhood ADHD predisposes to increased risks for impairment in educational, family, peer, and eventual occupational functioning by young adulthood, among many other major domains of life activities. Less appreciated is that ADHD also predisposes to increased health, medical, and dental risks, such as an increased risk for accidental injuries as well as suicide across the lifespan. But ADHD also predisposes to certain personality traits and lifestyle choices that have a significant impact on these health-related factors. Such risks and impairments are known to influence estimated life expectancy. Dr. Russell Barkley ( describes the various health and lifestyle domains of major life activities that have been found to be significantly impaired in children growing up with ADHD by their young adult years, also how ADHD adversely affects health outcomes, how such outcomes may have a substantial detriment on estimated life expectancy by young adulthood, and implications of these findings for alterations in ADHD management. |
ADHD: You’ve Read All the Books So Why Are You Stuck?
Wed, Oct 21, 2020, 4:00 PM
It has been said those with ADHD know what to do, but they struggle to do what they know to do. There are many reasons for this, but one reason is the difference between knowledge and the execution of knowledge. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has a conversation with complex parent coach Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( on the distinction between knowledge and the execution of it and talks about what is needed to increase the chances of executing and being more productive. If you have read all the books and are still stuck, don't miss this show. |
ADHD Prescription: A New Gaming System Intervention
Wed, Oct 14, 2020, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder struggle. Most people associate prescriptions with some type of medication or medical device. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we are sharing the first FDA-approved video gaming system for the treatment of a condition, in this case, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Please join us as ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Adam Gazzaley, MD, PhD (, neuroscientist and mastermind behind Endeavor™, a non-medication intervention for ADHD. Dr. Gazzaley discusses the creation of Endeavor™, its promise for the future, and the help it brings for mental disorders of all kinds. |
2020 Annual ADHD Super Conference: Healthy Lives, Strong Bodies
Thurs, Oct 8, 2020, 4:00 PM
Did you get the memo? The ADHD tribe is having its first virtual meeting of the Annual ADHD Super Conference. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews conference co-chair Dr. Ari Tuckman ( around the format of the conference and what to expect. They share excerpts from keynote speakers like Dr. John Ratey and Dr. Kathleen Nadeau. If you're in the ADHD community, get inspired and informed at this year's gathering. |
ADHD, Money & Finances - Part 3
Wed., Sep 30, 2020, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an executive functioning challenge. Executive functioning challenges make it difficult to organize, plan, and self-regulate. Managing money requires executive functioning. In this Part 3 of a 3-part series, Attention Talk Radio host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about the challenges around saving and investing money, as well as regulating emotions when it comes to investing and making large purchases. If you struggle with money matters, listen and get more insights, mindsets, and tips in Part 1,, and Part 2,
ADHD, Money & Finances - Part 2
Wed., Sep 23, 2020, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an executive functioning challenge. Executive functioning challenges make it difficult to organize, plan, and self-regulate. Managing money requires executive functioning. In this Part 2 of a 3-part series, Attention Talk Radio host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about the challenges of tracking money and the mindset needed to help make it easier to self-regulate and manage spending. If you struggle to manage money, listen to this series for times and insights. See Part 1: and Part 3:
ADHD, Money & Finances - Part 1
Wed., Sep 16, 2020, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an executive functioning challenge. Executive functioning challenges make it difficult to organize, plan, and self-regulate. Managing money requires executive functioning. In this Part 1 of a 3-part series, Attention Talk Radio host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about the roles that self-regulation and working memory play in managing money specifically at the point of performance (that is, at the register or shopping cart). If you have ADHD and struggle with managing money, this is a show you won't want to miss. See Part 2: and Part 3:
COVID-19: Is it Time for an ADHD Gap Year to Work on Life and Work Readiness?
Wed, Sep 9, 2020, 4:00 PM
The COVID-19 pandemic has really put a wrench in everyone's plans. For many with ADHD, it's disruptive to learning, so much so that one could almost classify it as a lost year. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Carolyn Jeppsen of BroadFutures ( They talk about the dynamic that's going on now and the advantages of taking a gap year or semester and spending it working on life and work readiness so that, when things resume, you are in a good position to take advantage of them. If you're a student or the parent of a student who is struggling with the notion of online learning, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD Relationships: Lying and Manipulation
Wed, Sep 2, 2020, 4:00 PM
Are you in an ADHD relationship? Do the words “lying” and “manipulation” strike a chord with you? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach, Jeff Copper ( has a candid conversation with ADHD marriage consultant, Melissa Orlov ( about the dynamics of an ADHD relationship in the context of lying and manipulation. If you were drawn to the title and read the description, I can guarantee this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and Habits: A Love/Hate Relationship
Wed., Aug 26, 2020, 4:00 PM
What is a habit? Are habits good for those with ADHD? Why are habits so hard to build if you have ADHD? Dr. Russell Barkley talks about the ADHD brain as being a two-level system – the automatic brain and the executive functioning brain. He articulates how the executive functioning brain must effortfully override the automatic brain. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about Dr. Barkley's concept and uses it as a context to help those with ADHD understand why habits are very helpful for those with ADHD but also why it is so hard to develop habits if you have ADHD. Jeff's insight and Dr. Barkley's model will help you understand what is at issue. Listen to this podcast to enable you to address habits in a more intentional way.
ADHD and COVID-19: Being Forced into Online Learning
Wed, Aug 19, 2020, 4:00 PM
The fact of the matter is we are in a pandemic. We’re having to do things that are less than optimal. Online learning is one of those. Everyone is well intended; however, the realities are that this is a bit of a challenge. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Melissa Malen ( to talk about the need to advocate for yourself to remain connected and share the fact that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” If you are a parent or a student who is finding yourself having to adapt to the online learning environment, this is a show you don’t want to miss. |
ADHD, COVID-19, and the House is Stale. What Can I Do?
Wed, Aug 12, 2020, 4:00 PM
Humans are social animals. Those with ADHD often thrive by interaction with others. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are having to work from home and self-isolate. As the months drone on, the house is getting stale, and many of us are pacing the cage. What do we do? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has a brainstorming session with Dr. Ari Tuckman ( about smart ideas and clever ways to get out of the house, to communicate, and create atmospheres that are more engaging and exciting to help with productivity and motivation. If you are pacing the cage, if your house is stale, if you're bored, you've got to listen to this show. |
ADHD: Career Counseling During a Gap Year
Wed, Aug 5, 2020, 4:00 PM
Those with ADHD don't have neurotypical brains. It stands to reason, that if their brain isn't typical, then finding a career might not work the typical way. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Tom Bergeron of Inventive Labs ( about the idea of taking a gap year in college and taking a deep dive into finding a career that would set you up for success. They talk about a very different but pragmatic way to find a career that is ADHD friendly. If you don't know what you want to do when you “grow up” or if you are in the working world and struggling to find your way, you'll want to tune in for key insights and mindsets to cast yourself on a path for success in life. |
ADHD, DNA, Brain Scans, and Hope for the Future
Wed, July 29, 2020, 4:00 PM
Researchers are working to bring more diagnostic criteria or tools to the table to diagnose, treat, and manage ADHD. DNA and brain scans are all the latest buzz words. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Benjamin N.R. Cheyette, MD, PhD ( They talk about the current state of DNA in terms of a diagnostic test and a predictor of appropriate medications. They also talk about brain imaging and its role in the process. The focus will be on insights and understanding where the research is to put it in context and frame out our hope for the future. If you are fascinated with behavioral health today and want to know what the future might hold, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
ADHD Parenting: Collaborative Conversations with ADHD Kids
Wed, July 22, 2020, 4:00 PM
If you read most of the theories on parenting kids with ADHD, many of them come down to the collaborative conversation. It's easy to define, easy to discuss, but very difficult to execute. In this episode, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( interviews parent advisor and coach Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( around the challenges of executing collaborative conversations with complex kids. Most theorists explain it and assume that parents will execute it on their own. Jeff and Elaine talk about the value of getting some help with it. After all, complex kids are outliers; they're not mainstream. How to have that conversation is as unique as the individual in the family. If you're an ADHD parent and are frustrated, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD Parenting: The Mindset You Need
Wed, July 15, 2020, 4:00 PM
Parenting of ADHD and complex kids is difficult. Why? Because, they're complicated. Really complicated. Tips, tricks, strategies, and systems often work for neurotypicals, but do they work for complex kids? As much as we want them to, they don't. So what’s a parent to do? It comes down to problem-solving. In this episode ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( interviews parent coach and advisor Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( Elaine shares what she knows that most ADHD parents don't… that it’s all about the problem-solving process and the mindset for solving problems as a process. If you are an ADHD parent drowning in a sea of strategies and solutions that are simply not working, this might not be something you want to hear, but it's what you need to hear. |
ADHD Storytelling: The Power of Art and Vulnerability
Wed, July 8, 2020, 4:00 PM
ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dani Donovan ( around her lived experience. Dani has captured the emotions, hearts, and minds of many in the ADHD tribe by communicating stories and feelings through graphics. They talk about the details of Dani’s story, how she sees the world, and how she’s able to communicate such heavy emotions through simple visuals. If you could use some laughs, inspiration, and hope, listen up for what promises to be a very motivational and heartwarming podcast. |
ADHD Kids: Roots of Social Resistance
Wed, July 1, 2020, 4:00 PM
ADHD and social skills go hand in hand and are a challenge individually, not to mention collectively. Many parents don't understand their kids or why they are not more social and don't reach out. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD parent coach Caroline Maguire ( on her theories, experiences, and insights on kids and their social interactions. If you're an ADHD parent, listen to the interview. You'll be glad you did. |
ADHD Tools and Strategies: In-Person Conversations
Wed, June 24, 2020, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a self-regulation issue with a working memory challenge. Those impacted by this condition yearn for strategies that bring relief and productivity. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and Dr. Ari Tuckman ( discuss in-person conversations, one of the single most effective strategies that is obvious, yet falling out of favor. They talk about why in-person conversations positively impact self-regulation and working memory to help you understand why other methods are less efficient. They use economic theories to explain why in-person conversations are on the decline. In the end, you'll understand the value of interacting with others verbally and in-person to inspire you to advocate for it. If you have ADHD and want an effective strategy to bring relief and productivity, this is the episode you need to hear |
ADHD: The Hot Mess Will Now Confess
Wed., June 17, 2020, 4:00 PM
The ADHD experience feels overwhelming, chaotic, disorganized, and is often described as a hot mess, which is exactly what motivated Kimberly to seek coaching. In this interview ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has an open discussion regarding the coaching experience, transforming Kimberly from a hot mess to a hot success. This episode won't be just a lived experience. They talk about specific situations and new mindsets that transformed Kimberly’s life. If you want to see what transformation looks like, don't miss this interview.
The ROI of ADHD Coaching
Wed, June 10, 2020, 4:00 PM
Many of those who seek coaching are very interested in knowing the return on investment (ROI). As Albert Einstein once said, "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." The ROI of coaching is really the “ripple of impact.” In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( has a spirited conversation with parent coach Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( around the ROI of personal coaching. They put it into a context that makes sense to help you adjust your expectations to get the most out of what the process can deliver. If you want to know the value and long-term impact of ADHD coaching, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
Creating Just-Right ADHD Relationships: Adding Back the Positives
Wed, June 3, 2020, 4:00 PM
This episode or Attention Talk Radio is a sequel to "Creating a Just-Right ADHD Relationship” []. In our first interview we covered a lot of material, but we ran out of time and were unable to address a key factor, adding positives back into a relationship to help it thrive. ADHD relationship consultant Melissa Orlov ( joins host ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( to continue their conversation on what to focus on to create a just-right ADHD relationship. If you enjoyed our first interview or are just now finding us, tune in and learn. Our podcasts with Melissa are always insightful. |
Creating a Just-Right ADHD Relationship
Wed, May 27, 2020, 4:00 PM
What makes a relationship impacted by ADHD "just right?" You may be surprised to find out that you and your partner agree on that more than you might imagine. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD relationship consultant Melissa Orlov ( Melissa talks about what's most important to have in your relationship for happiness and how to get there. |
An ADHD Coach’s Method to Help You Get You
Wed., May 20, 2020, 4:00 PM
Got ADHD? What are you all about? What comes easy to you? What are you drawn to? What are the patterns to what seems random in your life? In this episode, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares his coaching approach with EV. They talk through the concept and methodology and share examples of what was learned about people in the process. His methodology will give you a bit of insight on how we have generated content (over 500 podcasts) as a means of helping you better understand yourself and help you develop a mindset to problem-solve. If you want to "get" who you are, be sure to listen. You'll learn something.
ADHD and Autism Co-Diagnosis: Treatment
Wed, May 13, 2020, 4:00 PM
Until recently, autism and ADHD were not diagnosed together. Now, it is acknowledged as possible. Both diagnoses are complex individually, so you can imagine how complicated a co-diagnosis is. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr Sarah Cheyette ( around her experience helping those with both conditions. The interview promises to be fascinating. Jeff and Dr. Cheyette talk about various symptoms, how they manifest in autism and in ADHD. The question is which way to go about resolving the symptoms and working with the individual. Intervention for those with a dual diagnosis is a new territory. We are excited about getting a dialogue going and sharing insights. If you are curious, listen to the interview. |
ADHD Kids: Why They Resist Help
Wed, May 6, 2020, 4:00 PM
ADHD kids, tweens, teens, adolescents, and young adults are struggling. But life could be so much easier. You love them and want the best for them. You're trying to help. You'll spend money to get help, but they just resist getting help. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD parent coach Caroline Maguire ( They share experiences, insights, and stories of interactions with ADHD youth to help parents understand what’s up with their kids and share lessons learned and the realities to help parents manage things more intentionally. If you are an ADHD parent, don't miss this show. |
ADHD: Dealing with Uncertainty
Wed, Apr 29, 2020, 4:00 PM
It's human nature to want clarity, to want to control, to want things to be known. Uncertainty can disrupt routines, decrease productivity, and trigger a sense of vulnerability. COVID-19 has brought a wave of uncertainty that is challenging for many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. With it comes anxiety and emotional frustration. In this podcast, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Gregg Krech of the ToDo Institute ("; They talk about dealing with uncertainty, anxiety, and your emotional state. If ambiguity or uncertainty is discomforting for you, we encourage you to listen to Gregg for strategies and insights. |
ADHD: Managing the Demons in Difficult Times
Wed, Apr 22, 2020, 4:00 PM
Gregg Krech of The ToDo Institute ( and writes, “Our sensory experience, more than ever before, is primarily with touch screens, computer keyboards, and viewing digital pixelated images. This nearly invisible virus brings with it an army of truly invisible demons which include depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness, boredom, anger, sadness and more.” In this interview ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Gregg around his knowledge of Japanese psychology and the development of attention skills to be with things that are uncomfortable as a means for you to "be" in a more healthful way. If you have ADHD and struggle with demons as described, tune in. Gregg shares valuable insights that you will find useful.. |
ADHD Parents: What You Need to Know about Working Memory
Wed., Apr 15, 2020, 4:00 PM
We can't see the wind, but we can see its side effects. We can't witness a child’s struggles with working memory, but we can see its side effects – the challenge of regulating attention. During the 2019 Parents’ Palooza telesummit, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( was interviewed by ADHD parent coach Elaine Taylor Klaus ( and ADHD coach Linda Roggli ( around the impact of working memory on children. The interplay of the interview was excellent and can’t be reproduced. So, with the permission of Parents’ Palooza (, we will air one of the most insightful conversations I've ever had with ADHD community greats. If you're a parent of an ADHD child and you want game-changing information, please listen to this interview. Special thanks to Elaine and Linda for allowing us to release their interview..
ADHD College Students: Online Learning Insights
Wed., Apr 8, 2020, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are attracted to online learning. The idea echoes convenience and flexibility, but is that always the case? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with Christine Robinson ( about the advantages and the challenges of online learning for those with ADHD. They talk about the impact of the learning environment in the context of working memory and self-regulation challenges of those with ADHD. In the face of the challenges, they discuss thoughts around small adjustments to make online learning easier and more productive. If you have ADHD and are drawn to the glamor of online learning or are being pressed into that environment, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
ADHD and Disconnects Between Organization and Logic
Wed, Apr 1, 2020, 4:00 PM
Organization is a challenge for those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. On a basic level, we categorize things: things in the kitchen, clothes in the bedroom, tools in the garage. But how do you remember where something is if it doesn’t fit into a logical spot? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews professional organizer and founder of Organizing Maniacs, Cris Sgrott ( They talk about the challenges of this dilemma and the role working memory plays, as well as insight to help you organize and find things when they have to go in an illogical place. If you struggle with organization, this show will be helpful for you to problem-solve. |
ADHD & COVID19: Managing Work and Kids at Home
Mon, Mar 23, 2020, 4:00 PM
It's a unique time in world and American history. For the first time we're basically putting the world on hold to combat the Coronavirus. Schools are closed and many are having to work from home. This is a challenge for everyone but especially for those who have an ADHD family. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline ( around thoughts and insights of how to manage work and kids at home as best you can. There is no perfect solution, but with the right strategies, relief can come. Listen to this interview to manage things and not let them manage you. |
ADHD and COVID19: Insights and Working at Home
Wed., Mar 18, 2020, 4:00 PM
It's a unique time in world and American history. For the first time we're basically putting the world on hold to combat the Coronavirus. Many are starting to have to work at home and be productive. This can be a challenge for those who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares thoughts, insights, tips, tricks, and strategies to help you manage yourself and be as productive as you can at home. If you are working from home with ADHD, this is a show you don't want to miss.
ADHD Tools: Visual and Verbal Triggers
Wed., Mar 11, 2020, 4:00 PM
Those with ADHD have a taxed working memory, and many of them need visual reminders or triggers that help them remember something or recall knowledge. In this episode, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares lessons learned in coaching those with ADHD on using questions as a trigger, a tool to recall or to help retrieve existing knowledge in order to activate. If you have ADHD, you'll want to listen to this discussion.
ADHD and Sleep: It's Complicated, Part 2
Wed, Mar 4, 2020, 4:00 PM
Many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder struggle with sleep. Simulant medications can sometimes help or exacerbate sleep issues. In this Part 2 of a two-part series on Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews the very insightful Dr. Roberto Olivardia on the topic. In the series they characterize sleep, sleep challenges, sleep hygiene, and challenges with sleep in ADHD. They identify and explain the process of adhering to sleep hygiene, sleep issues diagnosed independent of ADHD, and tips and mindsets to manage sleep. If you can’t sleep and are reading this at 2 am, you might need to listen to this insightful series. |
ADHD and Sleep: It's Complicated, Part 1
Wed, Feb 26, 2020, 4:00 PM
Many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder struggle with sleep. Stimulant medications can sometimes help or exacerbate sleep issues. In this Part 1 of a two-part series on Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews the very insightful Dr. Roberto Olivardia on the topic. In the series they characterize sleep, sleep challenges, sleep hygiene, and challenges with sleep in ADHD. They identify and explain the process of adhering to sleep hygiene, sleep issues diagnosed independent of ADHD, and tips and mindsets to manage sleep. If you can’t sleep and are reading this at 2 am, you might need to listen to this insightful series. |
ADHD and Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A Candid Conversation
Wed, Feb 19, 2020, 4:00 PM
We know those with ADHD are impulsive and struggle with self-control, but are they more susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases? What should they understand about ADHD and such serious risks? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Ari Tuckman ( They discuss traits of ADHD, sexually transmitted diseases, and things those with ADHD should be aware of if sexually active. If you were attracted to the title of this interview, you probably should listen to the show. |
ADHD and Online Dating
Wed., Feb 12, 2020, 4:00 PM
Those with ADHD are twice as likely to get a divorce. You can meet significant others the old-fashioned way or by online dating that many are turning to. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and his guest Laura talk about online dating and share insights to help you manage your emotions. They also offer tips on what to think about or pay attention to if you find yourself searching for a significant other. If you have ADHD and are no longer in a long-term relationship, listen for helpful insight.
ADHD, Politics, Work, Frustration, and Conflict of Interest
Wed., Feb 5, 2020, 4:00 PM
Often those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder get frustrated, especially when others don’t get it. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews guest EV to discuss the concept of conflict of interest. They give specific examples of how it manifests and how it is often the elephant in the room, as well as how mindsets can help you deal with things more effectively both emotionally and tactically. If you have disconnects in your world, if people just don’t get, if you don’t understand why someone isn’t doing what you think they should do, this show will help you gain insight.
ADHD: Stepping Out of Emotions to Manage Them
Wed., Jan 29, 2020, 4:00 PM
Managing or regulating emotion is often challenging for those with ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares lessons learned from interviewing thought leaders, coaching those with ADHD, and his own experience with long-time listener EV on the concept of stepping out of your emotions to manage them. If you are looking for another tool to help manage your ADHD, listen to this insightful show.
ADHD and Foraging for Information - Part 2: Finding Work
Wed., Jan 22, 2020, 4:00 PM
Many with ADHD have an insatiable appetite to learn. They may have multiple degrees and certifications, yet remain unemployed, underemployed, or have an extensive job history short on duration. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD Coach Jeff Copper ( interviews retired ADHD career coach Wilma Fellman, building on Part 1 focusing on learning addiction ( They talk about how to look for jobs where you are paid to learn, where learning is a significant portion of the job, or how to satisfy your appetite to learn and still find gainful employment. If you love to learn and want to exploit your learning passion, this is a show you won’t want to miss.
ADHD and Foraging for Information - Part 1: Learning Addiction
Wed., Jan 15, 2020, 4:00 PM
Dopamine is the reward neurotransmitter. It is the reason we procreate and forage for food. It is also the neurotransmitter center stage for addictive behavior and at issue with ADHD. Procreating and seeking food are pleasurable. For many with ADHD, foraging for information on the Internet is pleasurable. So pleasurable, in fact, that it impacts their life negatively in relationships, at work, and in other important parts of daily life. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews retired ADHD career coach Wilma Fellman. They talk about how many of those with ADHD have multiple degrees and certifications but remain unemployed or have an extensive job history, all short on duration, how that many rationalize the next degree to be the step to employment when it is just another reason to learn something new, and the dynamics and the difference between learning and execution. The goal of the show is to create awareness of what a learning addiction is as a prerequisite to Part 2 ( If you have multiple degrees and seem to be struggling to execute, this is the show for you.
ADHD: Dealing with Others, a Perspective
Wed., Jan 8, 2020, 4:00 PM
Having ADHD is a challenge of self-regulation. Regulating emotion is as much a part of ADHD as regulating attention. It can be very challenging for those with ADHD to regulate emotions when dealing with what seems like a difficult person. You can’t seem to do anything right. You feel like you have to read someone’s mind, or you just don’t know what to do. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares lessons learned and a perspective to deal with such situations with long-time listener EV. If you struggle with others tune in for helpful insight.
ADHD: Lost in Perspective - The Way Out
Wed., Jan 1, 2020, 4:00 PM
Jeff Copper ( has been an ADHD coach for more than half the life of the ADHD coaching industry. He has gained insight and is anxious to share lessons learned as a coach. In this episode with Christine Robinson (, he shares his own observations around how many of those with ADHD get lost in perspectives. Together, they look at perspective and talk about how it manifests in procrastination, perfectionism, and productivity. Most importantly, Jeff shares valuable insight that will help you understand and let go. If you procrastinate, are a perfectionist, or struggle with productivity, you’ll be amazed at how much you can learn and apply from listening to this show. |
ADHD Characteristics: An Asset or Liability?
Wed., Dec 25, 2019, 10:00 AM
We tend to judge things positively or negatively. Maybe we should just judge the context in which things manifest. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD career coach Wilma Fellman on her lived experience. Wilma shares her frustration as a parent raising an ADHD child who was particularly obstinate and always wanted to do things his way. Her frustration was often directed at her son. Late in life, Wilma had her aha moment. The very thing that frustrated her the most was her son’s greatest characteristic and asset. This realization and her story are something all parents should hear. Listen to this interview but brace yourself. Emotions could flow.
ADHD, Self-Regulation, and the Holidays
Wed., Dec 18, 2019, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is largely an issue of self-regulation. The challenge of engaging your attention on things that are not of interest and then disengaging your attention on topics that light up your brain. Often, self-regulation is more challenging when tempted by things that might not be productive. The holidays are full of challenges for those with ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares lessons learned as a coach and interviewer of thought experts with long-time listener EV. If you struggle during the holidays or want insight to better manage your experience, listen to this show.
ADHD and the Importance of Intentional Daydreaming
Wed., Dec 11, 2019, 4:00 PM
In our world today, it is all about productivity, sticking to a schedule, focusing on what is important. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares lessons learned as a coach with Christine Robinson ( around the importance of daydreaming, creativity, and innovative thinking. They talk about how the emphasis on productivity and methodical thinking gets in the way of those with ADHD but also leads to blame and shame. If you know inside of you there is something good and are capable but struggle with having things manifest, this show gives insight to help you understand the many obstacles that get in your way. |
ADHD: Using Religion as a Tool to Manage Emotions
Wed., Dec 4, 2019, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder struggle with self-regulation. Attention is something that needs to be regulated, but also emotions. For the most part, we think of religion as a spiritual, intimate, relationship with God. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews guest EV on the topic of spirituality and ADHD. They discuss the key components of emotional self-regulation and how religion can often be a tool to help down-regulate emotions and manage ADHD. There's a spiritual side to religion that can be used as a tool to manage ADHD more effectively. If you struggle with emotions and if religion or spirituality speaks to you, listen to this show. You'll be surprised at how your spirituality can positively impact the challenges of ADHD.
ADHD and Thanksgiving: An Attitude Adjustment
Wed., Nov 27, 2019, 4:00 PM
Managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is challenging. It is frustrating and problems abound. Over time it can manifest as a negative attitude and outlook. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares lessons learned as an ADHD coach and from interviews with experts. In sharing what he has learned, he challenges you to take advantage of the Thanksgiving holiday as a platform to be thankful and begin to practice gratitude to shift your attention and, more importantly, your attitude that will set up your mind (mindset) to live a more fulfilling life. If you are down, frustrated, or on a quest for the secrets of life, listen to this insightful episode.
ADHD and Learning: The Role of a Teacher and Potential Problems
Wed., Nov 20, 2019, 4:00 PM
A teacher’s job is to make learning easier, but, often, it doesn’t work for those with ADHD. Many of them struggle to ask teachers for help and, at times, don’t even know what questions to ask. In their frustration those with ADHD end up doing it the hard way…trying to learn on their own. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has an open and frank discussion with EV around the challenges in learning. They discuss insights from what Jeff has learned from coaching others in learning environments and share examples of some of the struggles, as well as the mindsets that helped them move forward. If you find learning in a classroom setting is hard, you’ll find this interview helpful.
You Can’t Treat ADHD through a Lens of Blame or Shame
Wed., Nov 13, 2019, 4:00 PM
Beware of making sweeping statements that take you away from facing ADHD head on. You could end up fighting the wrong fight. It can be a direct route to finding yourself filled with shame and frustration. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has an open discussion with Laura MacNiven ( on the topic. They talk about the value of regulating emotions in addressing ADHD directly. They give tangible examples of what it looks like to face ADHD head on, and they share key insights and mindsets that will help you problem-solve. If you are frustrated, feeling down about yourself, or even victimized in your mental health journey, this is a show you won’t want to miss.
ADHD Parenting: Mindset and How to be Effective
Wed, Nov 6, 2019, 4:00 PM
You are an ADHD parent and you love your kids. You want the best for them. Often you get caught up in the emotion of a situation and react in a way that feels good but is not necessarily productive. Take bullying for example. When your kid is victimized, the reaction is to lash out. Question is, though, is lashing out the most productive? In this episode of Attention Talk Radiola, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD parent coach, Caroline Maguire (;, author of the new book Why Will No One Play With Me? They talk about the trick to ADHD parenting, how mindset is everything, and how the well-intended natural reaction isn’t always productive, as well as the theory behind it. If your child is struggling socially, with or without ADHD, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
ADHD: Understanding It, Getting It, and the Aha!
Wed, Oct 30, 2019, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder struggle in everyday life. Many are on a quest seeking tips, tricks, solutions, and strategies so they can manage and deal with the condition. They seek out help from cognitive behavioral therapists, psychologists, and ADHD coaches. Many times, they go through the motions, talking the talk, but don't actually implement it. Other times, it actually clicks, and finally it all comes together. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and Dr. Ari Tuckman ( discuss the concept of things “clicking.” They discuss the elusive nature of the “click” and share thoughts around what it’s all about. If you have an open mind, listen to this show; it’s guaranteed to make you think! |
What if We Looked at ADHD as a Dopamine Addiction?
Wed, Oct 23, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many people are confused about ADHD. It’s not so much a deficit of attention, but rather a self-regulation issue. It's easy to understand the confusion; after all, "deficit of attention" is in its name. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Ari Tuckman ( to talk about the physics of electricity in the brain that makes up the biology manifesting in ADHD behavior. Along the way, they also discuss the major role that the neurotransmitter dopamine plays in ADHD and then use the concept of a dopamine addiction to explain ADHD in a way that is amazingly simple. The model will put a spotlight on the “why” behind self-regulation and ADHD behavior. If you are intrigued by the “why,” you’ll find this show very insightful. |
Comparing the Management of ADHD to Managing Addictions
Wed, Oct 16, 2019, 4:00 PM
ADHD is not so much a deficit of attention but largely about self-regulation. At its core, addiction comes down to self-regulation. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and Dr. Ari Tuckman ( have an open conversation comparing the management of addiction to the management of ADHD. They illuminate the mindset of, say, managing an alcoholic and the daily struggles to stay on board in order to keep self-regulating. If you struggle with ADHD and wonder why and need a mindset to help you manage it, this show is one that you don't want to miss. |
ADHD Awareness: Forces Working Against You
Wed, Oct 9, 2019, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder need hope. The condition is challenging, but hope can help motivate you to persevere. Still sometimes it's helpful to understand the negative forces working against you so you can acknowledge them for what they are and work around them. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Ari Tuckman ( They have a very open and honest conversation about the reality of some of the negative forces in society that work against you. If you want to address your ADHD in a positive way and recognize the elephant in the room, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
The 2019 Annual ADHD Gathering of the Tribe Super Conference
Wed, Oct 2, 2019, 4:00 PM
Did you get the memo? The ADHD tribe is meeting in Philadelphia for the annual super conference. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews conference co-chair, Dr. Ari Tuckman (, around what to expect at this year's conference and shares excerpts from keynote speakers like Dr. Roberto Olivardia, Dr. Ross Greene, and Dr. Anthony Rostain. If you're in the ADHD community, get inspired and informed about this year's gathering. |
ADHD Coaching: The Evolution of This Promising Intervention
Wed., Sep 25, 2019, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have struggled for years. Recently there's been emergence of the ADHD coaching paradigm as a plausible intervention. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Dr. J. Russell Ramsay from the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine discusses his experience watching the evolution of the ADHD coaching paradigm, its progress and expansion, and shares his thoughts on coaching as a positive intervention. If you're looking at hiring a coach and are curious about its impact, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: Hoarder or Clutterer? A Distinction
Wed., Sep 18, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many of those with ADHD struggle with clutter. The question is, is it just clutter or is it hoarding? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Elaine Birchall, Birchall Consulting (, on the topic, identifying a very clear distinction between clutter and hoarding. She shares insight on what makes someone a hoarder, but the idea is to understand the differences and the underlying triggers and attention patterns that manifest as a collection of things. If you have a lot of stuff that you can't get rid of, or if you think you might be a hoarder, you don’t want to miss this podcast. |
ADHD: Managing Creative, Insightful, or Out-of-the-Box Thinking
Wed., Sep 11, 2019, 4:00 PM
ADHD impacts executive function, which includes self-regulation, organizing, and sequencing thoughts and ideas. It is hard to manage anything if you don’t understand it as a process. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD Coach Jeff Copper ( defines the difference between methodical and insightful thinking with Christine Robinson ( to put you in a thought experiment to witness the difference. Jeff and Christine then highlight how those with ADHD bully themselves, expecting to manage the insight, creative thinking, or out-of-the-box process methodically that only sets them up for failure. The focus of the show is to help you understand the difference and to manage it to be successful. If you can’t seem to manage time or deadlines, you really should listen to this show. |
ADHD: Time Management and Compartmentalizing Time
Wed., Sept 4, 2019, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often struggle with time management. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Greg, a longtime listener and fan of Attention Talk Radio. They have an open conversation about Greg’s time management challenges and the notion of compartmentalizing time. If you've got ADHD, struggle with time management, and are interested in not just theory but the practicality of someone seeking help, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and Packing for a Trip
Wed., Aug 28, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder find it very stressful and overwhelming when packing to go on a trip. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has a candid discussion with Christine Robinson ( around the fundamental reasons that packing can be a challenge for those with ADHD. After identifying key drivers, Jeff and Christine then discuss a variety of ideas to help you problem-solve to reduce the hassles and the stress of packing. If you have anxiety when preparing for a trip or find you had overpacked or even forgot some things when you arrive, this is a show you won't want to miss
ADHD and Disorganization: Insights
Wed., Aug 21, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder describe themselves as disorganized. As a result, they feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and anxious. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares concepts and insights he has learned from over a decade of coaching that will help bring you context, an understanding, and reasons why the book answer doesn’t always make sense. He also shares what he has learned from industrial engineers that can help you organize and prioritize more intentionally. If you feel disorganized and nothing seems to work, listen to this insightful show.
ADHD and College: Working Memory and Problem-Solving Part 2
Wed., Aug 14, 2019, 4:00 PM
This is the second of a two-part series focused on helping those in college understand the role working memory plays in studying and why it's more challenging to be a college student with ADHD in today's society than in the past. The series also offers examples of solutions that help you problem-solve. In this episode, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( continues his interview with Christina Robinson ( in this two-part series. If you liked the first interview, you'll love the second. If you haven't heard the first one, please listen to this and tune into the first one from last week. You’ll get lots of insights and begin to understand why some solutions work and why they don't.
ADHD and College: Working Memory and Problem-Solving Part 1
Wed., Aug 7, 2019, 4:00 PM
It seems that college is more challenging for those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder because of the move to technology and how it taxes working memory. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Christine Robinson ( on the challenge of working memory and specific solutions that the two have coached individuals toward that have been very, very helpful. The most important part of this episode, which is a two-part series, is to help you begin to understand the why so you can problem-solve and to let go of how society and colleges are bullying you to study and digest information in a way that's a little bit more challenging. If you're in college, getting ready to go to college, a parent of a student, this is a show you won't want to miss.
ADHD: Biology, Mindset, and Problem-Solving
Wed., July 31, 2019, 4:00 PM
ADHD is a challenge with lots of issues. The trick is how to problem-solve. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Laura MacNiven ( They have a conversation around ADHD and break it down into a few simple components, physics, biology, behavior, and mindset. They discuss the formula needed to find obvious solutions that can’t be explained based on how they appear. If you are struggling with ADHD problems and want insight on how to solve them, then you won’t want to miss this show.
ADHD: Problem-Solving with the Right Technology
Wed., July 24, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many are struggling with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. They look for tactical solutions that were derived based on the appearance or presentation of ADHD. For some, it works. For many others, it doesn't. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews an individual he has coached. In the interview, they disclose new technology learned from Dr. Russell Barkley about the underlying factors of ADHD. They talk about how the individual struggled with symptomatic, appearance-based solutions and the success they had using the new technology to problem-solve solutions that worked. The idea is really to compare and contrast the difference, as well as the success of understanding ADHD at its core and not just addressing superficial appearances. If the obvious strategies are not working for you, don' t miss this insightful episode.
ADHD and Autism Parenting Success Story: A Lived Experience
Wed, July 17, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many parents have children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, or Asperger’s, and these can be challenging. The question is what is the secret to success? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Penny Williams ( around her lived experience as a parent. She reveals the secrets to her success and offers key insights to understand why the secrets work. She also shares the very real facts you need to know. If you want to remove the mystery of it all, you’ll regret it if you miss this show. |
Tough Love: Helping ADHD Teens to Get It
Wed, July 10, 2019, 4:00 PM
ADHD parents all face the same dilemma: how to work with a child to get it when they don't get it or don't want to get it? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sarah Cheyette ( on the trick to helping teens with ADHD move forward. Certainly, self-awareness is one way, but also helping them to understand their ADHD and how to manage it. But what can you do when they resist or don't want to get it? The answer? Tough love. Sometimes, parents just need permission to fail. Join us in this insightful interview as Jeff and Dr. Cheyette talk about tricks and strategies to help teens with ADHD understand, get, and buy into their situation. It’s also important to let them fail and fail hard so they can then move forward. If you've got an ADHD teen and are at your wit’s end, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD, Allergies, Allergy Medicines, and Medication Interaction
Wed, July 3, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many of those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can benefit from stimulant medications. As with any substance, there are risks. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Charles Parker ( and on stimulant side effects but also the more rare and dangerous ones to look for. If you are seeking an education on stimulants, Dr. Parker is the right expert to help you. |
ADHD: Mindfulness Is Great But Why Is It Hard?
Wed, June 26, 2019, 4:00 PM
Experts agree that mindfulness practice can be of great benefit for those with ADHD. It is also more challenging for those with ADHD to engage in such practice. In this episode, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Lidia Zylowska ( on mindfulness, its benefits for those with ADHD, the challenges toward engaging in mindfulness activities, and tips to help you practice mindfulness. If you have ADHD and want to understand or learn more about the benefits of mindfulness, then this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
An Argument to Get an ADHD Diagnosis Early
Wed., June 19, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many of those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms are reluctant to get the diagnosis because they don't necessarily want to be labeled, but this can cause problems down the road in the academic arena, as well as in sports. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has an open conversation with Christine Robinson ( around the advantages of getting the diagnosis early and having it in your pocket, which is needed to get accommodations in school, in college, and in professional sports to get waivers to level the playing field. One would think a last-minute diagnosis could get you in, but often you need a historical paper trail to take advantage of it. If you're on the fence about getting a diagnosis, this is a show you won't want to miss.
ADHD: The Levels of Executive Control
Wed., June 12, 2019, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an executive functioning issue involving two kinds of self-regulation. The first is “when” to pause and execute, and the second is knowing “how” you actually execute a task. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. George McCloskey ( around understanding the next level of executive control involving self-realization and self-determination. This level regulates the first level self-regulators. If you enjoyed our interview with Dr. McCloskey on the differences between executive function and executive skills (, you won't want to miss this episode.
Recovering or Designing a Successful ADHD Playdate
Wed, Jun 5, 2019, 4:00 PM
ADHD and parenting can be challenging. Self-regulation, social skills, decision making, the need to fit in… it all makes the dynamics of a playdate daunting. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD parent coach Caroline Maguire ( on basic skills for recovering from playdates that have gone bad and designing them to get the most out of them. If you have ADHD children in the playdate stage, you’ll want to tune in and get Caroline’s insight! |
Managing ADHD Kids and Online Friends
Wed, May 29, 2019, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the Internet are here to stay. The question is: How does a parent manage the dynamic and a child who seems to have only virtual friends? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interview ADHD parent coach Caroline Maguire ( on the topic of kids, ADHD, and online friends, as well as the inherent challenges of parenting kids around relationships in the age of the Internet. If you are a parent of an ADHD child, you know you are concerned about this topic. Tune in to learn and gain insight. |
Finding Affordable ADHD Medications and Stimulants
Wed., May 22, 2019, 4:00 PM
Stimulants and other medications have proven to be a powerful intervention for those diagnosed with ADHD, but these meds can be very expensive, especially for those without insurance coverage. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( offers a discussion around discount medication cards as a way to reduce medication costs for those on a budget. If you are negatively impacted by the costs of ADHD medications, be sure to listen to this show.
ADHD: Insurance, Public Health, and Subsidies
Wed., May 15, 2019, 4:00 PM
The cost of diagnosing and treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be time consuming and costly. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( frames out and puts into context the financial subsidies landscape to curb the cost of diagnosing and treating ADHD. Topics covered will be insurance, public health, research, and subsidy alternatives to help you understand where to look for possible financial assistance. If you are on a budget and need help managing the cost of ADHD, tune in to learn more.
Can Hypersensitive Senses Negatively Impact your ADHD?
Wed., May 8, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have hypersensitive senses. When stimulated, they can be quite distracting. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( interviews someone with ADHD who is hypersensitive to her senses. She describes how that sensitivity negatively impacts her ADHD. They discuss the issue and share solutions that can help. If you are distracted by touches, sounds, flashes of light, or smells, then be sure to listen to this insightful show.
ADHD: The Difference between Executive Function and Executive Skills
Wed., May 1, 2019, 4:00 PM
ADHD is an issue of executive function. The question is: What is the difference between executive function and executive skills? In this episode, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. George McCloskey ( to understand the distinction between the two. Dr. McCloskey shares his insights on the topic in an open discussion around how this knowledge can help resolve problems in your quest to find what works. If you want to manage your ADHD more effectively, you won’t want to miss this show.
ADHD Parents: Advocating Against the Experts
Wed., April 24, 2019, 4:00 PM
Having an ADHD child and navigating through the health care and educational institutions is no easy feat. It takes great patience to get a proper diagnosis, get the right medication, and start over every year to reeducate the school system on your child’s unique issues. It also requires advocacy and the ability to listen to your intuition or gut instincts to stand up to the pseudo-experts and argue on behalf of your child. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has an interview with John, an anonymous parent who has navigated the system, being beaten up by it but still finding success. If you can relate to the struggle of advocating in institutions against the experts, learn more in this interview.
ADHD and Screen Time: Addiction and Mindfulnes Wed., April 17, 2019, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactive disorder struggle with self-regulation. Social media and gaming developers profit from those who can’t self-regulate, and their products are designed to be addictive. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Christine Robinson ( on this growing social issue in an open, matter-of-fact conversation. They identity the many forces that make it difficult for those with ADHD to reclaim and take control of their attention that the news media, corporate America, and politicians seem to control. If you realize how much of life is being wasted on the nothingness of the Internet, you won’t want to miss this podcast.
How to Regulate Emotions When You Have ADHD
Wed., Apr 10, 2019, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an issue of self-regulation, not so much a deficit of attention. In that context, one must regulate both attention and emotions, as well as some bodily movement. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has an open conversation with long-time listener Greg who talks about the theory of how to regulate emotions and, more importantly, the practical nature, challenges, and discipline needed to keep your emotions in check. If anything about this speaks to you, this is a show you won't want to miss.
ADHD: Shame and Negative Self-Talk
Wed, Apr 3, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have a negative mindset focused on shame or negative self-talk, which is unproductive. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline ( on the topic of shame and negative self-talk, what is obvious about its negative implications, and the truth about it. She also shares a trick to move past it. If you beat yourself up, feel like a victim, or struggle with feeling judged because of ADHD, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
ADHD: Coaching Procrastination Live
Mar 27, 2019, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often struggle with procrastination. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( coaches
a long-time listener, on something he has procrastinated on. If you've ever wondered how the ADHD coaching paradigm looks, this is a show you won't want to miss.
ADHD Parenting is about Being Present
Mar 20, 2019, 4:00 PM
Being the parent of an ADHD child is very, very challenging. Most parents focus on the behavior of the child. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we take a look at the behavior of the adult and as well as the challenges of self-regulation and the meaning of being present for the child to help their self-regulation and manage technology. Your host, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Christine L. Robinson ( on this topic in detail. They share some connections you might not be aware of and some insights as to how to pay attention to your child in a way that will have a significant impact. If anything here speaks to you, this is a show you don't want to miss.
The Power of the ADHD Pause
Mar 13, 2019, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is more an issue of self-regulation than a deficit of attention. In order to self-regulate, one must pause, which is easy to say and difficult to execute. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has an open conversation with Greg, a long-time listener of the show, about the nature and the power of the pause, why it's so important, what's actually happening when one pauses, the challenges of pausing, and what to expect in learning how to do it. If you've got ADHD and are struggling to get anything to work, this is a show that should be at the top of your list.
ADHD: Challenges Facing Millennials and Gen Z Students
Mar 6, 2019, 4:00 PM
What is the impact of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder on millennials and Gen Z students in terms of college and careers? In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Christine L. Robinson ( on this timely topic. If you are a millennial, a Gen Z student, or someone who supports them, she provides her insights to help you achieve your full potential.
ADHD: Decluttering and Sharing Moments
Feb 27, 2019, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and clutter often go hand in hand. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper (, has an anonymous interview with an ADHD individual who is in a relationship with someone who gets overwhelmed by clutter. They discuss how she was able to remove clutter, come to understand who she is as a person of feeling and nostalgia, and realize the promise of sharing moments due to her insight! If you have ADHD, struggle with clutter, are looking for inspiration or hope, this is a lived experience that you need to hear.
ADHD and Decision Strategies
Wed, Feb 20, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many of those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder struggle to make decisions. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( is joined by Greg, a long-time listener of Attention Talk Radio. They discuss some of the challenges those with ADHD face and offer different strategies and mindsets to use to help in making decisions in general and particularly those that are difficult. If you have ADHD and struggle with decisions, this is the show you won't want to miss. |
Did Oskar Schindler of the Holocaust have ADHD?
Wed, Feb 13, 2019, 4:00 PM
Stories and emotions move us all, especially those with ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Kevin Roberts ( around his research and thoughts about Oskar Schindler, the Holocaust, and the story through the lens of ADHD. If you need inspiration or hope or are just curious, join us as we look into the possibility of a success story rooted in ADHD.. |
ADHD: Make Peace with Your Chaos
Wed, Feb 6, 2019, 4:00 PM
Those with ADHD often work better when they have everything laid out in front of them. To them, it’s organized chaos, perhaps even a sign of genius! But to others, it’s just chaos. If you are one of those who need to see everything at the same time in order to remain engaged, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve lost control. So, take heart. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Sandy Maynard ( with tips and a mindset that may help boost your productivity without driving the neatniks crazy.. |
ADHD Neurotransmitters: Those Involved and Their Roles
Wed, Jan 30, 2019, 2011, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a biological condition rooted and targeted by medication to help those with ADHD perform. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with Linda Roggli ( who discusses the neurotransmitters at play and explains her way of remembering them and the role they each play. If you are curious about the ADHD condition and want to understand what is at issue, then be sure to listen to this insightful show. |
ADHD and Mindfulness: Thought Leaders' Thoughts
Wed, Jan 23, 2019, 4:00 PM ET
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and mindfulness…. Do mindfulness practices help those with ADHD? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and Caroline Maguire ( share the responses and thoughts of 20 thought leaders on the power of ADHD and mindfulness. If you are a believe or are on the fence, listen in and gain valuable insight from those in the know. |
ADHD and the Value of a Gap Year
Wed, Jan 16, 2019, 4:00 PM
Many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder graduate from high school and need a break to recover from the trauma of getting through and graduating or have executive functions that have not matured to the point where they are ready for college. For those who fit this bill, a gap year may be in order. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Marie Paxson on the topic. If your ADHD junior or senior looks like they may not be ready to take the step into college, tune into this insightful show. |
ADHD: The Role Emotions Play in Decluttering
Wed, Jan 9, 2019, 4:00 PM
Clutter can be overwhelming to the ADHD brain, and it can be overwhelming trying to declutter. What is a person to do? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD professional organizer Cris Sgrott ( around the challenges of decluttering and the invisible role emotions play as an obstacle to getting rid of things to live in peace. If you are a borderline hoarder, are overwhelmed with clutter, or just can’t seem to get rid of things, tune in and gain insight on what you may not realize that is getting in your way. |
ADHD and Expectations - Part 2: Their Impact
Wed, Jan 2, 2019, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a challenging condition. Expectations make it more difficult for those with the condition to work their way through society. In this Part 2 of our series ( ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Ari Tuckman ( on ADHD and expectations. In Part 1, they talked about the nature of expectations. In this Part 2, they discuss the impact of expectations, pressure, and the ability of those who have ADHD to thrive. If you are impacted by or support someone with ADHD, this is an important show to set up the right mindset to work with and support those with this condition in a more effective way. |
ADHD and Expectations - Part 1: Their Nature
Wed, Dec 26, 2018, 4:00 PM
Expectations abound! Since attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is invisible and intangible, society often has the same expectations for those with and without ADHD. In this first of a two-part series, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has a frank discussion with Dr. Ari Tuckman ( around the nature of expectations, the importance of understanding them, and adjusting your mindset in order to work with and support those with ADHD in a much more effective way. If you have or are impacted by ADHD, this is an important show with foundational learning and is a helpful prerequisite for part two of the series ( |
ADHD: Weight Loss, Holidays, and the New Year
Wed, Dec 19, 2018, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder isn’t so much a deficit of attention but rather a self-regulation issue. Given the holidays are upon us and New Year’s resolutions will be top of mind at the end of the month, it is a perfect time to think about self-regulation around food. In this episode, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Roberto Olivardia around lifestyle, weight, and dieting. If you want to manage the holidays and not let them manage you, listen to this insightful interview. |
ADHD: Solutions and Strategies versus Mindset
Wed, Dec 12, 2018, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are constantly searching for the trick, the solution, the strategy. A strategy or a solution directs your attention based on a presumed mindset. What if the way your mind is set up to think (mindset) has you paying attention to the wrong thing? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Ari Tuckman ( on the fundamental differences between solutions or strategies and how your mind is set up to think. They also talk about the nature of a shifted mindset and the process to enable that to happen that will direct you to new obvious solutions. If you are drowning in a sea of ADHD strategies, this show provides insights to help you address ADHD behavior more thoughtfully and effectively. Tune in to learn the differences and understand when one way might be used over another. |
ADHD: A Mindful Poetic Break for the Holiday
Wed, Dec 5, 2018, 4:00 PM
The holidays can be a stressful time of year for those with ADHD. Selfcare is an important part of managing ADHD and stress in general. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we are taking a break from our traditional programming to share with you the readings of several poems from Wilma Fellman’s The Other Me: Poetic Thoughts on ADD for Adults, Kids, and Parents. Take a moment and give yourself some time to reflect and tune into this show as our gift to you for a holiday break. |
ADHD: Fact, Fiction, and True Stories of Study Strategies
Wed, Nov 28, 2018, 4:00 PM
In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Daniel Pertschuk, a long-time listener of Attention Talk Radio. In the interview Dr. Pertschuk shares some not-so-obvious study strategies that were successful in his obtaining graduate and doctoral degrees in the hope of inspiring you to study YOUR way, not THE way. Together, they share facts, mixed with some fiction, manifesting in a novel based on a true ADHD story. If you want to learn and be entertained, don’t miss this insightful show. |
ADHD: A First Responder's Lived Experience
Wed, Nov 21, 2018, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder seem to be drawn to exciting jobs. While there's no specific research supporting this, it is hypothesized by many professionals that there's a disproportionate number of people with ADHD and jobs as first responders. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, our host, Jeff Copper (, interviews John Doe around his experience as a law enforcement officer. In the interview, they talk about how ADHD manifests positively and negatively in this career. If you have ADHD and are attracted to a career as a first responder, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
Part 7 ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Media Sensationalism
Wed, Nov 14, 2018, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder stimulant medications are often controversial, and questions abound. Awareness and education are key. That is why attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( is releasing this multipart series dedicated to ADHD stimulant awareness. Today we interview Dr. Ann Abramowitz and Dr. Theresa L. Maitland on “ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Media Sensationalism” as Part 7. We have no doubt you will find these shows enlightening. |
Part 6 ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Medication Diversion
Wed, Nov 7, 2018, 4:00 PM
ADHD stimulant medications are often controversial, and questions abound. Awareness and education are key. That is why attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( is releasing this multipart series dedicated to ADHD stimulant awareness. Today we interview an anonymous guest to discuss his real-life experience on “ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Medication Diversion” as Part 6. We have no doubt you will find these shows enlightening. |
Part 5 ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Are They Addictive?
Wed, Oct 31, 2018, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder stimulant medications are often controversial, and questions abound. Awareness and education are key. That is why attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( is releasing this multipart series dedicated to ADHD stimulant awareness. Today we interview Anthony L. Rostain, M.D. on “ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Are They Addictive?” as Part 5. We have no doubt you will find these shows enlightening. |
Part 4 ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Long-Term Effects
Wed, Oct 24, 2018, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder stimulant medications are often controversial, and questions abound. Awareness and education are key. That is why attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( is releasing this multipart series dedicated to ADHD stimulant awareness. Today we interview Rick Green of Totally ADD on “ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Long-Term Effects” as Part 4. We have no doubt you will find these shows enlightening. |
Part 3 ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Dosing
Wed, Oct 17, 2018, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder stimulant medications are often controversial, and questions abound. Awareness and education are key. That is why attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( is releasing this multipart series dedicated to ADHD stimulant awareness. Today we interview Dr. David Pomeroy., on “ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Dosing” as Part 3. We have no doubt you will find these shows enlightening. |
Part 2 ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Shortages
Wed, Oct 10, 2018, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder stimulant medications are often controversial, and questions abound. Awareness and education are key. That is why attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( is releasing this multipart series dedicated to ADHD stimulant awareness. Today we interview Ruth Hughes, former CEO of Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) (, on “ADHD Stimulant Awareness: Shortages” as Part 2. We have no doubt you will find each of these shows enlightening. |
Part 1 - ADHD Stimulant Awareness: The Basics
Wed, Oct 3, 2018, 4:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder stimulant medications are often controversial, and questions abound. Awareness and education are key. That is why attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( is releasing this multipart series dedicated to ADHD stimulant awareness. Today we interview Dr. John I. Bailey, Jr., on “ADHD Stimulant Awareness: The Basics” as Part 1. We have no doubt you will find each of these shows to be enlightening. |
The 2018 ADHD Super Conference
Wed, Sept 26, 2018, 4:00 PM
Did you get the memo? Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA), and the ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO) have unified to host the 2018 International Conference on ADHD in St. Louis, Missouri, November 7 to 11. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews conference co-chair, Dr. Ari Tuckman ( around what to expect at this year's conference and shares excerpts from keynote speakers like LeDerick Horne, Eduardo Briceno, “How to ADD” Jessica McCabe, and Dr. Russell Barkley. If you're in the ADHD community, get inspired and informed about this year's gathering. |
ADHD and Self-Motivation
Wed, Sept 19, 2018, 4:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have executive functioning challenges, about which we've spent a lot of time talking about self-regulation and working memory. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Dr. Russell Barkley ( joins us for a lively discussion with ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( around the notion of self-motivation. If you've listened to our interviews with Dr. Barkley in the past, this promises to be enlightening, informative, and something you should put on your calendar. |
The Reality of Down-Regulating ADHD Emotions – Part 3
Wed, Sept 12, 2018, 4:00 PM
Those with ADHD know what to do, but the challenge is in executing what they know to do. In this third interview of a three-part series on ADHD and emotions, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares an excerpt of an interview done years ago with Stacey in a moment when she was witnessing the challenges of self-regulation. Master Certified Coach David Giwerc (, founder of ADD Coach Academy, joins Jeff to discuss the fundamental process used to help individuals manage emotions. They pull from past interviews with Roger Dewitt, Autumn Zitani of Sesame Street, and Melissa Orlov to illustrate the consistent pattern or process found to be effective. They acknowledge how hard emotional self-regulation is for those with ADHD as a means of respect so as not to minimize the need or the challenges, but at the same time to give hope!
NOTE: This is Part 3 in a three-part series. Part 1 can be found at and Part 2 at |
ADHD: Theoretical Regulation of Emotion - Part 2
Wed, Sept 5, 2018, 4:00 PM
ADHD is a challenge of self-regulation. Both attention and emotions need to be regulated. In this Part 2 of a three part series on emotional self-regulation, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares excerpts of an interview done with Dr. Russell Barkley regarding the theoretical steps or hierarchy in the down-regulation of emotions. Master Certified Coach David Giwerc (, founder of ADD Coach Academy joins Jeff and discusses Dr. Barkley’s theoretical steps and how the coaching model identifies with his steps and hint at how the ADHD coaching process helps those with ADHD execute the steps in a practical way.
NOTE: This is Part 2 in a three-part series. Part 1 can be found at and Part 3 at |
ADHD: What Is Emotion? Part 1
Wed, Aug 29, 2018, 4:00 PM
Dr. Russell Barkley advocates how ADHD is a challenge of self-regulation. Attention and emotion both need to be regulated. At Attention Talk Radio we have created a three-part series on ADHD and Emotions. In Part 1, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( plays an excerpt of a previous interview with Dr. Russell Barkley where he defines what an emotion is. Master Certified Coach David Giwerc (, founder of ADD Coach Academy, joins Jeff in discussing Dr. Barkley’s definition and shares their views of Dr. Barkley as a thought leader. Part 2 builds on the concept of ADHD and emotional self-regulation by looking at the theoretical steps necessary to manage emotions. Part 3 covers how ADHD coaching helps those with ADHD manage emotions within Dr. Barkley’s construct. NOTE: This is Part 1 in a three-part series. Part 2 can be found at and Part 3 at |
ADHD Coaching Intervention: Its Impact on Students
Wed, Aug 22, 2018, 4:00 PM
ADHD coaching is a promising intervention for attention deficit disorder and can truly have an impact on students. Join us as ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Neil Peterson (;, a thought leader and pioneer in the paradigm of bringing ADHD coaches to the student body one coach at a time and en masse. If you are a parent, educator, mental health professional or even a mentor or coach, listen as Neil shares what he has seen and the transformation in the world of academia and the ADHD community. |
ADHD: Insights Around Disclosing Your ADHD
Wed, Aug 15, 2018, 4:00 PM
You’ve got attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and you’re thinking about disclosing it. Should you? Are there other strategies to accomplish the same outcome? ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Ari Tuckman ( on the concept of to tell or not to tell. If you recognize the seriousness and implications of your actions to disclose and need insights to make the right decision, tune in. We guarantee to open your mind and better prepare you to make the decision. |
ADHD Career Insights: The Trades
Wed, Aug 8, 2018, 8:00 PM
Got ADHD? Let's look at the facts. ADHD dropout rates are higher for those who attend college. Of those who finish, it takes longer, and most students struggle getting through college and in careers later in life. Most of them overlook the opportunities the trades present. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Jen Phillips ( and Julia Frost ( on the viability of those with ADHD thriving in the trades. They'll look at the learning environment, the economic shortage, and rising income levels. If you are a high school student or a parent of one that worries about the future, this show will be amazingly enlightening. |
Repairing ADHD Parent-Teen Relationships
Wed, Aug 1, 2018, 8:00 PM
In a family impacted by ADHD, the dynamics can be quite stressful. As time wears on, relationships can be strained, and sometimes damaged. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has an open discussion with parent coach Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( about addressing challenged relationships and offers core insights to focus on over time that can slowly make adjustments in that relationship. If you love your kids but get stressed out or find yourself angry or resentful, this is a show that you won't want to miss. |
ADHD Coaches and Corporate America: Let's Team Up!
Wed, July 25, 2018, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder costs the U.S. economy from $143 billion to $266 billion a year, most of which is attributable to adults, not children. In the past, corporate America could do little to impact the cost. But today, there is a new paradigm and the most promising intervention in years. Join ADHD coach and host, Jeff Copper (, as he talks with Dr. Tamara Rosier (, President of the ADHD Coaches Organization, about the unique merits of ADHD coaching as an intervention and how employers can use it to their advantage. If you are in the ADHD community, tune in to get insights and an education to help advocate for more corporate help for the benefit of those with ADHD. |
ADHD and Decision-Making: What a Challenge!
Wed, July 18, 2018, 8:00 PM
Many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder struggle with making decisions. In this episode, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( looks at the anatomy of a decision, so to speak, to illuminate decisions in different contexts. He relates them back to working memory challenges which can be problematic for those with ADHD. Jeff shares conceptual strategies to inspire listeners to think about the challenges of making decisions in a more purposeful way. If you procrastinate on decisions, listen and learn more about the anatomy of decisions and brainstorm with Jeff to find ways to thoughtfully manage the process. |
ADHD and Expectations: A Non-ADHD Spouse Lived Experience
Tues, July 10, 2018, 8:00 PM
When you think about it, it really comes down to expectations. For those impacted by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, lots of anxiety and friction can be wasted on unrealistic expectations. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( will replay excerpts from prior interviews, sharing how a non-expectation mindset as an ADHD spouse can move you past the obstacles and give you a realistic strategy to live a fulfilling life with your ADHD partner. If you struggle supporting those with ADHD or are impacted by them, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD in College: Let's Admit the Launch Pad is Broken
Wed, July 4, 2018, 8:00 PM
Call ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( crazy, but does anyone else see the carnage and fallout from the glass wall ADHD teens slam into on their 18th birthday? What's more, is Jeff the only one who is dumbfounded listening to others advocate solutions for a systematically flawed system to launch ADHD teens into college? Can't anyone else see the insanity of it all? In this episode, Jeff shares excerpts from his interviews with Neil Peterson, founder of the Edge Foundation, and Theresa Maitland, ADHD/LD specialist at UNC Chapel Hill, as well as Dr. Timothy Willens, Dr. Russell Barkley, and Dr. Clifford Sussman, as he puts a spotlight on what's broken. If you're part of the ADHD community, please listen to this show so we can begin an honest discussion in a grassroots effort to channel our energy into building a better mouse trap rather than fighting a broken system. If you're mad as hell and don't want to take it anymore, this is a show that's meant for you. |
ADHD: Lessons Learned from Theater and Athletics
Wed, June 27, 2018, 8:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can benefit by witnessing and thinking about what they're thinking. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( will interview Master ADHD coach and professional actor Roger Dewitt ( In the interview, the two reveal the similarities of the thinking process used by actors and athletes that can be of significant benefit for those with ADHD. If you struggle and are looking for a mindset and a methodology to move you forward, don’t miss this show. |
ADHD: A Mind Shift Experience Shared by Jeremy
Wed, June 13, 2018, 8:00 PM
The “Eureka!” The “I get it.” The aha is the holy grail of problem solving. The aha isn't a strategy, system, or tool, but rather simply a shifting of the way you pay attention to things. Often, the aha comes from looking at something in a very foreign way. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Jeremy G. Schneider (, a marriage and family therapist, who shares his experience shifting his mindset in order to better parent his kids and himself, and achieve the relationship of his dreams. If you're looking for an example of how others have changed their perspective in a productive way, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
ADHD and Working Memory: Your GPS for Life
Wed, June 6, 2018, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder negatively impacts executive functioning. We have interviewed thought leader Dr. Russell Barkley ( in years past on how ADHD is a challenge of self-regulation. We learned how emotions, which need to be self-regulated, are as much a part of ADHD as attention. In this interview, Dr. Barkley returns to discuss working memory and how it is impacted by ADHD. Join attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( as Dr. Barkley shares his expert insight on the topic. Based on our prior experience, this interview will no doubt become one of our most talked about shows. |
Status of an Objective ADHD Diagnostic Test
Wed, May 30, 2018, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is diagnosed subjectively, which is imprecise, leads to misdiagnosis, and many other problems. The industry has longed for a definitive test to diagnose the condition on a black-and-white basis. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Kenneth Blum on some new technology that could identify those who are at high risk of having ADHD and other addictive-type conditions based on an individual’s genes. While the test isn’t definitive, it is an exciting step towards identification and treatment. If you are in the ADHD community, tune in and keep current as we bring the future to today. |
ADHD Behavior: Therapy, Modification, or Awareness
Wed, May 23, 2018, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be very challenging. Many focus on behavior to be more productive or to conform with society’s expectations, and often behavior modification is helpful in forming good, healthful habits. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has an open discussion with Dr. Ari Tuckman ( around behavior, self-imposed behavioral changes, external modifications, and just using awareness of behavior. The focus of the conversation is to discern the difference and understand when one way might be used over another. Then they both share insights to help you address ADHD behavior more thoughtfully and effectively. Tune in and learn more. |
ADHD Tips: The Relationship Between Worry and Anxiety
Wed, May 16, 2018, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be stressful, create a lot of anxiety, and lead to worry. In this episode of Attention talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline ( around the differences between worry and anxiety. They talk about awareness and strategies you can use to manage both. If you have ADHD, you likely have anxiety, as well. If this speaks to you, then listen to this interview for insights to reduce your anxiety and worry. |
ADHD and Personality Disorders
Wed, May 9, 2018, 8:00 PM
More often than not, ADHD is accompanied by other conditions or disorders. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Roberto Olivardia. Dr. Olivardia discusses the various personality disorders, issues associated with recognizing and diagnosing personality disorders with ADHD, how ADHD can be a risk factor for personality disorders, and how ADHD and personality disorders manifest, as well as insights on treatment. If an ADHD diagnosis alone doesn’t seem to explain things for you or someone close, we encourage you to listen to this interview as Dr. Olivardia is one of our favorite guests to interview on such topics. |
ADHD: What’s Obvious About Being Productive?
Wed, May 2, 2018, 8:00 PM
Can people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder be productive? If so, how? What does it look like? What should a person with ADHD pay attention to in order to be most productive? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews productivity coach Lynne Edris ( If you have ADHD and need insights on productivity/ listen to what promises to be a spirited conversation! |
ADHD: The Art of Coaching and Self-Observation
Wed, Apr 25, 2018, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder congers up visions of disorganization, impulsivity, distractibility, and inconsistency. To the rest of the world, what’s obvious is that those with ADHD need to be fixed. In this episode ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares the notion that those with ADHD are actually very organized, have systems, and, in a way, very efficient. For this show, Jeff dug up some archive clips of Dr. David Nowell about strategic behavioral inquiry and the concept of how exactly did you do that. Then Jeff shares real coaching stories with specific examples of how he helped those with ADHD witness their recipes in life that flawlessly worked for them. This may be one of our most valuable shows because we illuminate reality and success stories of inspiration to give you hope. If you struggle with attention, listen to this show. |
ADHD and Autism Spectrum: Can They Co-Occur?
Wed, Apr 18, 2018, 8:00 PM
Historically, persons who had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were not able to also have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. As of the DSM-5, the conditions have been defined such that a person can have a dual diagnosis. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Meghan R. Miller ( on this new dynamic that the conditions could co-occur. They address some of the complexities of it and discuss how researchers are really trying to hone in to figure it out. If you got a diagnosis that just can’t be explained by ADHD or autism and you have a hunch that something else is there, you’ll find their conversation fascinating. |
ADHD Relationships: Love Languages
Wed, Apr 11, 2018, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is very much a self-regulation issue, making it challenging to regulate attention and emotion. Both are a central part of any strong relationship. In this episode of Attention talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD marriage consultant Melissa Orlov ( on ADHD, the five love languages and the challenges associated with attending to what fulfills another’s emotions... in this case, the love tank. If you long for a relationship to thrive, listen in to our show. |
ADHD and Control: Is It about Controlling or Performing?
Wed, April 4, 2018, 8:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder need structure, systems, and routines. When such is in place, they can thrive. In this episode, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and Dr. Kirsten Milliken ( talk about the value of systems and control, and they discuss issues around their inflexibility, almost controlling nature to insist on doing things certain ways so they can perform. If you are a person with ADHD or are a high functioning person with ADHD and often find others calling you controlling, tune in to our open discussion around the two-edged sword that is ADHD systems. |
ADHD Parents: Addressing the Fixer Mindset
Wed, Mar 28, 2018, 8:00 PM
Children who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have some of the most dedicated parents on the planet. Unfortunately, most of those parents instinctively have a “fix-it” mindset,” which unfortunately is often counterproductive. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Rebecca Fleetwood Hession (, a productivity consultant, around her challenges and insight on moving out of the fixer mindset and into the not-wrong-just-different approach that has proven amazingly successful for so many. If you are a parent or spouse of someone with ADHD and you are looking for answers to help, then join us for what will be a very insightful show. |
ADHD: Feedback and Perspective
Wed, Mar 21, 2018, 8:00 PM
Those with ADHD struggle with self-regulation and working memory. They also struggle with social clues. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( has an open conversation with ADHD parent coach Caroline Maguire ( about putting things in context using feedback, perception, and the need to PAUSE and put things into perspective. If you have ADHD and are struggling, listen to the discussion. You’ll find it helpful and insightful.. |
ADHD, Memory, Metacognition: What Is Your Recipe?
Wed, Mar 14, 2018, 8:00 PM
Those with ADHD often describe themselves as disorganized, unmotivated, and forgetful. The fact of the matter is that they are more organized, motivated, and remember more than they give themselves credit for. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( digs into our archives, taking clips from interviews with Dr. David Nowell ( on witnessing what you do right and how exactly you do what you do. Then Jeff talks about the power of this model as a coaching tool with insights and examples. Tune in to learn more about this compelling concept. |
ADHD and the Role of Hope
Wed, March 7, 2018, 8:00 PM
Is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder just something you have to accept, or is there hope? If you have ADHD, what role does hope play for you in moving forward? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Ned Hallowell ( around hope. Dr. Hallowell, a leading authority in the field of ADHD, talks about why he advocates the use of hope for those who are impacted by ADHD. If you are down on your diagnosis, listen in and gain insight on the power of hope! |
ADHD Stimulants: Their History and the Basics
Wed, Feb 28, 2018, 8:00 PM
Stimulants have been used to treat ADHD effectively for eighty years and, thus far, as research suggests, can have the highest impact on helping those with ADHD move forward in life. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. John I. Bailey, Jr., around how stimulants were discovered, by accident, to help those with ADHD focus. He discusses the history of stimulant medications and a simple, articulated difference in various drugs and their effects. If you are curious about ADHD and stimulant medications, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
ADHD: Insights on Success
Wed, Feb 21, 2018, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( joins forces with Dr. Kirsten Milliken, host of Your ADHD Life ( They have an open discussion and talk about lived experience of strategies to defeat bullying, as well as structures, routines, and getting help to perform and produce desired outcomes. They talk about the joy but also the pressure of expectation to perform when others are blind to the process but yet are fixated on outcome. The two will also talk about coping with high expectations that result from success. “If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, get the proper diagnosis and treatment. Then you can live a fulfilling life” is a well-articulated quote from Dr. Ned Hallowell. If you have ADHD or are a fan of Attention Talk Radio or your ADHD life, don’t miss this interview. |
ADHD and Intimacy: A Valentine Special
Wed, Feb 14, 2018, 8:00 PM
The bedroom is not an ADHD-free zone. In this Valentine’s Day ADHD special episode, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares memorable clips of interviews past with author Gina Pera ( to share insight, reality, and tips for those with ADHD on this celebrated day of intimacy, Valentine’s Day. If you are in an ADHD relationship and sense that you could use some awareness and insight on the ADHD sex and intimacy dynamic, this is a show for you. |
ADHD: Parents, Teens, Trust and Emotional Regulation
Wed, Feb 7, 2018, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder creates an interesting dynamic, especially between parents and teens or young adults. At its core it is often an element of trust or distrust that creates either cooperation or conflict. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews ADHD parent coach Cindy Goldrich ( in an open conversation on this dynamic, as well as observations, insights, confronting challenges, and insight on how best to move forward. If you are impacted by an ADHD teen or young adult, we hope you are motivated to listen to this enlightening discussion. |
ADHD Support: Down-Regulating ADHD Emotions of Others
Wed, Jan 31, 2018, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a challenge of self-regulation. Attention and emotions both need to be self-regulated. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Doug Noll ( on very science-based, proven methodologies for those impacted by ADHD to help them down-regulate and process emotions when necessary. If you've got someone close to you with ADHD who is struggling, you'll want to master Doug’s technique that starts by listening to this podcast. |
ADHD and In-School Suspension Room Innovations
Wed, Jan 24, 2018, 8:00 PM
Kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder want to be understood but often don’t understand themselves. As parents, we know we should love them and accept them, but that isn’t always the perception. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, your host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline ( around loving ADHD kids. Specifically, we talk about the roles expectations and disappointments play in loving your children and offer tips on how to communicate with your kids in a loving way to convey you understand them. If you’re looking to connect with your ADHD kids, join us on our insightful conversation. |
ADHD and In-School Suspension Room Innovations
Wed, Jan 17, 2018, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not so much a deficit of attention but rather a self-regulation issue as we have learned from interviewing Dr. Russell Barkley. Both attention and emotions must be regulated. In this episode, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Melissa Malen on the concept of remodeling suspension rooms where kids with ADHD can go to down-regulate after their behavior problems. The rooms use exercise, yoga, and meditation as a means to help these students focus and be present in the now. If you are a parent, teacher, or coach, this insightful interview is sure to give you something to think about. |
ADHD: Handling Rough Stuff: What to Do When Nothing Works
Wed, Jan 10, 2018, 8:00 PM
ADHD theory is great, but real life doesn’t always comply. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview veteran ADHD parent Marie Paxson around handling the rough stuff. Host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks with Marie on real life stories, examples, and insights from Marie’s own experiences and of those whom she has observed. You’ll hear remnants of the frustration and anxiety from the trenches that will give you hope. If any of this speaks to you, listen to our interview. |
ADHD Eating Strategies to Manage Weight
Wed, Jan 3, 2018, 8:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder struggle with self-regulation. For that reason, it is no surprises that a disproportionate number of those with ADHD are overweight or obese. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and ADHD coach Jeff copper ( interviews Dr. Roberto Olivardia. In the interview Dr. Olivardia shares tips, strategies, and specific mindfulness exercises he has used with others and for himself. If you or someone you know has or is impacted with ADHD and has weight issues, we encourage you to listen to Dr. Olivardia’s insights. |
ADHD and Women: What a Palooza!
Wed, Dec 27, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition that manifests differently in men and women. Linda Roggli ( is a pioneer in bringing ADHD women’s issues to the forefront. Join ADHD coach Jeff Copper for a fast-paced interview with Linda as they talk about how her experience as an ADHD coach and her own personal challenges with ADHD led her to co-create the ADHD Women’s Palooza, a personal and intriguing session for ADHD women of all ages (and those who love them!). |
ADHD Stimulants: Medication Diversion in the Real World
Wed, Dec 20, 2017, 8:00 PM
ADHD stimulant medications are classified as a Class/Schedule II drug. Sharing a Class/Schedule II drug is a felony. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews an anonymous guest who was accused of sharing ADHD meds, was handcuffed, arrested, and embroiled in the legal system for 18 brutal months to regain his life before finally getting back on track. This show is what all ADHD students should hear before being launched into college. |
ADHD: The Research on Procrastination
Wed, Dec 13, 2017, 8:00 PM
Yes, there are people who research procrastination. Can you believe it? They even gather every other year and have a conference on the topic! Last summer, ADHD advocate Dr. Kim Kensington ( went to the conference so you didn’t have to. In this interview host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks to Dr. Kensington about the conference, what she learned, and what she thinks the experts can learn from the ADHD community. You’ll marvel over the notion that others are chronic procrastinators. Could this be true? Or is it just those with ADHD who don’t want to acknowledge it or get a diagnosis. Listen to our interview. You’ll gain insight, be amazed at the neurotypicals, and be entertained by ADHD procrastination expert and comedian Dr. Kim Kensington |
Is There Such a Thing as Adult Onset ADHD?
Wed, Dec 6, 2017, 8:00 PM
Can you catch attention deficit hyperactivity disorder later in life? Is there such a thing as adult onset ADHD? Is there such a thing as menopause onset of ADHD? Do children with ADHD grow out of it? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Dr. Thomas E. Brown ( discusses the condition and the notion of growing out of or into ADHD over the lifecycle. If you are impacted by ADHD, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
ADHD, Kids, the Holidays, and Emotional Self-Regulation
Wed, Nov 30, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the holidays, take cover! In this episode ADHD coach Jeff copper ( shares an interview with Autumn Zitani of Sesame Street around self-regulation and emotional self-regulation in the context of the holidays. Jeff points out some very real challenges that ADHD kids present at this time of year to help you, the parent, become aware and give you the mindset and strategies Sesame Street uses to help preschool children self-regulate. If you have ADHD kids and are anxious with the holidays approaching, don’t miss this show. |
ADHD and Passion: The Quest to be Noticed
Wed, Nov 22, 2017, 8:00 PM
Many of those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder constantly seek to be noticed by others. Many don't realize it is actually their passion. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Anna Dutko ( around the insight gained as she began to notice the power of using attention as a motivator and how to channel it and accept it is a tool to profoundly manage her life. If you have ADHD and are drawn to others, listen to our interview as you will hear some unexpected insights. |
Success Factors in Helping ADHD Relationships
Wed, Nov 15, 2017, 8:00 PM
Like other couples, those in ADHD relationships struggle. Often, help is important to get things on track. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD marriage consultant Melissa Orlov ( around key success factors that enable ADHD couples to get the most out of relationship help. Want to get help to work toward a healthy relationship? If so, you’ll find this interview very helpful. |
ADHD: Attending to the Who, Not the What
Wed, Nov 8, 2017, 8:00 PM
Society and those with ADHD have been brainwashed to focus on the "what,” as in: What do you want to major in? What do you want to be when you grow up? Often, the "what" becomes the measuring stick to judge "who" you are. Many become condescending and self-critical when “who” they are is not aligned with “what” they think they're supposed to be. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews MCC coach David Giwerc ( as they deconstruct things to attend to understanding "who" you are so that you can reveal “what” you were born to be. If you are unhappy or self-critical, this is a show you shouldn't miss. |
The Value of Dating Yourself
Wed, Nov 1, 2017, 8:00 PM
Many with ADHD can benefit and learn to manage themselves by paying attention to what they pay attention to. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Anna Dutko (, who did just that. After a breakup, Anna found herself bored on the dating scene. After some self-reflection when asked what she wanted to do, she realized she was the boring part when her response was, “I don't know.” This inspired her to go on 30 dates with herself to find out what she liked to do when the only person involved was her. Listen to our interview with Anna and gain insight on the value of the experience and ponder what the same might do for you. It was very transformational for her and helped her find her way to learn more about herself and what she wants in life. |
ADHD Stimulant Medications: Hard-to-Find Information
Wed, Oct 25, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder stimulant medications have been demonized for decades. Questions abound and answers are often hard to find, like: Are stimulant medication shortages just a ploy for the big pharmaceutical companies to up the price? Are stimulants and abused drugs addictive? What are the long-term effects of taking stimulants? More importantly, what are the long-term effects of not taking them? If you take stimulants, will you become a zombie? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( shares where to get hard-to-find answers to these important questions and more. If you are longing to understand what most don’t about stimulants, tune in to this interview. |
The ADHD Lizard Brain: Preyed Upon by All
Wed, Oct 18, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) isn’t a deficit of attention but rather a self-regulation issue. It challenges those with ADHD because they must effortfully engage the executive functioning brain to override the automatic brain, the primitive brain, the “lizard brain” as marketers call it. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Alan Brown, advertising executive with ADHD and the founder of ADD Crusher ( and CrusherTV ( They discuss ADHD and how your lizard brain falls prey, hunted by politicians, the media, and corporate America and how each exploits your self-regulation challenges for their own self-interests, including how they hijack your amygdala and control your decisions in a programmed way, selling you what doesn’t work and then selling it to you again and again and again. Most importantly, they share brain hacks and attention exercises to reclaim control and tame your lizard brain. If you often get buyer’s remorse, make decisions impulsively, or wonder how you get into such messes, this is the show that could change your future. |
An ADHD Gathering Like No Other
Wed, Oct 11, 2017, 8:00 PM
Did you get the memo? The ADHD tribe is gathering for the Annual International Conference on ADHD ( in Atlanta from November 9-12. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews conference chair, Dr. Ari Tuckman (, around what to expect at this year's conference with excerpts from key conference speakers like Dr. Russell Barkley, Dr. Georgina Peacock of the CDC, Dr. Adam Gazzaley from USC, and Dr. Kim Kensington who share tips and insights on what you can expect. If you're in the ADHD community, listen to this show for inspiration and information on this year's gathering. |
ADHD and Dating: Finding a Match
Wed, Oct 4, 2017, 8:00 PM
If you have ADHD and you are dating, life is stressful. The question is, if you yearn for a long-term relationship, what's a good match? What should you look for? What are the challenges? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview ADHD marriage consultant Melissa Orlov ( who shares her insight around things that those with ADHD should know before they get into serious relationships. If you have ADHD and want the stability of a long-term partnership, this is the show that will promote your thinking process and help you make better decisions. |
ADHD: Character Strengths and Who You Are
Wed, Sep 27, 2017, 8:00 PM
What should you do if you have ADHD? The answer is often revealed by understanding who you are. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Master Certified Ccoach David Giwerc ( Jeff identifies what he attends to when he's coaching people to help them understand who they are and what they are all about. David talks about how he uses character strengths to help individuals do the same. Then they compare their different approaches to understand the contrast between the way Jeff and David think based on “who” they are and use that to explain what careers have worked for them in the past and how they're very different. If you are curious about “who” you are, you'll want to tune in. |
ADHD and Mindsets: Most Don't Get It
Wed, Sep 20, 2017, 8:00 PM
Shifting your mindset is a common denominator of those who have successfully managed their ADHD or others who have successfully supported them. If that is true, then why do so many people say they get it, but yet, no progress is made. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and ADHD parent coach Caroline Maguire ( discuss and deconstruct mindsets, mind shifts, and share examples of how people think they get it when they don’t. In their conversation they illuminate that the mind shift is not a one-time deal. It happens over time as one has to disprove the old way of thinking and find evidence to prove the new mindset in order for them to adopt it. If you are struggling with ADHD and have not found what works, this is a show that might help you shift the way you pay attention to things. |
ADHD and Observation: Basic Truths
Wed, Sep 13, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be very confusing and even more confusing if you're attending to the wrong things. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( talks about basic observations and basic truths with ADHD parent coach Caroline Maguire ( Together, they illuminate things observed that most miss and obstruct progress of the ADHD crowd. If you realize what you're attending to isn't impacting your ADHD struggles, listen to this interview. |
ADHD: Characteristics of a Strength
Wed, Sep 6, 2017, 8:00 PM
Identifying what those with ADHD are good at can be challenging; why? Attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( thinks it's because most are paying attention to strengths in an oversimplified way. Many strengths are not easily recognizable and most cannot be labeled. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD parent coach Caroline Maguire ( discusses the characteristics of a strength with Jeff in hopes he will gain clarity on how to identify them. |
Coaching Those Desperate for ADHD Solutions
Wed, Aug 30, 2017, 8:00 PM
Coaching can be difficult to understand. Often those with ADHD are desperate for answers. They're looking to be pointed in the direction of solutions in a simple fashion. In the end, it doesn't work that way. Simple and desperate are just concepts that don't work together. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, our guest Dr. Kirsten Milliken (, amazingly articulates some of the challenges of understanding ADHD and why it works, but we also hear her experience and the power of it. If you're on the fence with regard to ADHD coaching and want to gain some insight from an individual who is in the trenches and confused, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
Magnets, Self-Regulation, and ADHD: What a Metaphor
Wed, Aug 23, 2017, 8:00 PM
ADHD can easily be thought of as a magnet. It's either attracted to something or repels something. In this context, we begin to understand the challenges of self-regulation. The magnet is a magnet; you can't change its forces. How do you work with it? ADHD is ADHD; you can’t change the biology. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Caroline Maguire ( and Jeff Copper ( discuss using magnets as a metaphor to observe ADHD behavior and transition to just how one can use the concept of a magnet to work with it and not against it. |
ADHD: The Job Search and Procrastination
Wed, August 16, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder plus ambiguity equals stuck… and stuck equals procrastination… especially in the quest of casting yourself in a career or a job. Think about it. What do you want to be when you grow up? What are you good at? What job should you look for? How do you find the right job? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper has an open discussion with Michelle Raz (, premier ADHD coach, around the challenges of getting past the ambiguity and procrastination for those with ADHD to get a job. Michelle brings some particularly enlightening expertise through working with college students. If you are looking to move forward in life, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
ADHD and Screen Addiction: Treatment
Wed, Aug 9, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a challenge of self-regulation, meaning that the challenge of sometimes engaging attention and other times unengaging attention, much like an addiction or an addict's need to walk away. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Clifford Sussman ( on the treatment and challenges of working with those who have ADHD and screen addiction issues. If this speaks to you, this show promises to be very insightful to help you be self-aware and attack the problem head on. |
ADHD and Screen Addiction: The Hard Part
Wed, Aug 2, 2017, 8:00 PM
This edition of Attention Talk Radio is a follow-up to part one in a series related to ADHD and screen addiction. In the first episode, we talked about the biology that places those with ADHD at higher risk for screen addiction. In this edition, we talk with Dr. Clifford Sussman ( about the issues that arise when you combine the challenges of ADHD, self-regulation, puberty, and the ever-growing requirements to interact with the world digitally. If the topic speaks to you, you will want to listen in to create self-awareness and understand the very real challenges at present in dealing with this challenge. |
ADHD and Screen Addiction: The Biology and Issues
Wed, July 26, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a challenge of self-regulation, meaning that the challenge of sometimes engaging attention and other times unengaging attention, much like an addiction or an addict's need to walk away. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Clifford Sussman ( on the treatment and challenges of working with those who have ADHD and screen addiction issues. If this speaks to you, this show promises to be very insightful to help you be self-aware and attack the problem head on. |
Communicating with ADHD Teens and Adolescents
Wed, July 19, 2017, 8:00 PM
Is it that ADHD teens shut down and won’t communicate — or that they can’t communicate? Experts often share strategies for teens that shut down, but what do you do about those who just can’t communicate? Those who can’t organize their thoughts to articulate their message or their intent? Communication requires executive functioning, which is impaired by ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper has a roundtable discussion with ADHD parent coach Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( and Dr. Ari Tuckman ( on a topic that few experts will address. They share their experiences, thoughts, and insights as a means to attend to a real obstacle that is often simply ignored. Elaine and Ari are two of our favorite guests and thought leaders. This show is sure to help you think through meeting ADHD teens where they are. |
ADHD: What’s Obvious about Productivity Solutions
Tues, July 11, 2017, 8:00 PM
When it comes to ADHD, the top three productivity strategies recommended by the gurus don't always work. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews ADHD productivity expert Linda Walker ( They share their insights around why the common productivity solutions don't work for those with ADHD. In the end, they point out the obvious and share their insights on where to look for what might work for you. If you are reading the organizational self-help books and finding they're not helping, this is a show you will find illuminating with insights you need to know. |
ADHD: When Passion is Lost
Wed, July 5, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder athletes, dancers, pilots, coders, artists, etc., can be passionate, dedicated, all-in, and focused. But what if their passion evaporates? What about a passion inhibiting injury? Or a bureaucratic barrier? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Michele Toner ( They talk about their experiences working with those ADHD individuals whose passion has died, or been denied. They discuss the challenges and issues, what to expect, and how to move forward. If this speaks to you, don't miss this interview. |
ADHD Treatments and Non Stimulant Alternatives Being Tested
Wed, June 28, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most studied and researched mental health condition. More is being learned every day, and many innovative new treatments and interventions are now being tested. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Andrew Cutler of Meridian Research ( around some of the very different clinical trials, from digital gaming to genetic testing and repurposing nicotine. The best part about our guest is that Dr. Cutler actually does the clinical studies as an unbiased independent tester. While these and other treatments have not been officially approved, the conversation will certainly be enlightening. |
ADHD: Exactly What Is a Strength?
Tues, June 20, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is diagnosed based on appearance. There's a dog's breakfast of symptoms that people judge in order to apply the label. Often it's very confusing. Same goes with a strength. What is a strength? Is it a gift, a talent, a skill? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper talks with Michelle Raz ( to put a strength into a context everyone can understand. Together, they discuss the elements of a strength and what to look for and they reveal how to cast yourself. If you're struggling with the ambiguity of definitions of things like strengths, talents, and gifts, this is a show that must be on your calendar, so be prepared to take notes. |
ADHD, Satisfaction, Expectation, and Experience
Wed, June 14, 2017, 8:00 PM
Dr. Ari Tuckman ( is an expert in the field of ADHD. In recent interviews, he's talked about the notion of satisfaction as a function of an individual’s experience relative to their expectations. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host ADHD coach Jeff Copper pulls up a stool and is schooled in Dr. Tuckman's theories around working to help those with ADHD understand satisfaction, expectation, and experience to help them move forward and manage their emotions. If you are as much a fan of Dr. Tuckman as we are, be sure to catch this show. |
An Alternative Mousetrap to Launch an ADHD Teen to College
Wed, June 7, 2017, 8:00 PM
Traditionally parents teach life skills and shepherd their kids along through high school. Off to college they go and we try to connect them with Disability Services. More often than not, this is ineffective. Most kids don't want to need help. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Daniel Koffler, Executive Director of New Frontiers in Learning ( In our interview, we discuss an alternative strategy of using an academic and life skills coach to launch your teen into college in a more integrated and seamless way. If you are looking for effective ways to set your teen up for success, make sure you put this show on your calendar. |
ADHD and Concussion
Wed, May 31, 2017, 8:00 PM
Are those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder more prone to concussions? Is a concussion more impairing for those with ADHD? Find out more as host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. David A. Baron, professor of psychiatry and neurosurgery at Keck Medical School of USC. The interview promises to be insightful not only for ADHD athletes, but also for coaches, parents, and others connected to the ADHD community. |
ADHD Wears Bifocals, Too!
Wed, May 24, 2017, 8:00 PM
Do you grow out of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Not! In this interview ADHD coach Jeff Copper Interviews ADHD coach Linda Roggli ( around current research on hormones, cognition, and aging. Linda distinguishes the difference between A-D-H-D and A-G-E. If this has aroused your curiosity, be sure to listen to what promises to be an insightful show. |
Physician's Challenges in Treating ADHD
Wed, May 17, 2017, 8:00 PM
It is well known among the ADHD community that a good physician is difficult to find who can diagnose and treat those with ADHD. The fact of the matter is, specializing in this area is very challenging. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we talk with Dr. Joel Young ( around the realities and challenges of working with the ADHD crowd in both diagnosing ADHD and prescribing medication. If you want to know what it is like to deal with the other side, listen in as this will be a very insightful show. |
ADHD and the Value of Daily Attention Exercises
Wed, May 10, 2017, 8:00 PM
If athletes, musicians, and students use exercises to practice, to make a habit, to develop skills to perform, why shouldn’t those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder engage in exercises to practice self-regulation skills to help them perform and attain a more positive attitude? In this episode attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews one of his favorite guests, Dr. David Nowell (, on what they both have learned about attention, the notion of daily attention exercises, and their experiences using attention exercise to help individuals observe attention and build self-regulation skills. This is a great topic, a great guest, and promises to be an insightful show. |
The Impact of Perfume and Petroleum on ADHD
Wed, May 3, 2017, 8:00 PM
What we know about ADHD is that it is an executive functioning issue, which is a challenge of self-regulation. Add puberty and hormonal changes to the mix and the dynamic gets very complex. The ability to concentrate, focus, and self-regulate gets more difficult. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we talk with Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( about the real difficulties, intricacies, and challenges, as well as the art of parenting a child with ADHD through puberty. If you are about ready to pull out your hair, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and Minding Your Manners
Wed, Apr 26, 2017, 8:00 PM
Research is revealing how ADHD is more of a self-regulation issue and not so much a deficit of attention. If that is true, is the process of learning to mind your manners actually a form of attention exercises designed to help kids develop self-regulation skills? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Ari Tuckman ( about the byproduct of holding a chair for a woman to sit, minding your elders, waiting to eat until everyone at the table is seated, and waiting your turn, all as behavioral and attention exercises that help those with ADHD build self-regulation skills. If our show title speaks to you, then your values are aligned and this is a show you won't want to miss. |
Point/Counterpoint: Let Those with ADHD Fail or Protect Them
Wed, Apr 19, 2017, 8:00 PM
Let them fail or shield them from failure? That is the question. Failure is a key component in the learning process in the classroom and at the school of hard knocks, and failure can be brutal to self-esteem. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we debate failure in a point/counterpoint discussion with Dr. Kirsten Milliken (, as a means to share insight on the upside and downside of failure as a tool to help you manage failure. If you have ADHD, are a significant other to someone with ADHD, or are a parent of a child with ADHD, this is a show you’ll want to hear! |
ADHD and Mental Clutter: Organizing Your Mind
Wed, Apr 12, 2017, 8:00 PM
When it comes to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Attention Talk Radio is all about paying attention to what is and is not being paid attention to. In this episode we pay attention to organization. What is obvious for most is that those with ADHD struggle with organization, and their strategies center around external tools. What few individuals pay attention to is how they process things differently and the impact of mental clutter or mental disorganization on their external organizational systems. With us for the interview is Leslie Josel (, academic life coach. If you struggle with ADHD and getting organized, I can promise you this is an interview you won’t want to miss. |
The Trick of Going to Sleep for Those with ADHD
Tue, Apr 4, 2017, 8:00 PM
When it comes to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, going to sleep is a challenge for many, and the theories in books focus on sleep hygiene. There are very methodical answers that really make a lot of sense on paper but often don't help those with ADHD. As an ADHD coach, Jeff Copper has learned that the most difficult part of those with ADHD going to sleep is actually getting to bed, because they're interested in something else and they don't want to be bored. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper and Caroline Maguire ( talk about attention exercises to address the hard part, the falling asleep part. If you struggle with sleep, they share some great insights and tips that might help. |
You Are Not ADHD; You Have ADHD: Down-Regulating Emotions
Wed, Mar 29, 2017, 8:00 PM
Diseases can be cured, but a condition is more of a state of being, like being female, a certain height, left-handed, athletic, or smart. All these are genetic traits. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper and Caroline Maguire ( discuss ADHD as a genetic trait as a means of looking at ADHD as an objective thing, to know ADHD has nothing to do with your heart, your soul, or your intent. It doesn't define you If you get caught up in negative emotions around this diagnosis, this show will help you down-regulate and manage your emotions. |
Life Skills for ADHD Teenagers and Young Adults Wed, Mar 22, 2017, 8:00 PM
ADHD teenagers need executive function skills to succeed in college and beyond. And parents know that a lack of basic life skills get ADHD young adults in trouble. But how do you get ADHD teenagers to build executive function skills? How do you move ADHD kids off the couch and into fending for themselves? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire interviews Kathy Kuhl ( about how to build life skills in ADHD teenagers and young adults. If you have an ADHD teenager or young adult with ADHD, don’t miss this show. |
How to Understand Those with ADHD
Tues, Mar 14, 2017, 7:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an invisible condition and very much misunderstood. Few with ADHD feel like anyone gets them. ADHD coach Jeff Copper has learned that, if you understand those with ADHD and get who they are, it's easy to find solutions or systems that work. The key to it all is to have an open mind and the ability to actively listen. In this interview, Jeff talks to Lorena Olvera ( and improv expert Dan Stabb (, who will demonstrate listening and the power of active listening using improv training and mindsets. If ADHD is fuzzy to you, or if you have a loved one with ADHD, drop what you're doing and listen to this insightful show. |
ADHD, Allergies, Allergy Medicines, and Medication Interaction
Wed, Mar 8, 2017, 8:00 PM
Like the normal population, those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can suffer with allergies. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper and Dr. Charles Parker explore the impact of allergies on ADHD, medications to help the allergies, and interactions between allergy medicines and ADHD stimulant medications. If you have allergies and ADHD, this is a show you won't want to miss. You might be surprised at the negative impact allergies can have on the day-to-day lives of those with ADHD. For more information about Dr. Parker, visit or |
ADHD: Paying Attention to Attention and Attitude
Wed, Mar 1, 2017, 8:00 PM
According to Dr. Lidia Zylowska, ( mindfulness practice is very beneficial and includes two parts. The first is focused on attention, and the second is attitude based. It is about opening the mind. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Zylowska on the topic and more specifically discerns the difference between attention and attitude and how to mindfully manage both. If you have ADHD, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
Self-Regulation and Money: A Cloak of ADHD Invisibility
Wed, Feb 22, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is very much an issue of self-regulation. It manifests in challenges with attention, emotions, and finance. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( interviews ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( regarding the challenges of digital money and self-regulation. They talk about the negative impact the Internet is having, making it more difficult for those who self-regulate, and offer tips to move forward. If you have ADHD and struggle with money, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: An Obstacle to Finding ADHD Help
Wed, Feb 15, 2017, 8:00 PM
When it comes to getting help for ADHD, it is more difficult simply because it requires a level of self-regulation to override the urge for those with ADHD to buy what they want and not to focus on what they need. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper and his guest Dr. Kirsten Milliken ( talk about some of the fundamental issues and problems around getting help in this world, given corporate America's ability to prey on the more reptilian, impulsive brain. If you've been trying to get help and are stuck, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: When a Professional Can't Help
Wed, Feb 8, 2017, 8:00 PM
Here is the thing, a mental health professional or ADHD coach cannot help you if you are not engaged or are just going through the motions. Is it a lack of interest, lack of motivation, lack of attention, lack of priorities, lack of effort? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper and Dr. Ari Tuckman ( have a frank conversation about helping those with ADHD. They address the very real fact that at a most basic level it all begins with the individual. If you are trying to sponsor somebody with ADHD to get help, or if you’ve seen lots of professionals but have not made any progress, this is the show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and Perfectionism: Point, Counterpoint
Tues, Jan 31, 2017, 8:00 PM
Many of those with ADHD are accused of being perfectionists. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach and host Jeff Copper ( along with co-host Carolyn Maguire ( take an in-depth look at perfectionism and ADHD and then discuss different perspectives around individuals who never seem to finish anything. If you struggle with finishing or often sabotage yourself, this is a show you don't want to miss.. |
ADHD, Working Memory, and Dopamine: There is a Connection
Wed, Jan 25, 2017, 8:00 PM
Does an increased level of dopamine help those with ADHD with their working memory and long-term memory? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Kenneth Blum, who coined the term reward deficiency syndrome, and talk about the positive impact and the correlation among dopamine, working memory, and long-term memory. If you have memory problems, or if you are diagnosed with ADHD, this is a show you would not want to miss. |
ADHD: Searching for Disability Services to Find a College
Wed, Jan 18, 2017, 8:00 PM
Picture this, the ADHD high school junior begins to search for a college. Schools are researched and filtered down to a small list. Visits are made, decisions are narrowed, and then possibly a look at disability services. What if that were reversed? Students look at the disability services offered at a variety of colleges in the country, and then after filtering down, they look at the college. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio host ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Romaney Berson ( about the impact of finding a college by making disability services more on par with the college hunt instead of as an afterthought. If you had the Aha! that it is time to figure out the future for your ADHD high school student, this is a show you can’t miss. |
ADHD Motivation Tip: Salt the Hay
Wed, January 11, 2017, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an issue of self-regulation, and motivation is a key component. That said, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews John Willson ( about strategies to stimulate motivation. He will share some unique perspectives, insights, and strategies you can use to salt the hay, if you will, to make the horse thirsty enough to drink. If you exist in the ADHD world and motivation is on your radar screen, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
Hearing Your ADHD Child’s Truth
Wed, Jan 4, 2017, 8:00 PM
ADHD parents: Newsflash! If you have kids with ADHD, your truth is actually NOT your child’s truth, and until you tap into what is true for them, you are living in fantasy land. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Penny Williams ( about the concept that every child with ADHD has a truth, that truth is real, and you are not going to change that truth. The more you listen to that truth and work with it, the better off you’ll be in the long run. If you are parenting a child or teenager with ADHD, you will not want to miss this show. |
The ADHD Gift? Not! What to be Grateful For
Wed, Dec 28, 2016, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is no gift and certainly nothing one would wrap up as a present. Still, those with ADHD can live very fulfilling lives and there is much one can be grateful for. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, join host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper (, along with Dr. Kirsten Milliken (, and Caroline Maguire (, as they discuss gratefulness, its role in life, and how it can help those with ADHD. They also discuss what they are grateful for about ADHD. If you have ADHD, are feeling down, need inspiration or hope, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
ADHD: What Is Motivation?
Wed, Dec 21, 2016, 8:00 PM
Got attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Have you been told you’re not motivated? Have you ever done anything you weren't motivated to do? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper and Dr. Ari Tuckman ( talk about motivation, attention, arousal, distractions, and more. The two will put motivation in a context you can understand, manage, and deal with emotionally. If you have questions about motivation, feel you're not motivated, or are looking for a way to motivate yourself? This is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD Non-Stimulant Medications
Wed, Dec 14, 2016, 8:00 PM
For many of those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, stimulants are not effective in the treatment of ADHD. For those open minded to medications, there are non-stimulant alternatives. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Terry Dickson ( about the different alternatives to stimulants, their side effects, impact, and dosing so you can make an informed decision. If you are open to taking medications and want to stay away from stimulants, or if they just don't work for you, don’t miss this show |
ADHD and Emotional Regulation: Levels of Strategies
Wed, Dec 7, 2016, 11:00 AM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have difficulties with self-regulation of both attention and emotion. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Ari Tuckman ( who talks about emotional self-regulation, its complexities, the different levels of strategies, and stories of hope. If you have ADHD and are struggling with emotions, or if you are looking to understand what it's all about as a means to get past it, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and DSM-5: Symptoms and How They Manifest
Wed, Nov 30, 2016, 8:00 PM
The Diagnostic Statistics Manual (DSM) is the official guide for diagnosing those with ADHD. The DSM-5 identifies various symptoms in combination that would lead to a diagnosis of attention deficient hyperactivity disorder. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Dr. Kirsten Milliken ( reviews the current symptoms, quantifies them, and talks about how they play out and manifest in everyday life. If you’re interested in understanding the diagnostic criteria, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
Which Version of ADHD Do You Have?
Wed, Nov 23, 2016, 8:00 PM
When it comes to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, does everyone have the same version? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( digs back into the archives with clips and references to past interviews, illuminating the variability of ADHD symptoms and the danger of a one-size-fits-all approach to the diagnosis, structure, and solutions. If you struggle with adopting the obvious solution, listen to this show to gain insight as to why and find an approach to move forward. |
ADHD: How to Protect Yourself from Verbal Abusers
Wed, Nov 16, 2016, 8:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are often targets of very negative, hurtful comments. When attacked, they experience an amygdala hijack and fall into fight, flight, or freeze, which can trigger hours of rumination. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper and guest Barbara Luther ( share personal experiences and how they managed to deal with verbal abusers in a healthy way. If you get attacked or are often the brunt of negative comments, this is a show you can't miss. |
ADHD Kids: Using Art to Manage Emotional Self-Regulation
Wed, Nov 9, 2016, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is more about self-regulation than it is about a deficit of attention. Attention and emotion both are things that need to be regulated. For many kids with ADHD, emotional self-regulation is more challenging. They seem to be unable to cope or ready to explode on a daily basis. Parents want to help their child with ADHD learn to control emotions and boost self-esteem, but they often wonder how to help their child. What if art could help the child learn to manage his emotions when he is a firecracker about to explode? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( interviews Holly Oberacker and Tracey Bromley Goodwin, partners in Navigating ADHD (, about using art as a means to help kids down-regulate their emotions and channel their frustrations. If your child struggles with emotional self-regulation this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
ADHD Accommodations in College: Insights and Tips
Wed, Nov 2, 2016, 8:00 PM
The Americans with Disabilities Act, which calls for accommodations and support for those with physical and invisible disabilities, and the increasing number of students needing accommodations are changing the landscape of accommodations offered in college for the better. Nonetheless, it takes time, money, and effort to obtain the accommodations that will best work for you. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Romaney Berson ( who has learned from the school of hard knocks the ins and outs of navigating the system. She shares her insights and tips on how to navigate the system and give your student the best chance of receiving the proper accommodations to set them up for success. If you have an ADHD student in high school or early college, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD, CHADD, Advocating, Section 504: A Clarifying Definition
Wed, Oct 26, 2016, 8:00 PM
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) ( is the largest nonprofit organization that advocates on behalf of those with ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, CHADD’s Public Policy Committee co-chair Dr. Jeffrey Katz ( and board member Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( talk about what CHADD is advocating for on your behalf, the recent “Dear Colleague” letter issued by the Office of Civil Rights related to accommodations for students with ADHD, and the promise of hope for those who could benefit from a Section 504 plan. If you want to understand who is advocating for you or understand the impact of the clarifying language of the Office of Civil Rights, this is a show you won’t want to miss! |
ADHD, Dopamine and Self-Medicating Behavior, a Conversation
Wed, Oct 19, 2016, 8:00 PM
Those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are often involved in behavior that is referred to as self-medicating. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Kenneth Blum who coined the phrase “rewards deficit syndrome.” We have a generalized discussion about ADHD, dopamine, and self-medicating behaviors. If you are impacted by ADHD and are curious why those with ADHD are more prone to abuse or impulsivity, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
ADHD, Social Media, and the Ability to Self-Regulate
Wed, Oct 12, 2016, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder isn’t a deficit of attention but rather a self-regulation issue. Attention, emotions, and bodily movement are all things one must self-regulate but are not always an easy task for those with ADHD. In this episode, we interview Dr. David Nowell ( on emotional self-regulation, the brain’s automatic response in the face of a threat, the impact of that threat on those with ADHD, and the challenges of overriding the automatic response. If you’ve got ADHD, struggle with emotions or anger, or find yourself paralyzed, you won’t want to miss this insightful interview. |
ADHD-Friendly Classrooms: Clever Ideas Sequel
Thurs, Sept 29, 2016, 8:00 PM
ADHD kids are entitled to accommodations. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper and ADHD parent coach Caroline Maguire ( follow up in a sequel to “Clever ideas to Make Classes ADHD Friendly.” They share simple but clever ideas on how to make a school classroom more ADHD friendly. If you are a parent of an ADHD child or a teacher, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
Clever Ideas to Make Classes ADHD Friendly
Tues, Sept 20, 2016, 8:00 PM
ADHD kids are entitled to accommodations. Sounds good on paper. In reality it isn’t always executed. Teachers and school systems are distracted and often lack the creativity to find simple solutions that work. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( reveals what teachers think about how to get accommodations into the classroom. Caroline speaks with teachers all over the world to find out how to get putty for your kid to play with and Velcro under their seat. If you are trying to get your ADHD kid simple accommodations, don’t miss this show. |
ADHD Tools to Solve Social Problems
Wed, Sept 14, 2016, 8:00 PM
Helping ADHD kids with social skills issues is complicated. What If every social issue for an ADHD person is only that it is just a social skills problem to be solved? No matter what the issue is… from an ADHD teenager who is struggling to fit in to a child who can't self-regulate with his peers or a child who is overly upset compared to the size of the problem… what if the answer is social problem solving? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( interviews social skills expert Beckham Linton, SLP (, about how to teach social problem solving to any ADHD child or teen. If your child struggles socially, don’t miss the social problem solving equation. |
ADHD Parents and Brainstorming, a Powerful Tool
Tues, Sept 6, 2016, 8:00 PM
Those with ADHD are neuro-atypical and thus the traditional solutions don't necessarily work. In order to find atypical solutions, often a parent needs to brainstorm. All too often this is done the wrong way and, over a period of time, with negative results and parents don't use this valuable tool. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( and ADHD parent coach Caroline Maguire ( talk about the power of brainstorming, how to do it, what to look for, how to avoid the pitfalls, and how to use it to find solutions that are not so obvious. If the obvious solutions in the self-help section of the bookstore aren't working, this is a show you can't miss. |
ADHD and Teen Driving: What a Parent Should Know
Wed, Aug 31, 2016, 8:00 PM
When it comes to Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and teen driving, the statistics are clear. Those with ADHD are at a much higher risk to get a traffic ticket or be in an accident. While we know there's an increased risk, what's a parent to do? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we'll interview Ann Shanahan and Gayle Sweeney around what the Edge Foundation ( is doing to educate drivers and instructors to teach and inform teens with ADHD how to drive safer. In our interview, we'll discuss key things that parents can do both with regard to vehicle purchases and driver's education that will help increase your probabilities of keeping your teen safe at home. If you're a parent with an ADHD teen about to drive or are driving, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD Exercises to Teach Social Skills
Thurs, Aug 25, 2016, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder kids often struggle with social skills. The question is how do we help kids develop awareness and the skills to adapt to the crowd. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Caroline Maguire ( and Jeff Copper ( share fundamental attention exercises to help ADHD kids learn, adapt, and progress on this challenging topic. If your child struggles with social skills, this is the show you don't want to miss. |
Registering for College Classes with ADHD
Wed, Aug 17, 2016, 8:00 PM
Success for those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is often determined by very small things, but the big things make a big difference. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Romaney Berson ( who shares ahas, tips, and insights every college student with ADHD should know before college registration. Her insight will surprise you and it is rarely shared by the so-called professionals. If you have ADHD and are headed to or returning to college, or are a parent of an ADHD college student, this is a show you won’t want to miss.. |
Ned Hallowell: What is Going on in the ADHD Community
Wed, Aug 10, 2016, 8:00 PM
ADHD coaching is not just for individuals anymore. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Edward Hallowell ( and talk about how ADHD coaching has evolved to coaching the family. Dr. Hallowell wrote Driven to Distraction and created the first mention in print of ADHD coaching. We talk about the early days of coaching and what it looks like today. If you are a parent managing ADHD, you will not want to miss this show. |
ADHD Stimulant Sharing in College: Oops!
Wed, Aug 3, 2016, 8:00 PM
Got an ADHD adolescent or young adult off to college? Do they take stimulant medications? Should they be careful about who they share their diagnosis with and that they are taking stimulants? You bet they should. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview the mother of an ADHD adolescent who survived the ordeal of his life after making what seemed like a simple disclosure. If you have an ADHD teen who takes stimulants and is already in or going off to college, this is a show you can’t miss. |
Launching ADHD College Kids Completely Differently
Wed, July 27, 2016, 7:00 PM
A lot is written on launching kids with ADHD into college successfully. Much of it centers around the need for organization, time management, and executive functioning. What's obvious is that, if it's something they could easily do, they would have done it already. What’s more, many kids at this age don't want to seek help. Host ADHD and attention coach, Jeff Copper (, and co-host Caroline Maguire ( discuss a different way of launching ADHD kids into college intended to change their frame of reference in a way that is different from traditional efforts so they may be more motivated and actually seek help. In simplistic terms, it's focusing conversations on what it's going to be like to move back in with their parents for the rest of their lives. The goal of this show isn't necessarily to solve the problem, but to help you think differently and show how you can work with your ADHD teens to motivate them to move forward. |
ADHD Kids: Struggling with Social Cues and Clues
Wed, July 20, 2016, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder impacts executive functioning and presents challenges for many with ADHD, especially children. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio we interview Caroline Maguire (, author of the book “Why Will No One Play with Me?” In the interview she talks about what she means by social issues, how they manifest, and what the key executive functioning skills are that need to be worked on to help improve things and create more positive experiences. If you have ADHD or are a parent of an ADHD child and struggle with social cues or social clues, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
Coaching ADHD Kids Using Bigby and Magic Tricks
Wed, Jul 13, 2016, 8:00 PM
Coaching ADHD kids with different brain wiring requires creativity. Everyone talks about it, but nobody ever demonstrates it so that you understand what it looks like. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Caroline McGuire ( and Diane McLean ( share stories of how to use the house's best friend, the dog, and magic tricks to help kids learn how to manage distraction and self-regulate. If you've got ADHD kids and are looking for fun ways to coach them, you won't want to miss this show. |
ADHD and Dyslexia: Coexisting Conditions and Their Impact
Wed, Jul 6, 2016, 8:00 PM
Got ADHD? There’s a 50-60% chance you’ve got a learning disability! In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Roberto Olivardia, an expert on coexisting conditions and ADHD. Our topic? ADHD and dyslexia, having both conditions, their treatment and impact on each other. If you struggle to read, you don’t want to miss this show. |
The Argument for and Against Changing the ADHD Label
Wed, Jun 29, 2016, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit disorder! It is so negative. The words, “deficit” and “disorder,” take us to a negative place from the get-go. What would it be like if we could change the label? What about something more positive or politically correct? On the other hand, are we stuck with the name? In this episode, host ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( and guest host Caroline Maguire ( talk about the pros and cons of changing the label and insight around how it is what it is. If you are frustrated or curious by the ADD or ADHD label, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
Helping ADHD Kids Put on Their Future Glasses to Get Things Done
Wed, Jun 22, 2016, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and bipolar disorder… can you have both? Are they easy to distinguish? How do you treat the disorders individually? And what if you have both? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Roberto Olivardia to answer these questions and many more. If you are impacted by either condition, you’ll find this interview to be very insightful. |
The Diagnostic Confusion around ADHD and Bipolar Disorder
Wed, Jun 15, 2016, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and bipolar disorder… can you have both? Are they easy to distinguish? How do you treat the disorders individually? And what if you have both? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Roberto Olivardia to answer these questions and many more. If you are impacted by either condition, you’ll find this interview to be very insightful. |
ADHD at Age 7: Your Child Can Learn from Lucy
Wed, Jun 8, 2016, 8:00 PM
Kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder say the darnedest things. Or is it that ADHD kids have such great insight? In this episode, we interview Lucy, not quite eight years old, around her insights, experiences, and strategies as a post-toddler, pre-tween on ADHD. If you are a parent of a pre-tween or a parent who thinks your ADHD child can benefit from hearing this ADHD seven-year-old, this show needs to be on your list of must-listen shows! |
ADHD Treatment Gone Right: Coaching and Psychology
Wed, Jun 1, 2016, 8:00 PM
Treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is about getting a proper diagnosis and making an educated decision around taking medications. If you choose to take medications, you then have the process of determining which drug in what dose at what time would be the most effective. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper will have an open conversation with Dr. David Teplin ( around how psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and ADHD coaches can work together to help those impacted by ADHD. If you believe your ADHD treatment team could be more effective, this is a show you don’t want to miss. |
ADHD, Masturbation, Its Value, and the Research
Wed, May 25, 2016, 8:00 PM
At Attention Talk Radio, we like to help people with ADHD pay attention to what they are paying attention to, and our favorite guest on today’s topic is Dr. Ari Tuckman ( In this episode we focus on sex, intimacy, and masturbation in the context of attention. As we’ve learned from Dr. Tuckman, some of the treatment for folks with low libido involves mindfulness, or attention training, to notice those passing sexual thoughts, feelings, desires, or fantasies and then amplify them. This obviously ties in to masturbation. Sex involves shifting attention as well, because we shift from attending to our partner's pleasure to shifting back to our own physical sensations and mental fantasies. In the context of attention, masturbation is simpler because you don't need to attend to another person and can focus on your own physical and fantasy experience. If this is true and done with intention, can sex and masturbation be used as a mindfulness exercise to help those with ADHD regulate attention? Join us for this episode and learn more. |
Could S.M.A.R.T Goals Obstruct Those with ADHD?
Wed, May 18, 2016, 8:00 PM
Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely make up SMART goals. Countless motivational speakers preach them. Question is, are they the very things that inhibit those with ADHD from moving forward? Does focus on outcome blind you to the process to achieve goals? Should those with ADHD focus on outcome and figure out the process to get there, or focus on the process and use it as a compass to get to the outcome? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper banters with ADHD parenting coach Caroline Maguire ( on this fascinating topic. If you have read the books, gone to the webinars, gotten all jacked up, gone home, and failed to execute, this is the show that will be at the top of your list. |
You Know You Have ADHD When...
Wed, May 11, 2016, 8:00 PM
Comedian Jeff Foxworthy has popularized the phrase, “You may be a redneck if….” He then adds a peculiar behavior or trait poking fun at what it means to be a redneck. As we've learned from comedian Rick Green, you can't laugh and cry at the same time. Often, humor is used as a shield, and research tells us that laughter is healthy in healing. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( and have fun with our own angle, “You know you have ADHD when….” If you have ADHD and want to have a laugh, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
What Parents of ADHD Kids Don’t Get
Wed, May 4, 2016, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder coaches Jeff Copper ( and Caroline Maguire ( get countless calls from parents looking for a coach for their child, teen, adolescent, or young adult. What they don’t get is that oftentimes it isn’t just the child, teen, adolescent, or young adult that needs coaching, but it is the parent. In this episode Jeff and Caroline discuss this dynamic, how it plays out, and why in many cases parents need coaching, as well. If what you are doing to help your child isn’t working, mark your calendar and listen to this show. |
The Impact of Securing the Right Job for Those with ADHD
Wed, Apr 27, 2016, 8:00 PM
Being cast in the right career is everything for those with ADHD. It can transform your life. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Tony who transformed his life by stepping out of the shadows of the traditional job at a Fortune 500 company and into a role he was meant to play. If you’re a loyal listener, you know host Jeff Copper will illuminate with specificity how Tony discovered what works, the answer to challenges of shifting his paradigm to take the risk, and the positive impact made in many other aspects of his life just by casting himself correctly. If you are stuck in a job that is keeping you down, want a picture of what could happen, or just long or hope for changes, then you don’t want to miss this show. |
ADHD, Sex, Intimacy, and Play - Oh, Boy!
Wed, Apr 20, 2016, 8:00 PM
Got attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? We’ve got a show for you! We’ve done interviews on the impact of ADHD on sex and intimacy; we’ve done shows on the value of play for those with ADHD; now, we are really going to play! That is, play around with the impact of play on sex and intimacy for those with ADHD with your clothes both on and off! We’re playing around with two of our favorite quests, Dr. Ari Tuckman ( and Dr. Kirsten Milliken ( We’re talking about how sex can be an area of play for adults and how being playful with your clothes on makes it easier to have more playful intimacy. We’re also talking about the importance of balancing workloads between partners so there is time and desire to play sexually and allow play to ignite dopamine and put their neurochemicals on a level playing field with each other. If you’ve got ADHD and like to play, this show speaks for itself. |
Boredom in Parenting Is as Hard as It Gets
Wed, Apr 13, 2016, 8:00 PM
Are you a parent of an ADHD child? Do you have ADHD? Do you beat yourself up for being a bad parent, not playing with your kid, pacifying them with electronics? It's possible the elephant in the room is boredom, and you’re not alone. Many adults with ADHD struggle to play with their kids, particularly if it's not stimulating. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Caroline Maguire (, an ADHD mom with ADHD kids, and talk about that experience of boredom and how you’re not actually a bad parent. If this speaks to you, you have to tune into the show. |
ADHD Mindfulness in a Minute
Wed, Apr 6, 2016, 8:00 PM
Does mindfulness sound great but feel impossible to implement? Are you struggling to turn mindfulness into a habit without it becoming another alarm on your phone you ignore? On this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( interviews expert Casey Dixon ( on how to transform mindfulness from just another “should” into something that happens every day, even at a stop light. Casey Dixon helps present how mindfulness can be a doable activity that can take just one minute during the course of a day. If you’re struggling with mindfulness, be sure to tune in and listen to this interview. |
Dialing in ADHD Stimulant Medications
Wed, Mar 30, 2016, 8:00 PM
Got attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Ever consider taking medications as part of your treatment plan? Have you ever taken them but they didn’t seem to work? Side effects were more than you can handle? Felt like a zombie? When it comes to prescribing ADHD medications, it's not like “take two aspirin and call me in the morning.” There is an art to getting the right drug in the right dose for the right duration. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. David Pomeroy ( and discuss specifically how he goes about working with individuals diagnosed with ADHD to find medications that work for them and minimize side effects that don’t produce that zombie-like feeling. If you are open to taking meds, then get an education around how to do it right. You won’t want to miss this show. |
ADHD and Bipolar Disorder: Treatment When You Have Both
Wed, Mar 23, 2016, 8:00 PM
Many with bipolar disorder also have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In this episode, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD and bipolar expert Dr. Roberto Olivardia on the intricacies of treatment when an individual has both conditions. If you are diagnosed with both or are impacted by someone who is, you won’t want to miss this interview. |
ADHD and Sex: What We Are Learning
Wed, Mar 16, 2016, 8:00 PM
Little is known about the impact of ADHD on sex and intimacy. In March of 2015 we interviewed Dr. Ari Tuckman ( who was embarking on a survey to learn more about the topic. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Tuckman once again to discuss the expected and unexpected findings of his research. If you have ADHD and like to be intimate, be sure to catch this interview. |
ADHD Kids and Bullying: What’s a Parent to Do?
Wed, Mar 9, 2016, 8:00 PM
Often ADHD kids are the targets for bullying, especially at school. Parents get so frustrated and turn to schools for help. The question is can they or do they? Can they help on overt bullying? How about covert bullying? If they can’t, what’s a parent to do? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( interviews ADHD and play expert Kirsten Milliken ( on bullying, what parents can do, and how play and other social games can help parents help their ADHD kids. You don’t want to miss this insightful show. |
Finally, They Are Going to Police Section 504 Plans?
Wed, Mar 2, 2016, 8:00 PM
In days of old, Section 504 plans were not as effective as they were intended, because they were not policed well. That has all changed! In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( interviews expert Dr. Jeffrey Katz ( about how things are changing, which brings hope that Section 504 plans will be more powerful! If you are a parent of an ADHD child in school who needs help, don’t miss this interview. |
ADHD: Permission to Play
Wed, Feb 24, 2016, 8:00 PM
Play is one of the most fundamental developmental tools to help children develop and mature into successful adults. It's also instrumental for those with ADHD to help develop skills that mediate managing, organizing, and activating. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Kirsten Milliken (, author of PlayDHD: Permission to Play…A Prescription for Adults With ADHD. |
ADHD Behavior and Values: What to Do When They Conflict
Wed, Feb 10, 2016, 8:00 PM
ADHD behavior manifests in many ways and is often in conflict with the values of a non-ADHD person. Values are at the core of who a person is. The question is what do you do in a relationship when ADHD behavior and your values are in conflict. In this episode, host Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD expert Elaine Taylor Klaus ( on these challenges and offers up tips to help those troubled by this dilemma. If the title of this episode and its description speak to you, then you won’t want to miss this interview. |
ADHD & Neurofeedback: In Theory How Does This Work?
Wed, Feb 17, 2016, 8:00 PM
Many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are interested in alternative treatment plans that don’t involve medications. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach and show host, Jeff Copper, interviews Dr. William A. Lambos ( to get an understanding of what neurofeedback is and the theory around how it works. They will put it into a context with other alternative treatments, so if you are interested in learning more about possible non-medication treatments for ADHD, you’ll find this show very insightful. |
ADHD Behavior & Values: What to Do When They Conflict
Wed, Feb 10, 2016, 8:00 PM
ADHD behavior manifests in many ways and is often in conflict with the values of a non-ADHD person. Values are at the core of who a person is. The question is what do you do in a relationship when ADHD behavior and your values are in conflict. In this episode, host Jeff Copper ( interviews ADHD expert Elaine Taylor Klaus ( on these challenges and offers up tips to help those troubled by this dilemma. If the title of this episode and its description speak to you, then you won’t want to miss this interview. |
ADHD Lies and Rationalizations: The Art of Self-Sabotage
Wed, Feb 3, 2016, 8:00 PM
Those with ADHD are good at the art of self-sabotage. They have mastered the ability to tell themselves stories and to rationalize, which gets in the way of self-regulation. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( interviews expert Dr. Ari Tuckman ( to gain insight on his perspective on this phenomena and how it inhibits forward progress. He gives ideas on what those with ADHD can do to reverse this trend and learn to self-regulate. If you find you are self-sabotaging, you won’t want to miss this show. |
ADHD Medication: Straight Answers to Big Questions
Wed, Jan 27, 2016, 8:00 PM
Rick Green and Jeff Copper, an ADHD and attention coach, agree. They don’t want you to have to take ADHD medications. But if you are like most other adults with ADHD, not taking meds and or doing the research on the pros and cons, there is a good chance you’re suffering needlessly from ignorance.
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Rick Green of Totally ADD ( around the making of his biggest project to date – a five-video series covering every aspect of ADHD medication. Rick talks about the challenge of weaving together interviews with dozens of experts and 18 adults who have ADHD and were willing to tell their medication stories. He also shares insights on ADHD meds and insights gained from producing the documentary. He now has a very different view of the potential and the limits of medication and a clear sense of the role of medication in a holistic treatment plan. It’s become clear that people’s fears about medication are misplaced. If you have been diagnosed with or are impacted by ADHD, it is huge mistake to miss this show. |
Is the Key to Managing ADHD limiting Choices?
Wed, Jan 20, 2016, 8:00 PM
Could keeping things simple be the key to managing ADHD? Rather than be overwhelmed by choices and decisions, Peter Shankman (, founder of HARO (Help A Reporter Out) and founder and CEO of The Geek Factory, embraces limiting his choices and keeping life simple. Peter talks about how he limited his choices rather than be overwhelmed by decisions. This includes putting himself in an environment where he has no choice but to work by getting on a flight to Singapore and working for 48 hours straight while strapped in an airline seat in order to write a bestselling novel. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio guest host Caroline Maguire ( interviews CEO and author Peter Shankman about living outside the box, surviving and thriving with ADHD. |
The Best Place to Get a Complete ADHD Diagnosis
Wed, Jan 13, 2016, 8:00 PM
Think you’ve got attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Diagnosed with ADHD but the treatment options you’ve been offered haven’t been ideal? Consider this! Look for and sign up to participate in the Measure Study’s clinical research program in an area near you. No matter what, you’ll get a complete medical and psychological review and a thorough diagnosis. You’ll get comprehensive follow-up visits and an enlightening awareness of your condition. What’s more… it’s free! You can’t afford not to do it. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Greg Mattingly ( to discuss the advantages of participating in a clinical trial and to give you an idea of what to expect. If you are looking for an accurate diagnosis, be sure to listen in to this show.
This episode of Attention Talk Radio is brought to you by Alcobra Pharma. Find an ADHD clinical study near you. Just visit to find locations in the United States and Israel. |
ADHD Shark Tank Training: Fill out Your Application!
Wed, Jan 6, 2016, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder has nothing to do with intelligence. That doesn’t mean intelligent individuals will thrive in a linear school environment. Many need a purpose, creative outlet, and collaborative learning environment. InventiveLabs knows this to be true and has established the first ADHD business incubator. Think of it as the ADHD Shark Tank training, but you don’t have to have a proven concept. You just need to have a proven passion, creative mindset, and a can-do attitude. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( interviews InventiveLabs Chief Operating Officer Tom Bergeron ( to discuss how InventiveLabs came about, how you can apply, and the mission and vision of this revolutionary new concept. If you’ve got a great idea, have an entrepreneurial spirit, or are just curious, you don’t want to miss this show. |
Favorite Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Moments
Wed, Dec 30, 2015, 8:00 PM
Join host Jeff Copper ( and special guests Kirsten Milliken ( and Caroline Maguire ( for this special edition of Attention Talk Radio as they tell a few ADHD stories and share some of the most memorable moments of Attention Talk Radio shows gone by. If you want something light, something fun, something to laugh about, don’t miss this show! |
Managing ADHD: White Noise, White Light, and White Experience
Wed, Dec 23, 2015, 8:00 PM
Many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder find it easier to focus with some type of sound in the background. Loyal listener Jessie has found this to help him but only low level noise like the hum of a motor. Jessie reached out and shared his experience and the topic of this radio show was born! Host ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( has found that white noise and what he calls white light and white experiences can be powerful environmental differences that actually help those with ADHD to focus. In this episode co-host Caroline Maguire ( talk about the concept, define what white light and white experiences are, and share their own experiences using the concepts that help many others with ADHD find their focus. Don’t miss this insightful show. |
ADHD Adults: Solving Social Problems
Wed, Dec 16, 2015, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects more than just work and school, but does it impact social interactions? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( interviews expert Michelle Garcia Winner ( about the impact of ADHD and social settings and the notion that those with ADHD often miss social cues. But what can be done about the challenges? And which social environments should be on the radar screen of those impacted by ADHD? If any of what is described here calls to you, be sure to listen to this interview. |
Honestly, ADHD and the Holidays are Difficult for Parents
Wed, Dec 9, 2015, 8:00 PM
Got ADHD? Got an ADHD family? Got anxiety going into the holiday? If you “got” any of these, we “get” you! Let’s face it. The holidays are hard enough on their own, but add ADHD to the mix and you got UGH!!!! In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper ( and co-host Caroline Maguire ( address the reality of the holiday and offer thoughts on how to manage yourself, the family, and the days that lie ahead. If you are tired of the Martha Stewart solutions that do nothing to address what is real, mark your calendars and listen to this interview. |
More ADHD Aha Solutions
Wed, Dec 2, 2015, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder solutions don’t always look like what one might think. In this episode, host ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( and cohost Caroline Maguire ( share some unique, surprising, and practical solutions that manifested as an Aha! to Jeff and those he coached. If you want to hear some really out-of-the-box ways those with ADHD move forward, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
ADHD Non-MEDS: Mindfulness, Exercise, Diet, and Sleep
Tues, Nov 24, 2015, 8:00 PM
Many with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are looking for solutions that don’t involve medications. In this episode we identify the four best non-medicine solutions out there. We talk about their benefits and have a frank discussion around why so many are not able to benefit from them as much as they could. We also talk about how you could more successfully utilize them to help you move forward. Catch host ADHD coach Jeff Copper and ADHD coach Brett Thornhill ( on this very insightful show. |
ADHD Meltdowns Are Not Always About the Obvious
Wed, Nov 18, 2015, 8:00 PM
ADHD kids have meltdowns like other children, but they are often more frequent. As a parent, it is instinctive to address or react to what appears to be the obvious trigger... but what the parent is attending to isn’t what the meltdown is always about. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff copper ( interviews ADHD and parenting expert Caroline Maguire ( In the interview Caroline shares specific examples, some personal, some from others, illustrating what isn’t so obvious about meltdowns and how to better recognize what is going on to better manage yourself, your ADHD child, and the situation. If you’re a parent with ADHD kids, this is a show you don’t want to miss. |
Self-Management: Launching Your ADHD Teen
Wed, Nov 11, 2015, 8:00 PM
You’ve spent eighteen years training your ADHD teen to be an adult. Then they are off to college and you’ve got to let go. Not so easy when your child has a harder time with self-regulation than their peers. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire interviews Dr. Mark Bertin ( around managing yourself, letting go and strategies to deal with the inevitably unexpected. If you are launching an ADHD teen into college for the first time, then don’t miss this show. |
Reforming Section 504 Plans for ADHD
Wed, Nov 4, 2015, 8:00 PM
Section 504 is a well-intended law, but is it working for those diagnosed with ADHD? According to a CHADD survey with nearly 700 responses, it isn't. In such situations, how does it get fixed? Who speaks on your behalf? Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) ( does! In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Ingrid Alpern, co-chair of CHADD's Public Policy Committee. She gets the hard facts about what has taken place in schools throughout the country and what is being done to resolve challenges related to ADHD. If you have ADHD or are impacted by it but not a member of CHADD, this show will inspire you to join and support CHADD so that the ADHD community can speak with one voice. |
ADHD: Me Want It But Me Wait: Lesson Learned from Sesame Street
Wed, Oct 28, 2015, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder... deficit of attention? Not! ADHD is about self-regulation. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Autumn Zitani (, the director of content in the Sesame Workshop Curriculum and Content Department around self-regulation and what parents and children can learn from this timeless show. If you are impacted by ADHD, you don’t want to miss this episode. |
An Unplugged Interview with an ADHD Entrepreneur
Wed, Oct 21, 2015, 8:00 PM
Are you an attention deficit disorder entrepreneur? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we have an unplugged interview with a ball of energy who is an ADHD entrepreneur. Our conversation centers around how he thinks, some not-so-obvious solutions, what he has learned from coaching, how he remembers things, how he learns, and how he discovered the power of the word “HOW.” If any of this resonates with you, DON’T miss this interview.
ADHD Emotional Self-Regulation: Live, Unplugged, and Real
Wed, Oct 14, 2015, 8:00 PM
Emotions are as much a part of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as attention is, according to Dr. Russell Barkley. In this episode we interview Stacey, play a prerecorded clip of her revealing her emotions, live and in the moment, and having difficulty regulating them. What we learn actually helps her to self-regulate her emotions. If you have ADHD, struggle with self-regulation, or are just an emotional being, you won’t want to miss this show. It is real, unplugged, and live... so real we couldn’t just make it up. |
ADHD: Do All Roads Lead to Mindfulness?
Wed, Oct 7 2015, 8:00 PM
In our interviews with experts on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), we’ve noticed more often than not that the conversation directly or indirectly touches on the notion of mindfulness. In this episode, host Jeff Copper ( and guest host Caroline Maguire ( focus on the concept and share responses of over 20 previous ATR guests around the question of whether all roads lead to mindfulness as an important part of managing the ADHD condition. Not only do they share their responses but they also talk about the nature of mindfulness, what it is and how it can be practiced. If mindfulness, awareness, meditation, and contemplation are topics you gravitate to or are curious about, or even if you are skeptical, this is a show you don’t want to miss |
A Pow Wow for the ADHD Tribe in New Orleans!
Wed, Sept 30, 2015, 8:00 PM
Got attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? Your tribe is having a powwow in New Orleans November 12-14 hosted by Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) ( In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Ari Tuckman (, CHADD 2015 conference co-chair, around what to expect at this year’s conference, the advantages of attending, as well as interviews from many noted conference speakers. If you have a thirst for ADHD knowledge and want the scoop, then this episode is one you won’t want to miss! |
ADHD and Hoarding
Wed, Sept. 23, 2015, 8:00 PM
Host Jeff Copper interviews Alice Price ( who is an expert on the topic of hoarding. Jeff and Alice discuss what hoarding is, the difference between hoarding and collecting, and the relationship between hoarding and memories. If you are impacted by ADHD, or if hoarding, clutter, and being overwhelmed speak to you, then this is a show you don’t want to miss.
ADHD and the Discipline Process: What Parents Need to Know
Wed, Sept 16, 2015, 8:00 PM
Your ADHD teen or young adult gets into trouble, real trouble; now what do you do? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper and co-host Caroline Maguire interview ADHD expert and attorney Rob Tudisco ( around what parents need to know to manage their ADHD situations effectively. If you are a parent of an ADHD teen or young adult, get prepared and listen to this show. |
ADHD Kids: Failing Forward at the School of Hard Knocks
Wed, Sept. 9, 2015, 8:00 PM
You love your ADHD kids. You know they learn best from experience, but learning experiences can be painful, so you shield them from their natural consequences. Does that really help them? What is the value to your child if you put off the learning? The older they get, the higher the stakes get. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( and ADHD parenting expert Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( discuss the parent’s dilemma: How many more years do you want to shield your ADHD child from the realities of life? How can you teach them to fail forward and learn from their consequences without feeling like you’re waiting for a train wreck to happen? If you are a loving parent of an ADHD child, listen to this insightful interview. |
ADHD: Parenting Action Model
Wed, Sept. 2, 2015, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder outcomes manifest when we focus on the process and not the outcome itself. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, host, Jeff Copper, ADHD and attention coach, interviews Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( on Impact ADHD’s Parenting Action Model. The simplified steps will teach you a process to help your children overcome any challenging situation. If focusing on outcomes isn't working, this show is a must for you! |
ADHD, Social Media, and the Ability to Self-Regulate
Wed, Aug 19, 2015, 8:00 PM
Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Instagram, and others… do they have a positive impact on those with ADHD? Are they just a distraction, or are they required in order to live and survive in the world today? In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media and their impact on ADHD with Dr. David Nowell ( If you have ADHD or are impacted by anyone with ADHD who is seemingly addicted to social media, you won’t want to miss this show! |
How a Stroke Taught Me to Pause, Helping My ADHD
Wed, Aug 12, 2015, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be thought of as brain wiring with a two-level system. One is the automatic brain, which is automatic behavior, and the other is the executive functioning brain that is very effortful and is needed to engage itself to override the automatic brain. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Wes Gray (, diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago, after which he suffered a stroke. His experience of coming back from the stroke and his need to be more self-aware and to pause to engage his executive functioning actually helped him begin to manage his ADHD like never before. If you have ADHD and struggle with self-regulation and learning the power of the pause, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
Perfection and Procrastination, or Is It about Mood?
Wed, Aug 5, 2015, 8:00 PM
Perfectionism and procrastination… is there a difference between the two, or are they the same thing? What role does mood play in each, or does it have any impact at all? Is there a secret to moving past both? In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( interviews expert David Giwerc, Master Certified Coach (, around perfectionism, procrastination, and emotion. If you struggle with any of these… or all three… you’ll be disappointed if you miss this interview. |
Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Difference,
with Dr. Dale Archer
Wed, July 29, 2015, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is often described as a unique brain wiring. If that were the case, wouldn’t it call for unique structures or solutions? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and ADHD coach Jeff copper interviews Dr. Dale Archer (, author of The ADHD Advantage, on one of his favorite topics... obvious solutions that might not be so obvious. Dr. Archer will share some real solutions that are unique and fit the different ADHD brain wiring of specific individuals and at the same time talk about how the ADHD difference manifests in unique ways. If the obvious solutions are not working for your ADHD brain, this is a show you don’t want to miss. |
Why the ADHD Brain Always Needs More
Wed, July 22, 2015, 8:00 PM
Need to be constantly on? Is there never enough stimulation? Scientific research shows why ADDers are always craving more, more, more! This all stems from the design of the reward pathway in the brain. Is the ADHD brain driving us to distraction? In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, guest host Caroline Maguire ( interviews host Jeff Copper ( about how the brain’s setup plays a crucial role in our daily lives. |
ADHD: Letting Go of What Doesn't Work
Tues, July 14, 2015, 8:00 PM
If the obvious solution isn't working, chances are you're attending to the wrong thing. It's such a simple yet true statement, but all too often, we keep proving what doesn't work as opposed to looking at something differently. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, our most frequent guest, Dr. Ari Tuckman (, will join host, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper, as they discuss and pontificate about why this is true. Why is it that, so often, those with ADHD are stuck on the very thing that does not work. If you are stuck, this is a show you will not want to miss. |
ADHD: The Challenges of Changing Organizational Systems
Wed, July 8 2015, 8:00 PM
As disorganized as you think you might be, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper ( has learned there is always a method to your madness. Changing organizational systems to better or more efficient ones sounds easy on paper but is more difficult than many might think, especially for those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we take a look at the challenges of changing systems and talk about key items to focus on when making the change. If you have ever found yourself procrastinating on making the change to a better system, this is a show you will not want to miss. |
The ADHD Entrepreneur: Finding the People to Help You
Wed, July 1, 2015, 8:00 PM
The key to being a successful entrepreneur with ADHD is surrounding yourself with the right people. The right people typically need to be good at detail, can relate to you, are inspired by you, and have the patience to handle your ADHD impatience. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio we interview ADD entrepreneur Neil Peterson ( to gain insights on his experience finding the right people to help capture, organize, and execute the thousands of creative ideas spewing from his entrepreneurial brain. If you are an entrepreneur with ADHD, this is a show you will not want to miss. |
Positive Qualities of ADHD?
Wed, Jun 24, 2015, 8:00 PM
It is convenient for society to point out what is negative about ADHD, but are there any positive things? You bet! In this edition of Attention Talk Radio we interview Laurie Dupar ( on the topic and illuminate some obvious positive qualities around ADHD and, as you might suspect, some not so obvious strengths and gifts. If you find yourself focused on the negative, you won't want to miss this insightful show. |
Articulating ADHD So Others Get It
Wed, June 17, 2015, 8:00 PM
Wouldn’t it be great if people could understand what it is like to have ADHD? To help others gain insight and maybe some empathy? In this episode, your host, Jeff Copper, an ADHD and attention coach (, shares a few insights to help you better articulate ADHD and help others understand what it is like to have ADHD and why those with ADHD do what they do. If you feel like others around you just don’t get it or could benefit from better explaining the ADHD experience, then you’ll find this show very insightful. |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Aha Solutions
Wed, June 10, 2015, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder solutions do not always look like what one might think. In this episode host, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper (, shares some unique, surprising, and practical solutions that manifested as an Aha! to both him and those he coached. If you want to hear some really out-of-the-box ways those with ADHD move forward, this is a show you would not want to miss. |
The ADHD Entrepreneur, with Neil Peterson
Wed, June 3, 2015, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has its challenges, and so does being an entrepreneur. How magnified are the challenges when the two come together? How can they be overcome? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Neil Peterson ( who is a successful entrepreneur and has ADD. If you also have ADHD and are an entrepreneur or are thinking of becoming one, you will want to listen to this insightful show! |
ADHD and Sex Between the Sheets: What Do We Know?
Wed, May 27, 2015, 8:00 PM
The key to helping those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is to improve functioning. But what about other challenges? What about the challenges that still remain, even after effective treatment and consistent strategies? In this episode Dr. Ari Tuckman PsyD (, talks about acceptance with host ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper. Is acceptance disempowering? Is it passive resignation? No, says Dr. Tuckman. Tune into this interview to learn more! |
The Scientific Method and ADHD Coaching
Wed, May 20, 2015, 8:00 PM
Is the scientific method used in ADHD coaching? Is ADHD coaching science-based? What is the science of ADHD coaching? How does it work? ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper thinks he has a context to answer all these questions and shed light on others not listed. So, in this edition of Attention Talk Radio, we are doing something different. ADHD coach and instructor Caroline Maguire
( is our guest. She turns the tables on host Jeff Copper quizzing him on his construct. If you are curious about the relationship between ADHD coaching and science, this is a show you'll want to hear. We guarantee it will make you think!
Brain-Based Solutions for ADHD Kids
Wed, May 13, 2015, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit disorder kids have unique brain wiring, and as such, they have unique systems, solutions, structures, and scaffolding. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, your host, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper, will interview Caroline Maguire ( around actual unique solutions that might not be so obvious to you but work perfectly for the individuals who use them. If you are a parent, a teen, or an ADHD kid who is impacted by ADHD, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
Be the Person, Not an ADHD Label
Wed, May 6, 2015, 8:00 PM
Got ADHD? In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, host and co-host Jeff Copper and Dr. Kirsten Milliken ( discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the ADHD label. |
ADHD: Using Executive Functioning to Create Habits
Wed, Apr 29, 2015, 8:00 PM
Too often, we hear people talk about helping those with ADHD to build habits. We are learning that ADHD is an executive functioning issue and requires effort. It's very effortful, making it more difficult for those with ADHD to build habits than for others. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we have an open conversation with Kirsten Milliken ( around the mechanics of building habits. We address why it's so difficult and particularly hard for those with ADHD. If you're an individual who has found behavior modification to be challenging or just hasn't worked, or if you're thinking of using it, you won't want to miss this show. |
The Impact of Exercise on ADHD with John Ratey
Wed, April 22, 2015
Dr. John Ratey ( is a bestselling author and an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He is a renowned psychiatrist on treating adults with ADD. Since he himself has ADD, it is no surprise that, as a co-author with Dr. Ned Hallowell of the bestselling seminal book on ADD/ADHD, Driven to Distraction, he was able to confront a variety of false notions about ADD, including the most common myths that ADD affects only children and that ADD limits intelligence or self-discipline. Listen in as Dr. Ratey shares his insight on exercise and the ADHD brain. |
How Do You Know If Your ADHD Meds Are Working?
Wed, April 15, 2015
How do you know if your ADHD meds are working? Should you feel a buzz? Should you focus on outcomes? Or is the measure your ability to regulate your attention and emotions? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio we listen to an insightful interview with Dr. Charles Parker, author of New ADHD Medication Rules on the topic. To learn more about Dr. Parker, visit, or or |
Time Management and Teens with ADHD: Living the Experience
Wed, Apr 8, 2015, 8:00 PM
Got a teen with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder who struggles with time management? If so this show is for you. Join us as we interview Leslie Josel of Order Out of Chaos ( around her experience helping her ADHD teen better manage time and how her experience led to her passion as a professional organizer and time management consultant. If you struggle with time or your teen struggles with time, you won't want to miss this insightful show. |
What? ADHD Lucked Out of ADAAA in Section 504?
Wed, Apr 1, 2015, 8:00 PM
When laws are passed to protect those in need, agencies of the government are required to write regulations used to adhere to these laws. Who ensures that those with ADHD are protected under these acts? Politicians? Bureaucrats? Who speaks for the ADHD community at large? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we'll be interviewing Ingrid Alpern, co-chair of CHADD's public policy committee, for it is they who are actively involved with ensuring that attention deficit disorder is specifically listed as a disability in the 2008 amended act of ADA, which also impacts Section 504 plans. This show will enlighten and inspire you. It will give you reason to understand why everyone should be a part of CHADD ( so that we may come together and speak with one voice. |
ADHD and Advocacy: Victims, Villains, and Heroes
Wed, Mar 25, 2015, 8:00 PM
Does the media perpetuate ADHD stigma or inform society about the reality of ADHD? Or is it about the story and the fundamentals of storytelling to paint the victims as villains and heroes? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. David Goodman ( on the topic to enlighten, educate, and empower you to fight against the misrepresentation of ADHD by the media. If you have or are impacted by ADHD or if you just want to learn how journalists write a slanted story, this is a show you won't want to miss! |
Being a Wife with ADHD Married to a Husband with ADHD
Wed, Mar 18, 2015, 8:00 PM
Ladies, does your stud muffin have ADHD? How do you live with him and his ADHD, help him manage himself and his ADHD, and then love him and his ADHD, all the while managing your own ADHD? In this episode we interview Yvonne Nardone, an ADHD spouse and huge supporter of her ADHD husband! If you're in an ADHD relationship where both of you have ADHD, you won't want to miss this insightful show! |
ADHD Gateway Adventure Program, a Type of GAP Year
Wed, March 11, 2015, 8:00 PM
Does your teen have the life skills, maturity, and decision-making ability to make it in college and survive? Just because they graduated high school with a diploma doesn't mean they're ready. All too often, those with ADHD need more time to mature and develop life skills. Question is… what are the options? A gap year! In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview John Willson of SOAR, Inc., ( about a certain type of GAP year – the Gateway Adventure Program. In the interview, John talks about structure, the merits, and the hands on learning those in transition can gain from such a program. He also discusses the basics and resources to help make a decision if a GAP year is for you. If you're a teen or a parent of a teen with ADHD concerned that college might be coming too fast, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and Sex: Between the Sheets, What Do We Know?
Wed, Mar 4, 2015, 8:00 PM
What do we know about the sex lives of couples where one partner has ADHD and the other doesn't? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio we interview Dr. Ari Tuckman ( and discuss what we do know, what we don't know, and what Dr. Tuckman is trying to find out. We'll also be making a call to action to you, our listeners, to participate in an anonymous survey on this topic. If you are impacted by ADHD and interested in this topic, you'll have to tune in! |
ADHD and High IQs, with Dr. Thomas E. Brown
Wed, Feb 25, 2015, 8:00 PM
What impact does ADHD have on intelligence? Can those with ADHD have a high IQ? If so, what impact does it have? What is it like to work with individuals with ADHD and a high IQ? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Thomas E. Brown ( on this fascinating topic and his experience working with individuals like this. if you have ADHD, this is a must-listen-to show. |
ADHD: A Dr. Charles Parker and ATR Success Story
Wed, February 18, 2015
Have you been frightened away by something you read demonizing stimulant medications? Have you gone the supplement route? Is it natural? Are supplements that easy OR are they complex? Do the details matter? In this episode we interview "Mr. Details Matter," Dr. Charles Parker (, on this important topic. We talk about supplements, how they help, how they can hurt, and the importance of evidence over conjecture. If you are exploring the supplement route, you absolutely can't miss this show. Download the handout and follow along with our conversation with Dr. Parker: |
ADHD & Self-Expression: Collecting Your Thoughts to Communicate
Wed, Feb 11, 2015, 8:00 PM
As we have learned from interviewing experts, ADHD is an executive functioning issue that is about organizing, planning, prioritizing, and executing. A written document is the manifestation of taking knowledge, playing with it, and using your executive functioning brain to produce it. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview author and ADHD expert Wilma Fellman on her writing process. If you struggle with writing, don't miss this insightful show. |
ADHD: The Power of a Body Double Shared by Greg Riccardi
Wed, Feb 2, 2015, 8:00 PM
Motivation isn't always obvious. Many times, people focus in on just wanting to do it or willing their way past it, but motivation can be as simple as doing something in the company of someone else. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we talk to Greg Riccardi ( about his real life experience of finding and working with a daily body double. It all started with watching an Attention Talk Video interview on the topic, and today it's a regular part of his daily routine and amazingly powerful. If you struggle to get things done in isolation, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: The Art of Taking Action
Wed, Jan 28, 2015, 8:00 PM
At Attention Talk Radio we are all about paying attention to attention. In this episode we interview Gregg Krech (, author of The Art of Taking Action, by directing our attention to action, the role it takes in our lives, its nuances, with a focus on how to take action! If you're stuck, not activating, or know you are capable of more, don't miss this insightful show! |
ADHD: Coming Out
Wed, Jan 21, 2015, 8:00 PM
We've interviewed several experts around the topic of disclosing your ADHD. Is it a good thing? A bad thing? What is its impact, and when might it be considered? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview ADDiva and ADHD coach Linda Roggli ( around tips, thoughts, and ideas relating to whether you choose to disclose. If you feel the urge to come out after your ADHD, if you are thinking through it, or if someone you know is processing the idea, you won't want to miss this interview. |
ADHD Dads: Parenting ADHD Kids - A Lived Experience
Wed, Jan 14, 2015, 8:00 PM
Parenting isn't easy to begin with, much less for an ADHD dad parenting an ADHD kid. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview physician, ADHD coach, and ADHD dad Terry Dickson ( on parenting and his lived experience as a professional doc and amateur dad. |
ADHD Point/Counterpoint: Executing for Real Change! with Alan Brown
Wed, Jan 7, 2015, 8:00 PM
ADD Crusher™ Alan Brown's pet peeve is people who are self-satisfied with reading books, articles, listening to podcasts (This one excluded, of course), and attending webinars but NOT putting what they learned into ACTION! In this episode the always opinionated host, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper, does a point/counterpoint interview with Alan Brown ( on different processes to execute all the knowledge uselessly documented that you are struggling to put into action. If you are about outcomes, listen to the interview on different processes that will get you in action!. |
Who Gets ADHD? 15-Year-Old Jeff Rasmussen
Mon, Dec 29, 2014, 8:00 PM
ADHD Kids Rock is a Website built by ADHD kids about ADHD kids for ADHD kids! All attention coach Jeff Copper can say is thank God; it's about time. You see, nobody gets what it's like to be an ADHD kid in the 21st century except, well... an ADHD kid. That, plus being fed up with being bullied by other adults and teachers is what motivated 15-year-old Jeff Rasmussen ( to file for a grant and build a robust ADHD kids' site. If you are an adult, parent, teacher, or mental health professional and want to "get" ADHD kids, you prove your ignorance by not listening to this interview. If you have an ADHD kid, listen to this interview to learn more. Find your pride and take a stand -- Fight against ADHD bullying. |
Best ADHD Apps: What to Know Before You Look
Mon, Dec 22, 2014, 8:00 PM
Apps? What are the best apps? What are the best apps for ADHD? What do I need to know before I look for apps? How can I get lost in apps? How do I make apps productive? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Eric Tivers ( , an ADHD professional and techno app junkie, around key questions on apps, what you need to know, and how not to let them sabotage or overwhelm you. If you are interested in apps, technology, or just getting more productive, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: Pretending to Be Normal
Wed, Dec 17, 2014, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is challenging for many. There are times these individuals perform and times they under perform. The inconsistency leads many to doubt their abilities. They build barriers to hide, to protect themselves, and in some cases use different personas to hide in plain sight. In this episode, we talk with ADDiva Linda Roggli ( Linda shares her combined experience as an individual and a coach and illuminates how many use personas like the "perfectionist," the "ditz," the "super hero," and others to deflect and protect. More importantly, she talks about the long-term effect of using such personas, how exhausting it is, and its impact on your inner self. If you identify with this or feel you masquerade in different ways so you won't be found out, then you can't miss this show! |
ADHD, Lifestyle, and Weight Regulation
Wed, Dec 10, 2014, 8:00 PM
Impulsivity, distractibility, procrastination, and self-regulation are all characteristics of ADHD that make it more difficult for those with ADHD to maintain healthy eating and a healthy weight. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Roberto Olivardia on the topic of regulating eating and weight when you have ADHD. If you need to adopt healthier eating habits and/or lose some weight and need some tips or strategies to help, mark your calendars and tune into this show! |
ADHD in Retirement: Avoiding the Crash and Burn
Wed, Dec 3, 2014, 8:00 PM
Believe it or not, some with ADHD get the opportunity to retire midlife; others get to retire even earlier; and then there is also regular retirement. While the word "retirement" conjures up thoughts of bliss and relaxation, but for many with ADHD it can be anything but! In this episode we interview ADHD career counselor Wilma Fellman about this chapter in life. More specifically, we talk about the challenges many of us with ADHD struggle with, the trouble spots, and the value of life planning. We also discuss the concepts of ADHD career counseling/coaching that can be effectively used to prevent the crash-and-burn later in life when there many chapters left to write. If you are thinking past the present and towards your next chapter of life, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: Bullying - Putting the Stick Down
Mon, Nov. 24, 2014, 8:00 PM
ADHD and bullying are bad enough on their own, but together, they are negatively leveraged. In this episode we talk with Elaine Taylor-Klaus ( on the topic of bullying. We'll address being bullied by others, but also being bullied by yourself and the need to put down the stick. If you or your children are impacted by bullying, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD and Technology: Task Automation vs. Task Management
Wed, Nov 19, 2014, 8:00 PM
Got ADHD? What is task automation and task management? Are they different or the same? What role do they play in building systems that work? How can a person with ADHD use this technology to their advantage? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio we interview ADHD professional and techno app junkie Eric Tivers ( or around these key concepts. If you have ADHD and are seduced by the lure of technology to help you get organized, you won't want to miss this show. |
ADHD: Turning the Tide on Relationships and Intimacy
Wed, Nov 12, 2014, 8:00 PM
Marriage and relationships are difficult to begin with. Adding kids doesn't make it any easier! But add ADHD to the relationship and… UGH! Often, romance and intimacy take a back seat when the business of the family becomes front and center, and the challenges of ADHD are magnified so that the relationship is stressed. In this episode, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper talks to Dr. Sarah Ferman and Dr. Robert Wilford ( about the counterintuitive nature of getting relationships back on the right track, the importance of awareness and empathy, and their model for rebuilding and strengthening closeness, romance, and intimacy. If your ADHD relationship is on the rocks, you can't afford not to invest time in this show. |
ADHD College Students Don't Want Help?
Wed, Nov 5, 2014, 8:00 PM
Parents want to help those with ADHD succeed in college. Colleges and universities want to help them succeed and provide services and accommodations, yet only about 20% of those with such disability actually participate in services. This is a shock to Jeff Copper, host of Attention Talk Radio. In this episode, he interviews Dr. Theresa Maitland around the startling research around this phenomenon and shares the thoughts and views of many other experts in the area as to why this is and what could be done about it. If your child is in high school or college and is impacted by ADHD, don't miss this show. |
ADHD: What You Need to Know As You Collaborate with Your Prescriber
Wed, Oct 29, 2014, 8:00 PM
In general, how much education does a physician or psychiatrist get in med school around ADHD? Is there an impact on ADHD by such levels of education? ADHD stimulant medications are Schedule II drugs. How does that affect those who prescribe ADHD stimulant medications? Why is education and being in touch with your expectations important when seeking a professional who will be prescribing stimulants? Answers to these questions and more when we interview clinical psychologist Dr. Thomas E. Brown ( If you are seeking a prescriber or have not found the right prescriber for you, this show is a must for you. |
Inattentive ADHD, or Sluggish Cognitive Tempo, Clarified
Wed, Oct 22, 2014, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Russell Barkley ( around the research suggesting there is a new attentional disorder called sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT), also known as concentration deficit disorder (CDD). Dr. Barkley enlightens us on the disorder, how it differs from ADD, and how that many diagnosed with what DSM used to define as inattentive ADD might actually be SCT/CDD. This is important, as differences in diagnosis respond to very different treatments. If you have been diagnosed with inattentive ADHD or know somebody who is, this is interview could impact the treatment and support of the condition. |
ADHD: Coping with Emotion Too Little or Too Much
Wed, Oct 15, 2014, 8:00 PM
Even though emotions are not a part of the diagnostic criteria for ADHD in the DSM-5, researchers agree that emotions are as much a part of ADHD as attention. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we are interviewing clinical psychologist Dr. Thomas E. Brown ( around why those with ADHD struggle so much with emotions, the role emotions play in executive functioning, the impact of emotions on working memory, and how emotions impact the "Google" search function in our brain. We also ask him to specifically use the concept of erectile dysfunction as a metaphor to help understand the chemical dynamics of the brain. Dr. Brown is an ADHD thought leader. He is articulate and on point. The only reason to miss this show is if you are in crisis or someone in your family is giving birth! That's right. The content is that good! |
Addiction and ADHD Stimulant Medication
Wed, Oct 8, 2014, 8:00 PM
There are lots of questions, confusion, and demonization of ADHD stimulant medications in the context of addiction. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Anthony Rostain ( on the topic. He answers our questions on how addictive these drugs are or whether they are addictive at all. What should you be worried about? Are the medications physically addictive, or do people just get addicted because they rely on the drugs? All this and more in this episode. If you've got questions, and even education, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
Celebrating 20 Years of ADHD Coaching with Dr. Ned Hallowell
Wed, Oct 1, 2014, 8:00 PM
The idea of ADHD coaching was first mentioned in the book Driven to Distraction coauthored by Dr. Ned Hallowell published in 1994. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Ned Hallowell ( and Master Certified Coach David Giwerc ( in celebrating the 20-year anniversary of this historic event. Dr. Hallowell talks about how the reference came about, what his vision was at the time, and what he thought the future might bring. We also talk with master certified coach David Giwerc on what ADHD coaching is today, how it has evolved, and what the future looks like. If you are part of the ADHD community, you won't want to miss this show! |
CHADD Conference: Sesame Street, Open-Wheel Racecar Drivers, and More
Wed, Sept 24, 2014, 8:00 PM
ADHD conferences are about learning, connecting with your tribe, and having fun! That is right… FUN! Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) ( is kicking things up a notch. Tune into this episode of Attention Talk Radio and hear featured speakers share insights on what they'll be talking about at the 2014 CHADD conference. Guests include Dr. Thomas Brown of Yale, Autumn Zitani of Sesame Street, Luca Forgeois, an 19-year-old open-wheel ADHD racecar driver, and Chris Dendy. We also talk to Michael MacKay, incoming board president, who shares his insights around the conference and the future of CHADD. If you are part of the ADHD community, listen to this show to learn about the CHADD conference and find out why you need to connect with your tribe in Chicago this November! |
ADHD, Dopamine, Motivation, and CBT
Wed, Sept 17, 2014, 8:00 PM
More and more researchers are looking at ADHD as an executive function issue. We've done several interviews around neurotransmitters and dopamine. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Russell Ramsay on the role dopamine plays in motivation and then deepen our discussion of it in the context of executive functions. From there, we talk about cognition and CBT as a useful ADHD treatment. If you're interested in learning more about motivation, ADHD, or treatments, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: Interviewing ADHD Experts with Rick Green
Wed, Sept 10, 2014, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention talk Radio, Jeff interviews Totally ADD's Rick Green ( on the value of interviews as a research tool. Jeff and Rick share their unique education obtained interviewing ADHD experts over the years and how interviews can be used as a research tool; plus, the two will share a few unexpected insights. If you procrastinate doing research, want to gain insight on different ways to do research, or just want to learn more about ADHD, then you won't want to miss this show. |
Crushing Your ADD: Stories behind the Scenes
Wed, Sept 3, 2014, 8:00 PM
The key to ADHD is to keep your machine (your physical brain) and your mind (your thoughtful mindful brain) running efficiently and in harmony to achieve your mission. There is so much information out there about what to do to help your ADHD, but are you aware of things you do every day that might be getting in the way, disrupting the mind and the brain from working in harmony? Join us for an insightful interview with ADD Crusher™ Alan Brown ( as he shares what he has learned not to do. If you've been focused on what to do but not making much progress, this show is one you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: Sensitive to What is Right and Wrong
Wed, Aug 27, 2014, 8:00 PM
For whatever reason, many of those with ADHD are particularly sensitive to what is right and what is wrong. Could it stem from emotional issues from childhood? Setbacks in one's personal life? Or are those with ADHD more about principles and values? In this episode, we have an open conversation with Dr. Ari Tuckman ( about the notion of right and wrong and the sensitivities of those with ADHD around the topic. If you find yourself struggling in politics or over what is right and wrong, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD, Stimulants, Women in Midlife, and Hormones, Featuring the ADDiva
Wed, Aug 20, 2014, 8:00 PM
During midlife a woman's estrogen levels diminish, unmasking often-hidden ADHD. What is the impact of taking hormones when this happens? And how does it impact ADHD? We interview ADDiva, Linda Roggli (, on the topic. She shares her expertise, her experience coaching midlife ADHD women and her own personal story of menopause, hormones, and ADHD. If you are at "that certain age" or live with or love a woman who is, don't miss Linda Roggli's professional insight on this largely ignored topic. |
ADHD, the Elderly, Their Issues, and a Call for Research
Wed, Aug 13, 2014, 8:00 PM
Can you believe there is virtually no research on ADHD and the elderly? Surely they must be impacted. We speculate that this population not only experiences the same issues as other ADHD adults, but possibly their challenges are worse. Join Jeff Copper and Gina Pera ( in a conversation on the topic, speculating on the unique challenges this group faces and calling for more research and data. If you're elderly or have an elderly family member who exhibits symptoms of ADHD, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD, Awareness, and Inattentional Blindness
Wed, August 6, 2014, 8:00 PM
Attention and perception define our experience in life. They also define what we are and are not aware of. Question is… how aware are you of being unaware? Many researchers and professionals believe awareness or self-awareness is the key for those with ADHD to manage it. ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper believes the first step to managing awareness is to understand how unaware we really are because of "inattentional" blindness. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Daniel Simons (, psychologist and co-author of The Invisible Gorilla, a book that will open your mind to visual awareness. Dan is an expert in visual perception and attention and has mastered the art of putting people in an experience for them to witness how blind they are to the blinding flash of the obvious. If you have ADHD and want to more effectively manage your awareness, join us and learn just how unaware most of us really are. |
Preparing Teens with ADHD/LD for College
Wed, July 30, 2014, 8:00 PM
Is your teen ready to launch? To head off to college? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Theresa Maitland, co-author of "Ready for Take-Off" around ADHD teens heading off to college. She shares the good, the bad, and the ugly along with some useful tips, lessons learned, and other tidbits every ADHD parent and teen needs to know. If you are impacted by anyone headed off to college, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
ADHD, Gender Variance, Coming Out Versus Inviting In
Wed, July 23, 2014, 8:00 PM
Is gender variance consistent between the population and the ADHD community, or is the frequency higher in one group over the other. Is there any difference in coming out or inviting in? What is the experience between an ADHD diagnosis and a gender-variant diagnosis? Are they different? Can a gender-variant individual find it easier to focus after starting hormone treatment? All this and more will be covered in this edition of Attention Talk Radio when we interview ADHD coach Michel Fitos (, who is gender-variant. This is an interview we guarantee will open your mind. |
ADHD: Attending to Process to Get Outcomes
Wed, July 16, 2014, 8:00 PM
Those with ADHD are not stupid. Their issue isn't knowing what to do; it's using the executive functioning brain to execute what they already know. If this is the case, why do so many people focus on goals and outcomes to help those with ADHD? Wouldn't it be better to help those with ADHD understand their own process that leads to outcome? In this interview we discuss the topic with Dr. Ari Tuckman ( and illustrate how a focus on process can lead to outcomes. If outcomes elude you, then don't miss this show! |
An ADHD Victory over Discrimination in the Ivory Tower
Wed, July 9, 2014, 8:00 PM
Get this! For students with disabilities, including those with ADHD, who asked for accommodations when taking the LSAT to get into law school, scores were flagged as such, opening the door to discrimination by a law school to choose which students were and were not accepted. Now, after pressure from the US Justice Department and the American Bar Association, the application process for accommodations on the LSAT are being expedited and are more transparent. Most importantly, the practice of flagging accommodated test scores has been discontinued. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview attorney Rob Tudisco ( on his advocacy around this issue, the victory, and what it means for the ADHD community. If you have ADHD or are impacted by it, you need to listen to this show and celebrate for the community. |
ADHD and Delegation: Like It's Really That Easy
Wed, July 2, 2014, 8:00 PM
Delegate, delegate, delegate! It sounds so simple, but is it? If it’s so simple, wouldn’t you have done it by now? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper and Dr. Kirsten Milliken ( talk about delegating and its nature, and they reveal a few key secrets about delegating that will make it easier for you to activate. If you’ve got ADHD, know you should delegate but can’t seem to, then you don’t want to miss this show. |
Surviving the Summer with ADHD Children and Families
Wed, June 25, 2014, 8:00 PM
After nine months of rigid school schedules, homework, and the hustle and bustle of after-school activities, the summer might seem like an oasis for the tired, worn-out, ADHD family. Is it? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Master Certified Coach Jodi Sleeper-Triplett ( on the benefits and challenges of the summer vacation. She offers tips, food for thought, and other useful ideas to manage the time off and reenergize kids and ADHD families. If you are in an ADHD family and need some tips to survive, you don't want to miss this show. |
ADDA: 25 Years - Past, Present & Future
Wed, June 18, 2014, 8:00 PM
This year, the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) is celebrating 25 years since its founding. A lot has happened since then. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Evelyn Polk Green, president of Attention Deficit Disorder Association (, reflecting on the ADHD community's past, its present, and its visions for the future. From a meta perspective, this show will be fascinating to reflect on where we've been, how far we've come, and what needs to be done. If you're involved in the ADHD community, this is a show that you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: Looking for a Career Can Be Counterintuitive
Wed, June 11, 2014, 8:00 PM
Got ADHD? Looking to cast yourself in a job you were born to do? Is it straightforward, or is the process counterintuitive? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview ADHD career counselor Wilma Fellman. We talk about the process of looking for the right career, including how many times it is best to rule out what you shouldn’t do before you begin to look at what you should do. How does this counterintuitive process benefit those with ADHD? If your job is on the line, if you are looking to make a career change, or if you are getting ready to graduate and go into the working world, you don’t want to miss this show. |
ADHD: Building Systems that Work
Wed, June 4, 2014, 8:00 PM
When it comes to building systems that work for those with ADHD, should you focus on building a system and adhering to the process or understanding your process and building a system around it? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we discuss this topic with ADHD coach Jay Carter ( If you've built systems that don't seem to work or have struggled countless times to find things that work with you, you won't want to miss this show. I guarantee it will be insightful. |
A Glimpse of the Inattentive ADD Mind
Wed, May 28, 2014, 8:00 PM
Ever wonder what it is like to have inattentive ADD? What is going on? In this episode we interview inattentive ADDer Barbara Luther who will share her experience, what she witnesses as she pays attention to her thoughts, what her unique challenges are, and more. If you wonder what it is like to have inattentive ADD, or if you have it and want to hear what someone else has observed via metacognition, then you won’t want to miss this show. |
ADHD Summer Camp, More Than Just Fun and Games
Wed, May 21, 2014, 8:00 PM
Summer camp sounds like a great time, but just imagine the amount of learning that can take place. To execute something as simple as a sailing trip, a backpacking trip, or a canoe trip requires an enormous amount of organization and time management skills. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, we interview John Willson, Executive Director of SOAR (, around their summer programs for those with ADHD. The courses are not only experiential fun but, more importantly, they teach life skills to manage ADHD. If you've got a teen or older adolescent who needs to learn some life skills, this is the show you won't want to miss. There will be lots of learning. For more information on SOAR, visit them at |
ADHD: You Can't Blame Everything on ADHD!
Wed, May 14, 2014, 8:00 PM
Tom Nardone has ADHD and is outspoken about it. Love him or leave him, but he makes some very good points. In this episode host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Tom about how everything can’t be blamed on ADHD. Very often, those without ADHD catastrophize everything and blame it on the one with ADHD. If anything goes wrong, they say it’s because of the ADHD… which isn’t always the case. If you have ADHD and seem to get blamed for everything, don’t miss show. |
The Couple's Guide to Thriving with ADHD
Wed, May 7, 2014, 8:00 PM
"A book destined to save marriages in trouble and awaken those in repose," says Edward M. Hallowell M.D. about the new book by Melissa Orlov and Nancie Kohlenderger, titled The Couple’s Guide to Thriving with ADHD. And that about says it all! In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview co-author Melissa Orlov on her exciting new book, her experience working with couples, and the hope it brings. If you are in an ADHD relationship, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: The Power of the Pause
Wed, April 30, 2014, 8:00 PM
Watch, listen, or read any advertisement or weight loss program and you’ll hear about the need for regular exercise as a part of the program in the background. Watch, listen, or read tips on managing ADHD and many will directly state or imply the need to PAUSE. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Master Certified ADHD Coach (MCAC) David Giwerc, founder and president of the ADD Coach Academy. In our interview, we'll discuss the power of the pause, what it means to ponder and objectively respond to a situation rather than react with established, negative patterns of behavior. You will discover how the "Power of the Pause" can provide you with choices that can significantly improve the quality of your life. If you struggle to effectively manage your ADHD, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
ADHD: Getting Accommodations at Work
Wed, April 23, 2014, 8:00 PM
So, you’ve got ADHD and need some accommodations at work. How exactly should you set out about advocating and getting accommodations? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we’ll interview transitions consultant Scott Wilbur on the key things to pay attention to, as well as tips on how to advocate and get what you need. If you are impacted by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and know you could perform better with a few structural changes, you don’t want to miss this show. |
ADHD: Handling Criticism
Wed, Apr 16, 2014, 8:00 PM
Many with ADHD live a lifetime being criticized. How does one appropriately respond and manage criticism in an ego-driven world? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio we interview Sandy Maynard who gives tips on how to respond to criticism positively by being assertive and not attacking or surrendering to the technique. If you find yourself overly criticized or struggling with it, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: What Is Your Daily Diet of Attention?
Wed, April 9, 2014, 8:00 PM
The attention deficit disorder label would imply that those with ADD can’t pay attention. What we’ve learned in interviewing ADHD experts is that ADD is more of a self-regulation issue, which explains why many with ADD have trouble pulling away from things that have engaged their attention. Can one benefit by noticing the nature of their daily diet of attention? Join us in our interview with Dr. Ari Tuckman as we get his thoughts on the topic. If you want to better manage your attention, then listen to this interview. You might be surprised by what you can learn by noticing what you attend to. |
ADHD: Tests and Test Anxiety
Wed, April 2, 2014, 8:00 PM
Learning is one thing... taking tests is another. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we’ll interview education and learning expert Ann Dolin. We’ll talk about effective ways to prepare for tests, dispel the myths, and key in on a key challenge facing many with ADHD – test anxiety. If you or someone you know has or is impacted by ADHD and struggles to perform on tests, you won’t want to miss this show. |
Dopamine: The Reward Neurotransmitter and its Role in ADHD
Wed, March 26, 2014, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Kenneth Blum on the subject of dopamine and its role in ADHD. Dopamine is a reward neurotransmitter and has an impact on almost all of our behaviors. In the interview, Jeff and Dr. Blum talk about what happens when there is a lack of dopamine and the behaviors that can lead to. They also discuss coaching techniques used to help manage this condition. If you have ADHD and want to understand why you do what you do, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
The ACO Conference is Not Just for Coaches Anymore
Wed, March 19, 2014, 8:00 PM
The ADHD Coaches Organization conference isn't just for coaches anymore. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Charles Parker, who shares his experience and what he learned as a mental health professional attending the ACO conference. He also shares why he thinks other professionals and those with ADHD can gain by attending the conference. We also have conference chair, Katherine Jahnke, with us to share the details of this year’s conference on May 2-4, 2014, in Phoenix, Arizona. |
ADHD: What is Social Attention and What is Social Thinking?
Wed, March 12, 2014, 8:00 PM
For those with ADD, ADHD, or ASD, regulating attention is difficult enough in usual circumstances, but what about in a social environment? What is social thinking? What is social attention? Has any research been done in this area, and what does it all mean? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Michelle Garcia Winner around social thinking and social attention. We talk about these issues in the context of social skills and how to manage them. This is a show you won’t want to miss. |
Addressing ADHD Stigma Eye to Eye
Wed, March 5, 2014, 8:00 PM
What is the best way to deal with a learning disability or ADHD stigma? David Flink, a man with dyslexia and ADHD, says, “Eye to eye; the best way to do it is to talk about it.” David's organization, Eye to Eye, specializes in just that. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we talk with David Flink about stigma and the benefits of discussing it and owning it. We also learn more about David's own story. |
ADHD Gap Year Before College: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Wed, February 26, 2014, 8:00 PM
Are all ADHD students ready for college after high school? What if they're not ready? What if they need to mentally heal from the trauma of high school? Ever hear of a gap year? What is it? What does it look like? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Marie Paxson on the topic. She shares the good, the bad, and the ugly based on her experience as a parent with a son who took a gap year or two. If you have an ADHD student in high school, you won't want to miss this show. |
ADHD: A Dr. Charles Parker and ATR Success Story
Thurs, February 20, 2014
We do what we do at Attention Talk Radio because we are motivated to help those diagnosed with or impacted by ADHD. One of our frequent guests is ADHD expert Dr. Charles Parker ( This special Attention Talk Radio episode is a celebration of an individual we helped and features an excerpt of a recent interview with a long-time listener Deborah. We know you will enjoy her story. |
ADHD & Dyslexia: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly with
Deborah du Plessis
Wed, February 12, 2014, 8:00 PM
Deborah du Plessis is 44, has severe ADHD and dyslexia, and is a loyal listener of Attention Talk Radio. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Deborah to get an inside look at her observations as an individual with severe ADHD and dyslexia and talk with her about trouble she has in reading, recalling faces or names, trusting her own judgment, telling time accurately, and managing time. Deborah also reveals the many things she had discovered to help her move forward in life, as well as her observations around what she sees as positive and unique about herself. We also talk with her about predicting the future, judging character, unique solutions, and discoveries in teaching herself photography. If you are challenged by ADHD, dyslexia, or both and want a show that will make you think, this is the show for you! |
ADHD and Motivation: Point/Counterpoint
Wed, February 5, 2013, 8:00 PM
What is motivation? Are those with ADHD motivated or just lazy? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper and co-host Kirsten Milliken discuss the nature of motivation and argue different perspectives surrounding it in the context of ADHD. If you have ADHD or you know somebody who is impacted by ADHD and you think motivation is an issue, you need to listen to this show. We guarantee we’ll make you think and insights will follow. |
ADHD and Procrastination: Point/Counterpoint
Wed, January 29, 2013, 8:00 PM
Know your resources, chunk it down, plaster your goals all over the place. Do these strategies really work for those with ADHD? Or are they just temporary? Find out what host Jeff Copper and co-host Kirsten Milliken think as they argue opposing views in this edition of Attention Talk Radio. |
ADHD: Brainwaves Made Simple
Wed, January 22, 2014, 8:00 PM
The human brain is a low-voltage electrical system. Electrical impulses travel in different wave ranges. These wave ranges can be associated with various states of mind. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Jeff Gignac on the anatomy of brainwaves and talk about how those waves might be a child using electrical external stimulation. For many with ADHD, such exercises have produced a relief in symptoms. While not documented, there is hope that such exercises over an extended period of time might adjust the makeup of the brain, which we understand is possible through the concept of neuroplasticity. If you have ADHD, if you're interested in brainwaves, or if you are looking for relief from symptoms, this is a show you won't want to miss. |
ADHD: Ugly Organizational Systems
Wed, January 15, 2014, 8:00 PM
Is organization about beauty or about putting things at home in a place where you can find them? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Kacy Paide, professional office organizer of The Inspired Office (, on the topic of ugly organizational systems that work. If you struggle to get organized or find yourself paying attention to pretty systems as opposed to ugly systems, this is a show you won't want to miss as we will clearly delineate the difference between the two and help you understand which is more effective for you to pay attention to... ugly organization styles or pretty ones. This show promises to be very insightful. @theinspiredoffice |
Study Strategies: What Works for ADHD and How It's Different
Wed, January 8, 2014, 8:00 PM
Processing, learning, and remembering information… it can be hard for those with ADHD. Isn't hard overrated? Why not take the path of least resistance? In this episode of ATR, host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews Ann Dolin around how to figure out how you naturally learn. After all, if you are in school or are trying to learn something at work, why make learning harder than it needs to be? If you want to learn in the easiest, most efficient way, you won't want to miss this show. |
Dietary Interventions for ADHD
Wed, January 1, 2014, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Sandy Newmark about things you can focus on in the realm of diet to ease ADHD symptoms and talk about some of the things you can do to help improve the symptoms. There's so much that is confusing when it comes to diet. If you have been struggling with researching the matter, you won't want to miss this show. Listen in and get CliffsNotes on how to focus on things. |
Highlights: A Year in Review Interviewing ADHD Experts
Wed, December 25, 2013, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper and co-host Kirsten Milliken share insight from countless interviews from 2013. This will be a great show as we recount noteworthy guests, memorable moments, and insights learned in 2013. |
The Impact of Food Additives on ADHD
Wed, December 18, 2013, 8:00 PM
All kinds of things are added to our food. Some are good and healthy; some are not so good for many individuals. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we will interview Jane Hersey, national director of the Feingold Association of the United States. We will talk about food additives, the good, the bad, and the ugly. We will also talk about the potential impact on behavioral issues and discuss how to be mindful, where to get good information, and how many can manage food additives. If you have ADHD and are interested in helping the symptoms by diet, you won't want to miss this insightful show. |
ADD/ADHD: Finding It Difficult to Pause 'Cause of Menopause
Wed, December 11, 2013, 8:00 PM
We've interviewed ADDiva Linda Roggli around the topic... "Is it ADD, Age, or Menopause?" In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Zoë Kessler around her personal experience dealing with this trifecta. She reveals what it was like, how she managed it, gives tips, and openly shares her experience in hopes of helping you and others gain insight on this stage of life. Mind you, this is not a show just for women. Spouses and significant others can gain real insight by tuning into the show. |
Making Sense of Nutrition and ADHD
Wed, December 4, 2013, 8:00 PM
"Diet, nutrition, vitamins, minerals, metabolism, supplements, preservatives, additives, fiber, allergies, food sensitivities, deficiencies, protein, fat, carbohydrates, Omega-3 oils, enzymes… AAAAHH! So overwhelming!! Would someone just give me a context so I can understand all this?" In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Sanford (Sandy) Newmark who does just that, putting as much as he can into a context so you can understand how it all relates. Listen in as we try to empower you to move forward in helping you manage your ADHD with diet. If you feel like you are spinning your wheels trying to understand nutrition, you won't want to miss this show. |
ADHD Coach's Toolbox: Favorite Metaphors
Wed, November 27, 2013, 8:00 PM
The root of ADHD coaching is helping those with ADHD regulate attention. Shifting attention to what works is a big part of the process. Metaphors and analogies are fundamental tools coaches use to shift context. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention coach and host, Jeff Copper, interviews Dr. Abigail Levrini around metaphors and their role in coaching. Listen in as they both share their personal favorites. If you are curious about attention and the tools used to regulate attention, you don't want to miss this show. |
ADHD: Transitions Conference: From High School to Higher Education
Mon, November 25, 2013, 3:30 PM
Lynn University's annual Transitions Conference focuses on students with learning challenges and the transition from high school to higher education. This one-day conference welcomes over 600 attendees comprising mental health professionals, educators, parents, and students. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Ashleigh Fowles, conference chair, and keynote speaker, Dr. Russell Barkley. Ashleigh talks about what to expect at the conference, how to get information, and the lineup of speakers and their topics. Dr. Barkley tips his hat, sharing three key topics: ADHD and executive functioning, sluggish cognitive tempo, and the importance of emoting in ADHD. He will review the conference and provide a few key insights. If you are impacted by ADHD and are looking to maximize your learning experience, or if you are interested in learning more about the conference, you won't want to miss this show. |
ADD/ADHD – The Menstrual Cycle Rollercoaster
Wed, November 20, 2013, 8:00 PM
Are you a woman? Got ADD/ADHD? Do you experience mega mood swings? Over-the-top irritability during that time of the month? You're not alone. Monthly hormonal changes are enough to deal with but throw ADD/ADHD on top of that and OMG! In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Zoë Kessler around what it's like. Zoë Kessler has attention deficit disorder and is very candid about her own challenges in that area. To learn more about what you or a loved one might be experiencing on the menstrual rollercoaster, tune in and hear Zoë s experience. |
ADHD: Blurting, Babbling, Interrupting – Point/Counterpoint
Wed, November 13, 2013, 8:00 PM
Ugh! Isn't it frustrating when you struggle with something for years only to find out you're paying attention to it the wrong way? Then, when you attend to it the right way, the solutions are obvious and come easy. In this episode, host Jeff Copper and his guest Kirsten Milliken, ADHD coach and clinical psychologist, address blurting, babbling, and interrupting. They discuss an article written on the topic and share their strong opinions around how the article is attending to the wrong thing, making it more difficult to manage ADHD and creating unnecessary stress. If babbling, blurting, and interrupting is something you identify with, you don't want to miss this show. You'll hear the side of the discussion that you've not attended to and the one you likely have longed for. |
ADHD: Sensitive to Senses, How Distracting
Wed, November 6, 2013, 8:00 PM
So many with ADHD are sensitive to their senses which can create maddening distractions. It looks something like this. Imagine you have ADHD and are sensitive to light and you're trying to write a paper. You're focused, organizing your thoughts, and then there is a flash of light that grabs your attention. In that instant everything in your working memory is erased and you have to start over... UGH! In this episode we'll interview Laura (or a made-up name) who is very sensitive to her senses. She'll share her experience and begin to talk about things she has begun to do that manages her environment, helping her to thrive. If you have ADHD and are sensitive to your senses you don't want to miss this insightful show! |
ADHD: Its Impact on Puberty and the Advent of the Period
Wed, October 30, 2013, 8:00 PM
Puberty is difficult enough for an adolescent, but what is it like for a girl to have ADHD and start having her period? Yikes! In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, your host, ADHD and attention coach, Jeff Copper has a candid discussion with Zoe Kessler on her experience as a young teenager dealing with those challenges back when less was known in what seemed like the dark ages. If you're a teenage girl or a parent, teacher, or relative of a teenager with ADD/ADHD who is going through puberty, this is a show you can't miss. |
We Plus ADHD – Creating Great Relationships
Wed, October 23, 2013, 8:00 PM
You fall in love, get married, and live happily ever after... NOT! How about a reframe? You fall in love, get married, and live happier, and happier, and happier. Now you're talking! In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, your host, attention and ADHD coach, Jeff Copper interviews "We," who are Rick and Ava Green. "We" represents not Rick, not Ava, but their relationship. Yes, there's a third-party in their marriage. The marriage itself. Now we add a twist: "We" plus ADHD. Oh yes, Rick has ADHD and, thus, the couple has ADHD. In our interview we talk about the impact of ADHD on relationships, the challenges, the importance of knowing ADHD is there, the impact of knowledge on expectations, the overriding vote "We" have in relationships and how this couple lives happier, and happier, and happier. If you are in an ADHD relationship, romantic or otherwise, tune in. If you're not in a relationship, but you want to be, tune in. If you've given up on the idea of a relationship because of your ADHD, you REALLY want to tune in. |
The Impact of ADHD on the Economy
Wed, October 16, 2013, 8:00 PM
What is the impact of ADHD on the US economy? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host, attention coach Jeff Copper, interviews Linda Walker, an ADHD coach, chairperson of the Workplace Issues Committee and member of the board of directors of the Attention Deficit Disorder Association. The two will discuss an economic study that begins to account for the economic cost of ADHD, providing data that organizations need to justify the investment in managing ADHD for profit. If you have or are impacted by ADHD, be sure to catch this show |
2013 CHADD Conference: Details in Interviews with Presenters
Wed, October 9, 2013, 8:00 PM
The 2013 CHADD conference is around the corner. In preparation, we will be interviewing Barbara Hawkins, president of the board of Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) on what to expect at this year's conference, as well as interviewing key featured speakers, like Michelle Garcia Winner, Dr. Nancy Rappaport, Dr. Robert Brooks, who will tip their hats and share insights from the presentation. If you've been to a CHADD conference, are going to this CHADD conference, or are thinking about this CHADD conference, this is a must-listen show. |
Got ADHD? Get Aware! ADHD Awareness Month Is Here!
Wed, October 2, 2013, 8:00 PM
Individually, those in the ADHD community can advocate for themselves and bring awareness to the ADHD condition. Collectively, we can have a much greater impact. In this show, we'll interview Michele Novotni, who penned the original senate resolution bringing about ADHD Awareness Day and is now the head of the ADHD Coalition in charge of ADHD Awareness Month in October. We will discuss what the Coalition has in store for us this year and how you can help this important initiative. We'll also interview members of the Coalition around what each has to offer the ADHD community. Organizations include ADDitude Magazine, ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO), Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA), Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), and the National Resource Center on AD/HD (NRC). Whether or not you are part of the ADHD community, you don't want to miss this show. Available resources will be shared, as well as action steps you can take to reach out to those who are unsure if they may have ADHD and what to do. Your help and support are vital in communicating the education and awareness of ADHD. Even if you are shy, there are still actions you can take. |
The Anatomy of a Story and the Benefit to Those with ADHD
Wed, September 25, 2013, 8:00 PM
Stories are powerful. Stories are what we tell ourselves about ourselves, our families, and our world. Stories impact how we attend to things and what we do with our lives. Stories can reduce our fears or send us into terror. They tap into our emotions. True stories do more than impart information. They move us emotionally and spiritually, because they find the deeper truth in what has happened. In this episode host, attention coach, Jeff Copper interviews comedian, professional story writer, and ADDer Rick Green about the power of stories. They look at the anatomy of a story, attend to its different parts, and illustrate how stories can be changed with simple shifts of perspective. In the end the topic sounds fun, but the real meat of the interview is around managing a story to have positive impact on ADHD and controlling it. Stories can become a powerful tool to help others understand that ADHD is real, can devastate lives, but properly dealt with, can become an ally. If you want to overcome stigma, fear, doubt, or dismissal from people and you're tired of arguing, berating, and explaining to no avail, then don't miss this show. |
ADHD and Sales Careers: Not a One-Size-Fits-All-Solution
Wed, September 18, 2013, 8:00 PM
Episodic sales, reoccurring sales, create a need sale, replacement sales, product sales, intangible sales, wholesale and retail sales… There are many different kinds of sales, each requiring different kinds of talents. While the characteristics of the environment attract many with ADHD to the sales field, it's not for everyone, and not every person with ADHD is cut out for each kind of sales position. In this episode, we interview Steve Callender, ADHD sales coach, around the many different kinds of sales and their characteristics, and then we illuminate the notion that the generic label of sales is not a one-size-fits-all solution and needs to be deconstructed before pursuing it and achieving success in it. |
ADHD and Sales Positions: The Attraction
Wed, September 11, 2013, 8:00 PM
When it comes to ADHD, it's about environment, environment, environment, says host and attention coach Jeff Copper. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Jeff interviews ADHD sales coach Steve Callender on the characteristics of the environment of most sales jobs that attract those with ADHD and what misdirects their attention to miscast themselves in sales positions. If you are considering a sales job or are already in a sales job and have ADHD, you won't want to miss this insightful show. |
Navigating ADHD: Impact of Coaching on Your Treatment Team
Wed, September 4, 2013, 8:00 PM
ADHD coaching is real, growing, and becoming an integral part of all ADHD treatment teams. In this episode, your host, attention and ADHD coach, Jeff Copper interviews Tracey Bromley Goodwin and Holly Oberacker of Navigating ADHD. They share specific examples of how they work with mental health and medical professionals as a comprehensive part of an ADHD treatment team to achieve improved outcomes. If you are a mental health or medical professional, or are interested in learning about how coaching can help, you won’t want to miss this show. |
ADHD: Stress and Anxiety in a Context We Can All Understand
Wed, August 28, 2013, 8:00 PM
How can you manage anything if you don't know what you're managing? For example, how are stress, anxiety, and daily hassles different from each other? What about anticipation and actual events? Can stress be different from, say, physical, biological, cognitive, or emotional perspectives? What strategies work for managing stress, anxiety, or daily hassle? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this episode of Attention Talk Radio where host, attention coach Jeff Copper, interviews Dr. Blythe Corbett of Vanderbilt University. If you have ADHD and stress or anxiety...and you know you do… you can't miss this show. |
The Impact of Boredom on Attention, Performance, and ADHD
Wed, August 21, 2013, 8:00 PM
What is boredom? What impact does it have on those with ADHD? Are there different kinds of boredom? Can you manage boredom? Why should we attend to boredom? In this episode, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviews clinical psychologist Dr. Ari Tuckman on the topic. If you have ADHD or are impacted by it, you can’t miss this show! |
ADHD Rules for Effective Incentives
Wed, August 14, 2013, 8:00 PM
Establishing habits or finding motivation to do boring things is most effective by piggybacking on existing habits or using what you naturally attend to as a way to get around what you struggle to focus on. For those who need extra help reaching their goals or need an extra push, there are key characteristics necessary for effective incentives. In this episode, we discuss these rules and share examples of effective incentives with Dr. Abigail Levrini. If you are trying to change habits or find motivation, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
ADHD: Behavior Response and Reinforcement
Wed, August 7, 2013, 8:00 PM
Attention and the object of attention are two different things. Most focus on the object of attention because it's more tangible. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview Dr. Craig Wiener, licensed psychologist, to talk about behavior in the context of ADHD, responses to the behavior, and reinforcements of the behavior. Anyone who listens to this show will know we love to pay attention to attention, and this is right up our alley. If you want to learn about attention or behavior, you don't want to miss this show. |
ADHD: Attending to Self-Esteem and Confidence
Wed, July 31, 2013, 8:00 PM
What is self-esteem? What is self-confidence? Are they the same thing or two sides of the same coin? When it comes to managing adverse situations, how do self-esteem and self-confidence play into things? How does clinical psychologist Dr. Ari Tuckman view and address self-esteem and self-confidence? How does ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper deal with the topic when coaching? Are their approaches the same, using different language, or are they different? All this and more in this edition of Attention Talk Radio. If you have ADHD or are impacted by it, then self-esteem and self-confidence are an issue. You don’t want to miss what promises to be a very exciting and insightful show. |
Why Have a Coach on an ADHD Treatment Team?
Wed, July 24, 2013, 8:00 PM
Surprise! The tables are getting turned. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio clinical psychiatrist Dr. Charles Parker ( will quiz Attention Talk Radio host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper around the need to have an ADHD coach as part of an ADHD treatment team. The two will be talking about the challenges and the values and will give examples around how those with ADHD can have a more positive impact when mental health professionals and coaches work together. If you want to get the most out of your treatment team, you won’t want to miss this show. |
ADHD and Play... Everyone Needs to Play
Wed, July 17, 2013, 8:00 PM
We’ve done the science-based shows, the emotional shows, shows about research, shows about kids, about adults, religion, sex and intimacy, and even ADHD and humor, but never one around ADHD and play. Don’t you think it is about time? If you have ADHD, come with us and play and learn about play in this edition of Attention Talk Radio. Our guest is Kirsten Milliken, cofounder of PlayDHD. We talk about play in the context of science (how it relates to Dr. Barkley’s EFDD construct), the value of play, how those with ADHD should play to have fun. To quote Dudley Moore’s character from the movie Arthur, “Isn’t fun the best thing to have?” Join us for this fun and playful show. |
ADHD: You Can't Go Off to School with Them, But We Can
Wed, July 10, 2013, 8:00 PM
College is a huge investment. It is the biggest life transition for any student and even bigger for an ADHD student. Join us for this edition of Attention Talk Radio as we talk about how to protect your college investment. We’ll be interviewing Robert Tudisco, head of the Edge Foundation, a nonprofit organization providing resources among other things to college students. We’ll also have an excerpt of a prerecorded interview with Dr. Eileen Henry of Muskingum University around its programs that also protect students. If you have an ADHD student and are starting to think about college, you don’t want to miss this show. |
ADHD and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Wed, July 3, 2013, 8:00 PM
How does ADHD and post-traumatic stress disorder affect the brain? Is there a similarity? How are both conditions treated in a similar way or completely different? What is the chance of recovery from PTSD? What does it look like when ADHD, PTSD, and military life all come together? If you’re curious about these questions and more, join host Jeff Copper and co-host Kirsten Milliken as they interview Dr. Charles Parker on the topic. We guarantee this to be a thought-provoking show. |
ADHD-ADD: The Gift or Curse Debate with Dr. Russell Barkley
Wed, June 26, 2013, 8:00 PM
Is ADHD a gift or a curse? What role does stigma play in the debate? Was Dr. Russell Barkley stigmatized as “Dr. Evil” on this important topic? How does he feel about how he has been cast? How does hope and resiliency play into the discussion? What is Dr. Barkley’s take on the personal examples given by host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper how his own dyslexia and learning disability challenges have manifested in his life? All this and more in our interview with Dr. Barkley on the topic. Join us as Jeff and Dr. Barkley try to put all this into a context that makes sense while defining a strategy to put the discussion behind us and move towards destigmatizing ADHD! |
Men Married to ADD Women: A Survival Guide
Wed, June 19, 2013, 8:00 PM
If you are married to a woman with ADD, we are talking to you! In all likelihood your marriage or partnership is anything but mainstream. Old paradigms aren't working. Wouldn't it be nice to have a survival guide? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews an anonymous husband, a non-ADDer married to a very ADD woman, who gives us tips and techniques he has used, not only to survive, but actually thrive. If you are married to an ADD woman, you don't want to miss this show. |
ADD Workplace Accommodation: Preparation, Then Implementation
Wed, June 12, 2013, 8:00 PM
Companies are good at accommodating physical disabilities, but what about cognitive disabilities? Now, that is a different story. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach and host Jeff Copper interviews part-time ADHD coach Jay Carter, whose day job has included being the chair of a disability advisory committee for a Fortune 100 company. At present, he is on the corporate advisory board of U.S. Business Leadership Network which is an employer-led group who exists to help companies hire, train, and retain employees with disabilities. The interview will focus on the key things you need to attend to before addressing workplace accommodation, including disclosure, costs of accommodation, chain of influence, and why you need to understand your specific needs. If you have ADHD and struggle at work, this is the show for you. |
ATR Special: The ADDA Conference is Back!
Fri, June 7, 2013, 1:00 PM
Were you at the last Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) conference in Minneapolis? Host and ADHD coach Jeff Copper was. “It was amazing,” says Copper. “My favorite part was the talent show. I was blown away by the ability and professionalism of all the performers.” In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, we interview conference chair Evelyn Polk Green, keynote speakers Rick Green and Sari Solden, and breakout session presenter and leader Dr. Charles Parker. Get conference details, learn what to expect, and most importantly get a peek at some insights shared by Sari, Rick, and Dr. Parker. If you plan to attend, are thinking about attending, or might attend in the future, don’t miss this special edition of Attention Talk Radio! |
Mindfulness and ADHD without the Fluff
Wed, June 5, 2013, 8:00 PM
Mindfulness, awareness, medication… it all sounded fluffy until Attention Talk Radio host an ADHD coach Jeff Copper interviewed the experts and finally "got" it. In this episode, he interviews Mark Bertin MD on the topic in a concrete way. Mindfulness is defined and illustrated in the context of ADHD, and Dr. Bertin explains how it is a powerful tool in managing executive function, self-regulation, and attention. Join us for this insightful show. |
Obvious ADHD Solutions
Wed, May 29, 2013, 8:00 PM
Obvious is obvious; right? Not always in this top-10-list world we live in. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we'll share several personal ADHD stories and solutions that might surprise you. For example, rocking in a rocking chair and singing your notes to the tune of “Yankee Doodle Dandy” as a surefire means to succeed on a test. Or watching punk videos to write a doctoral dissertation. If you have ADHD and struggle to find obvious solutions, listen to this show and see what obvious solutions look like, which may not seem so obvious. |
Defiant ADHD Teens: Tips from the Trenches - Part 3: Intervention Examples
Wed, May 22, 2013, 8:00 PM
We interviewed Dr. Arthur Robin in two previous episodes on “Defiant ADHD Teens: Tips from the Trenches,” on Attention Talk Radio. In Part 1, we discussed what defiance is, the characteristics of you, your teen, the environment, and your parenting style. In Part 2, we got into more details about some of the tips and strategies that Dr. Robin has found to be helpful in managing those issues. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, Dr. Robin shares additional specific interventions and simulations to help our listeners get insight on how to go about changing their parenting style. Join our co-hosts, Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken, for this lively and informative discussion. . |
ADHD: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
Wed, May 15, 2013, 8:00 PM
“There are three types of lies -- lies, damn lies, and statistics.” ~ Benjamin Disraeli. It has been said the phrase points to the persuasive power that statistics have in supporting weak arguments. Conversely, mastering statistics is a fundamental requirement of many sciences. In this episode, host, attention and ADHD coach Jeff Copper, interviews Dr. Russell Ramsay of the University of Pennsylvania around ADHD statistics. The diagnosis of ADHD is on the rise. What does this mean? Are we over-diagnosing? Or was ADHD under-diagnosed to begin with and we are just catching up? Could it be that ADHD symptoms lie on a continuum and those on the fringe who could get by without a diagnosis and medication in the past now need them in our changing social culture? Or is the rise attributed to gaming the system in the black market to divert stimulant medication to the street? What impact will the new DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) have on rates of diagnosis? Get the answers and more in this interview. If you are confused by ADHD statistics, join us as we pay attention to what the numbers pay attention to. |
ADHD, Your Pharmacist, and ADHD Assessments
Wed, May 8, 2013, 8:00 PM
What is the role of a pharmacist in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD? Is the job just to count pills? Not! Your pharmacist can be an amazing resource, not only for advice on medications but as a place to discuss ADHD assessments. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Frank J. Granett, R.Ph., a board certified pharmacist. He discusses everything from the pharmacist’s role to the physiological, environmental, and behavioral assessments, as well as the role they each play in getting a proper diagnosis. He also shares how they are used in determining who can benefit from ADHD medication and who might be overusing meds. This is an insightful show for anyone in the ADHD community. |
ADHD: The Psychology of Medication and Treatment
Wed, May 1, 2013, 8:00 PM
What does it mean to treat a disorder? Does it matter if it is something physical or psychological? What does it mean to take medication? If you take medication, who gets credit for your success? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we interview returning guest Dr. Ari Tuckman on all this and more as we discuss the psychology of medication and treatment. Join your host, ADHD coach Jeff Copper, for what promises to be an insightful show for anyone diagnosed with or impacted by ADHD. |
ADHD and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - The Sequel
Wed, Apr 24, 2013, 8:00 PM
On January 16, 2013, in our interview with Dr. Roberto Olivardia on ADHD and obsessive compulsive disorder, we defined “obsessive” in the context of OCD, as well as “compulsive.” We looked at the nature of both words and how they differ; we also looked at the nature of OCD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, we go more in-depth about both ADHD and OCD and the fact that many are diagnosed with OCD first and don't realize they have ADHD. We also talk about treatments for them both and individually. Tune in as your co-hosts, Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken, spend more time on this topic with Dr. Olivardia. It promises to be an insightful show. |
The Impact of Media on ADHD
Wed, Apr 17, 2013, 8:00 PM
Let's face it. A war is being raged for your attention. Friends, families, pets, your boss, your employer – they all want your attention, especially the media and corporate America. If we're not careful, our attention can get used by the media… or you could attend to the media wisely. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Dr. Mark Bertin on the impact of media on ADHD. Given the topic and the nature of ADHD, this promises to be an insightful show and one you do not want to miss. |
The Impact of Stigma on ADHD
Wed, Apr 10, 2013, 8:00 PM
What is stigma? Is it different from discrimination? How is it different and what are its properties? What role does language play? What is courtesy stigma? How is stigma overcome? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Dr. Stephen Hinshaw, Professor of Psychology at UC Berkeley, who has studied this topic extensively for decades on a personal and academic level. If you have been diagnosed with or are impacted by ADHD, then stigma impacts you. Tune in and get an education on this important topic. |
ADHD: Answers to Teen Questions Most Don't Ask
Thurs, Apr 4, 2013, 8:30 AM
The Northern Virginia Chapter of CHADD has invited us to do a live interview on location at Commonwealth Academy, a school for students who have organizational, attention, or learning differences in Alexandria, Virginia. The focus of our show is on answering questions most teens don't ask. Dr. Clifford Sussman, board certified physician in psychiatry and neurology, will be on hand to answer questions submitted by teens on a range of topics most are too afraid to ask. This will be an insightful show and will provide information that is difficult to obtain elsewhere. If you're a teen, have a teen, or know a teen who is impacted by ADHD, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
ADHD: Drowning in Media Sensationalism
Wed, Mar 27, 2013, 8:00 PM
The New York Times printed a tragic story of Richard Fee as told by reporter Alan Schwarz. The story is disturbing. In short, Richard Fee passed away because of inappropriate use of stimulant medication. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Dr. Ann Abramowitz and Dr. Theresa Maitland share the tragic stories of many who suffer because of inappropriate use of media sensationalism. The story is disturbing. What is even more disturbing is that the media would capitalize on the pain of the Fee family, using sensationalism that causes further stigma on sufferers of ADHD who take medications properly. Very simply, the media could use counterbalance in their reporting by featuring positive outcomes. Join host and attention coach Jeff Copper to hear our guests tell the rest of the story! |
ADHD Motivation: Three Approaches to Change Behavior
Wed, Mar 20, 2013, 8:00 PM
In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts, Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken, interview Dr. Jeffrey Katz on three common approaches used to address behavior from a clinical perspective. It includes conventional behavior management, positive behavioral intervention and support, and collaborative problem solving. They also talk about coaching approaches to behavior management and brain stimulation from a coaching perspective by focusing on what stimulates the brain as a means to unlock the keys to motivational success. If you are looking for information on motivation, behavioral change, and different ways to address these issues, don't miss this insightful program.
The ADHD Circus: Juggling It All
Wed, Mar 13, 2013, 8:00 PM
Do you remember Steve Martin’s bit in the 1970s about cat juggling? It might have been funny, but in reality it would be ugly and cruel to the cats. For many with ADHD, juggling work, sleep, eating right, exercise, stress management, friends and family, organization, time management, and the notion of simplification is ugly and anything but simple. If you identify with this, we want to help. Join us with two of our favorite guests, Dr. Ari Tuckman and Dr. Roberto Olivardia, as we talk about life balance and simplification. If you have ADHD, struggle to manage it all, know how good an interview with Dr. Tuckman and Dr. Olivardia can be, you don’t want to miss this show. It promises to be very insightful and entertaining. |
Impact of ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO) Conference on ADHD
Wed, Mar 6, 2013, 8:00 PM
What is the ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO)? Why does it hold a conference? What impact does it have on those with ADHD? What impact does it have on Attention Talk Radio, Video, and News? Find out the answers to all of this and more as we interview this year’s conference chair, Joyce Kubik. In our interview we also reflect back on the many inspired video and radio shows that resulted from the conference and talk about how important the ACO is in helping those affected by ADHD. |
ADHD in Prison: The Travesty and Reintegration
Wed, Feb 27, 2013, 8:00 PM
Isn't incarceration about applying negative consequences in the hope individuals will see the light and change their ways? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper and co-host Kirsten Milliken interview Rob Tudisco, a criminal defense attorney, around the topic of ADHD in prisons and the reintegration process. Listen in and become aware of how the system penalizes those with ADHD by removing the tools, structures, and resources that those with ADHD need to manage their ADHD effectively, like ADHD meds, special education services, counselors, therapists, and coaches. They discuss how the structured environment of a prison sets an ADD-er up for failure when released back into an unstructured world. We'll talk about other travesties for those with ADHD, such as the emphasis upon release to get a job with no regard to finding the right job. In the end, you'll see why most ADHD adults in prison had graduated from the juvenile justice system, and you'll understand why prisons like Rikers Island have more inmates with mental health issues than any mental health hospital in the country. Whether you have ADHD or not, this issue impacts you. Listen in, learn, and help educate society so we can build a better mousetrap. |
ADHD and Juvenile Justice: Accused but not Sentenced
Wed, Feb 20, 2013, 8:00 PM
Woops! Your ADHD teen is in trouble with the law… innocent until proven guilty, right? That might not always be the case when ADHD traits manifest in behavior, because ADHD lends the human element to sentence your teen without the facts. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Rob Tudisco, criminal defense attorney, addresses the need to get your teen out of the line of fire and why your attorney, the prosecuting attorney, and the judge need to be educated around the reality of ADHD. Listen in with host Jeff Copper and co-host Kirsten Milliken for this illuminating discussion around why your teen's school should be involved, as well as the key role that Section 504 and IEP plans can play in averting jail in favor of alternative programs or simply a return to school with more favorable accommodations. |
ADHD and Juvenile Justice in Schools and on the Streets
Wed, Feb 13, 2013, 8:00 PM
The phone rings. Your ADHD adolescent is in trouble with the law. You're now in the thick of it. But what three things could you have done to minimize the problem? Education and criminal law attorney Rob Tudisco discusses what you might need to cover with your ADHD teens before they get into trouble. This will be an insightful show. If you want to minimize a bad situation before it happens, this is the show for you. Listen and learn three important tips to teach your teens before an incident occurs. |
ADHD: Advocating in the Educational System
Wed, Feb 6, 2013, 8:00 PM
In the real world, Section 504 and Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are enacted to protect those needs. But the question is: Does the real world work the way it's supposed to? We're not so sure, because if it did, teenagers would act their age and politicians would execute what they promised to do when they got elected. The fact is it doesn't always work the way it's supposed to. In this episode, host Jeff Copper and co-host Kirsten Milliken talk with Rob Tudisco, an education and criminal law attorney, around the reality behind the reasons the system might not work the way you think it should. If you need to advocate for anyone in the school system, this is the show for you. Learn what you need to know before starting the process to be more effective in managing for those you are advocating for. This promises to be a very insightful show. |
A Criminal Law & Education Attorney: An ADHD Community Asset
Wed, Jan 30, 2013, 8:00 PM
Rob Tudisco has ADHD and a depth of experience as an attorney specializing in education and criminal law. Now, he is the executive director of the Edge Foundation and one of the greatest ADHD community assets. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper and co-host Kirsten Milliken take the opportunity to showcase Rob as he reveals how he manages his own ADHD and uses what he does to raise money for the Edge Foundation. Learn why he was cast in the perfect job as a district attorney, then how he miscast himself as he went into private practice. More importantly, we see why his experience as a criminal law and educational attorney gives him insight into the juvenile justice system from an ADHD perspective, which he uses to benefit the ADHD community. This show is a must for those interested in our series on ADHD and the law. |
Defiant ADHD Teens: Tips from the Trenches - Part 2
Wed, Jan 23, 2013, 8:00 PM
In Part 1 of “Defiant ADHD Teens,” we learned the four factors in a family dynamic that result in coercive interchange. Three of the factors are what they are. But parenting styles can have a big influence in outcomes. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken, pick up with Dr. Arthur Robin where they left off and get into the nitty-gritty of what parents can do to manage defiant teens. If you have a teen, you don't want to miss this show. |
ADHD and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Wed, Jan 16, 2013, 8:00 PM
What is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)? Can an individual have ADHD and OCD at the same time? If so, how can a person obsess and be compulsive and, at the same time, be impulsive and distracted? Believe it or not, it happens. Join us in this episode of Attention Talk Radio, as we interview Dr. Roberto Olivardia on this topic, which is near and dear to his heart. In the interview, co-hosts, Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken, talk to Dr. Olivardia about OCD and ADHD, their differences and similarities, and how to treat them individually and collectively. If you have an interest in either one, this is a must show for you. |
ADHD Version of Schoolhouse Rock to Build Routines for Kids
Wed, Jan 9, 2013, 8:00 PM
Got kids with ADHD? Need to form habits and routines? Then, you need to check out Hey You! In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Dr. Melinda McNeal, creator of Hey, You! It is an audio program designed to help kids form positive habits and routines in a fun and unique way by putting instructions to music. Teaching kids in this way engages their modalities to help them learn and it adds infectious fun for all who participate. Remember Schoolhouse Rock “Conjunction Junction, What's Your Function?” You'll find Hey, You! is the newest version of Schoolhouse Rock for ADD. |
ADHD: How Do You Help Kids Who Do Not Think?
Wed, Jan 2, 2013, 8:00 PM
“I don't know” can seem to be the default response from kids, teens, and adolescents to almost any question. It's the easy answer, especially for those who do not think to think, forget to think, or just refuse to think. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Dr. Wendy Rice. Dr. Rice will share tips and strategies she uses in her practice on a daily basis to help teens begin to think ahead about issues and consequences in an effort to help them pause and better manage their world. If you are an adult and have heard, “I don't know,” this is a show you should not miss.
ADHD as a Gift or the Gift of HOPE for Those with ADHD
Wed, Dec 26, 2012, 8:00 PM
It’s the holiday season, a time for joy and giving. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, your hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken pay attention to the notion or idea that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a gift. Is it or isn’t it? The conversation will incorporate things like hard fought-for accommodations, byproducts of ADHD like developed skills, and, as Mark Katz says, “There's never anything so wrong with us that what's right with us can't fix it.” The discussion progresses into a conversation around the gift of hope, its value, and the role it plays in the world with those diagnosed or impacted by ADHD. Give yourself a gift this holiday season and listen in on what promises to be an insightful conversation. |
ADHD Moms at Home: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Wed, Dec 19, 2012, 8:00 PM
Ever look at the characteristics needed for a stay-at-home ADHD mom? Patience is one, especially with small kids, along with the execution of multiple, repetitive, boring, routine tasks and organizational skills. How well do these characteristics match up with the typical ADHD temperament? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, Sheryl Greenfield lays it on the line, telling all the good, the bad, the ugly, and the uglier. What makes her an authority on this? She lived it. Now, she's an ADHD coach helping moms just like her get through their day. If you want theories, don't listen to this show. If you want to understand what goes on in the trenches, this is for you. Listen as co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirstin Milliken talk with Sheryl about “ADHD Moms at Home." |
ADHD: Michele Shares Her Coaching Experience
Wed, Dec 12, 2012, 8:00 PM
Michele was diagnosed with ADHD later in life. The diagnosis explained why she had struggled so much, but now what? Michele searched for information and answers, then turned to coaching. Today Michele has a whole new outlook on life due to a paradigm shift. A paradigm shift is simply a shift in what is being paid attention to. Before coaching Michele paid attention to how she believed she was supposed to work. Then, ah ha! Coaching helped her discover how she does things, making all the difference. In this episode, host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Michele around her experience, so listen to the show as Michele shares her insights and success with ADHD. |
The Impact of ADHD on Communications
Wed, Dec 5, 2012, 8:00 PM
“What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.” This quotation from the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke is the center of our topic in this episode of Attention Talk Radio. Join us as our co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Dr. Jeffrey Bernstein ( around communication, specifically related to those impacted by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. We talk about why those with ADHD find it difficult to communicate, determine what is real and what is not, and discover how many ADHD symptoms can impact communications. Dr. Bernstein also shares effective ways to manage communication struggles. If you are impacted by ADHD and notice a failure in communications, this show is a MUST for you. |
ADHD: The Difference between Diagnosis and How It Manifests
Wed, Nov 28, 2012, 8:00 PM
Do you “get” attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Yeah, yeah, yeah... it’s impulsivity, hyperactivity, and distractibility. You procrastinate, are late, and can’t find anything. All these are buzz words. Do you really understand how ADHD manifests? Specifically, how does your individual ADHD manifest in relationships? In church? With friends or in athletics? In bed, for both sleep and romance? ADHD coach Jeff Copper and psychologist Kirsten Milliken find many persons with ADHD are oblivious to how and when their ADHD manifests. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff and Kirsten interview Gina Pera, author, speaker, and prize-winning journalist, to get her thoughts on the topic and share some fun stories around how ADHD has manifested for some. |
The Impact of Humor on ADHD
Wed, Nov 21, 2012, 8:00 PM
“If we weren't all crazy, we would go insane” ~ Jimmy Buffet. That's right; we’re all a little crazy in our own way, especially those with ADHD. All too often, ADD-ers get caught up in the seriousness of life. Most could use a little humor to lighten things up, and the ability to laugh at themselves to take off some of the pressure. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, we interview comedian and ADD-er Rick Green on humor and its impact on ADHD and share some funny ADHD stories. If you have ADHD and need to lighten things up, this is the show for you. |
Defiant ADHD Teens: Tips from the Trenches
Wed, Nov 14, 2012, 8:00 PM
Got teenagers with ADHD? Are they defiant? If so, we've got a show for you. Join us for this episode of Attention Talk Radio as co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Dr. Arthur Robin around helping your defiant teens. In the interview, the trio talk about defiance, factors that fuel millions of coercive interactions, and characteristics of both you and your teen that act like gasoline thrown on a fire. Finally, Dr. Robin shares tips to help parents in the trenches. If this topic speaks to you, this is a show you can't miss. |
Coaching and Training Helps Parents with ADHD Kids
Wed, Nov. 7, 2012, 8:00 PM
Let's face it! The missing link for those with ADHD is having trained parents to help manage the ADHD. Certainly, there is training available, as well as coaching services, but where can you find the two combined? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirstin Milliken interview Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster, founders of Impact ADHD. Together, they provide a reality-based training program that uses coaching to make it stick. Basically, Elaine and Diane are two life coaches who focus on the parent in the household. Join us as we discuss their comprehensive training/coaching approach targeted towards empowering parents to help them manage their ADHD kids as a part of a multimodal support program. If you live in an ADHD household or know somebody impacted by ADHD, this is a show you don't want to miss. |
ADHD & Fatigue--Is There a Link? A Discussion of New Research
Wed, Oct 31, 2012, 8:00 PM
Dr. Joel Young is a psychiatrist who has studied and treated ADHD through the life cycle for 20 years. Through his work, he noticed that many with ADHD also had symptoms of chronic fatigue and/or fibromyalgia and wondered if these were separate conditions or actually symptoms of ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Dr. Young on his clinical study and his findings on this topic. If you have ADHD, experience fatigue and/or muscle/joint pain, this is a show not to miss! |
ADHD: Remembering to Remember & How to Remember
Wed, Oct 24, 2012, 8:00 PM
Remembering to do the right thing at the right time is a crucial skill, especially in the face of distractions, busy schedules, and competing priorities. Unfortunately, people with ADHD often struggle with turning their intentions reliably into actions. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Dr. Ari Tuckman about memory, more specifically prospective memory, which is the ability to remember to do something at a future time. We will discuss the different kinds of prospective memory, how each works, and what causes these good intentions to be forgotten. After we discuss these foundational principals we’ll move on to discuss specific strategies that combine theory and practical application to help you remember the right thing at the right time and place. If you have a problem with remembering, then set an alarm or have someone send you a reminder or call you to remember to listen to this show. It could change your life! |
Many Faces of ADHD, but Only One Ink Spot That Stands Out
Wed, Oct 17, 2012, 8:00 PM
This week we celebrate ADHD Awareness Week with a very special show. Our guest is Evelyn Polk Green who is impacted by ADHD and is an ADHD leader. She is also a woman of color. At her first CHADD conference, her friend, a Caucasian, whispered in her ear: “You must feel like an ink spot.” Indeed, Evelyn is the ink spot in the ADHD community and among leaders of the ADHD community. Why is that? ADHD doesn’t discriminate by color. The question is why are there so few individuals of color involved in the ADHD community? Our plan is to find out in this episode when co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken talk with Evelyn on the topic. We’ll also be celebrating all Evelyn has done as a leader at different times for CHADD and ADDA. If you are impacted by ADHD, we encourage you to listen to this show no matter the color of your skin. |
The Impact of Dyslexia on ADHD
Wed, Oct 10, 2012, 8:00 PM
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one thing, but what about having ADHD and dyslexia? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Judith Stern, co-author of The Dyslexia Checklist: A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers about the extra challenges facing those with ADHD and dyslexia. They talk about how hard it is for those with dyslexia to read, especially when they get distracted and forget what they read. Their conversation includes practical strategies to help these individuals, while Jeff Copper shares tips and compensatory strategies he has used to deal with his dyslexia and learning disabilities, like what to do when asked to read out loud without warning. If you have ADHD, dyslexia, a learning disability individually, collectively, or in groups, you don’t want to miss this show. |
When Your IEP and Sec 504 Plans Aren't Working
Wed, Oct 3, 2012, 8:00 PM
Let’s face it! It’s a one-size-fits-all world. Thus, when you’ve seen one person with ADHD, you have seen them all; right? In a perfect world, politicians would execute what they promised and schools would treat ADDers as if they were each unique. The fact of the matter is that limited resources and other demands result in one-size-fits-all generic accommodations. Clearly they work! Ever hear of a school calling for an IEP or Sec 504 reassessment meeting? Typically not. When the plan isn’t working, you would expect the school to call a meeting with the parents to discuss reworking the plan, but this isn’t the case. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, expert Dr. Jeffrey Katz engages in an open and frank discussion about the nature of schools, the value of an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE), and his personal strategy to help parents manage schools for the practical outcome they seek. Co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken give Dr. Katz an open forum to educate and empower you and give you a sense of what to expect. After our interview, stay tuned for some unplugged excerpts from our pre-interview with Dr. Katz. |
ADHD: Experiencing Time to Manage It
Wed, Sep 26, 2012, 8:00 PM
For many with ADHD, there are two kinds of time, now and not now. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Leslie Josel, a professional organizer, on the topic of time. In the interview, the trio will discuss the tools Leslie uses to help those with ADHD to experience time so that they could get a better feel for it. This is useful because not having a feel or understanding of time makes it difficult to measure. Listen in as they talk about the tactical tools Leslie uses on a daily basis to help those with ADHD to move forward. If you struggle with time or are impacted by somebody who struggles with time, this show is a MUST for you. |
Managing an ADHD Household
Wed, Sep 19, 2012, 8:00 PM
Human resources, legal department, administration support, marketing, finance, and production are the core of any business. When we get married, there is the romantic side of the relationship and then there is the business side of the relationship, especially when kids come on the scene. In this episode, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview returning guest Dr. Patricia Quinn on running the business of an ADHD family! The family chief financial officer pays the bills. The chief marketing officer markets such things as getting kids in preferred schools or as the starting second baseman. Then there is the chief operations officer in charge of making sure all family members are dressed on time and ready to go. This includes the jobs of cook, chauffeur, homework officer, vacation planner, holiday social director, family counselor, and part-time medical director. It’s enough for any house, but add a few ADD-ers to the mix and WOW! Listen in as the three of them lay the issues on the table, discuss key factors, and offer helpful tips for the CFO, CMO, and COO of your home. If you struggle with this or if you’ve heard Dr. Quinn speak before, then you know this is a show you don’t want to miss! |
ADHD: CHADD - 25 Years of Making a Difference
Wed, Sep 12, 2012, 8:00 PM
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) will be celebrating “25 Years of Making a Difference” at its annual conference in San Francisco from November 8th through the 10th. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview conference chair Anne Teeter Ellison EdD and Harvey Parker PhD about the conference. Listen to this show to hear Dr. Parker recount briefly 25 years of advancements made in ADHD, along with brief interviews with featured speakers Russell Barkley PhD, Stephen Hinshaw PhD, Linda Pfiffner PhD, and Martha Denckla MD who will give us a preview of their presentations. At the end of the show we’ll talk about the gala celebration that will take place Friday, November 9, in celebrating 25 years of making a difference. If you have an interest in ADHD, you don’t want to miss this show! |
ADHD: An Evening of ADD Poetry! Less Radio, More Concert
Wed, Sep 5, 2012, 8:00 PM
The Squirrtle is coming! The Squirrtle is coming! What's a Squirrtle? It's Wilma Fellman, part squirrel and part turtle, and the author of The Other Me: Poetic Thoughts on ADD for Adults, Kids, and Parents. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, you'll find less radio, more concert. Both host, Jeff Copper, and co-host, Kirsten Milliken, introduce Wilma, put on some soft background music, sit back, and listen as Wilma shares her favorite excerpts and poems from the book. In developing the idea for this show, co-host Kirsten corresponded, “I remember Wilma reading one of her poems at the ADHD Coaches Organization conference. Everyone in the room was in some state of apparent emotional response when she finished. Her writing is terrific and the emotions she captures are poignant. The way she read the poem at the conference was also entertaining.” If you have ADHD, you're going to want to download this show and listen to it on your iPod on long walks, while soaking in the tub, or when just relaxing at the beach or poolside or, in the backyard. |
The Real Life of an ADHD Mother: Call It Reality Radio!
Wed, Aug 29, 2012, 8:00 PM
Terry Matlen feels your pain. This ADD mother of two daughters, one of whom also has ADD, got her “failing forward” degree as a mother, graduating with honors from the school of hard knocks! In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Terry Matlen, the ADD professional—not as a professional but as a mother. Yes, an ADD mother who deals with the same everyday struggles other ADD parents with ADD kids do. We warn you though. If you are looking for a high-level overview, this is not it, but if you are looking for practical examples of what worked for Terry and her family, then this is the show for you. Listen in and learn about Terry’s two-adult rule, her structure around toy clean-up, and other successful tips such as the joys of adult timeouts, the power of the word “no”, floor time, messy zones, mealtime for the picky eater, breaking rules to make them work, why ADD working moms shouldn’t go straight home, and a bonus around the most important feature she insisted must be in her kids’ IEP plans. If you’re impacted by ADD with ADD kids, you have to find time to listen to this show. |
ADHD: What is Intuition? How Can Intuition Help ADD-ers?
Wed, Aug 22, 2012, 8:00 PM
“My intuition tells me....” “I have a hunch!” “Go with your gut.” What does that mean? What is intuition? Are intuition and attention related, or is intuition just the object of attention? Should those with ADHD be concerned with or pay attention to intuition? In this episode, guest Dr. Ari Tuckman and co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken deconstruct intuition like never before. Why? Because the more you understand how something works, the easier it is for you to manage it. Understanding the nature of intuition can be very helpful for those with ADHD. If you enjoyed our show with Dr. Tuckman on "What Is Attention," you don't want to miss this episode. |
Procrastination: Attending to Emotion to Manage It
Wed, Aug 15, 2012, 8:00 PM
Set priorities, chunk it down, set up small but specific goals, take breaks, and reward yourself for reaching small goals… These are all obvious solutions when it comes to managing procrastination, but the question is: What do we do when these obvious solutions don’t work? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview ADD coach Sunny Aldrich around her concept of emotional procrastination. Sunny discusses how she uses that concept as a lens to help others move past procrastination when the obvious solutions don’t work. If you struggle with procrastination, this show will give you insight on other not-so-obvious ways to manage procrastination, which becomes obvious after you attend to them. Listen in as the three of them share important thoughts on the topic. |
Youngsters with ADHD: Avoiding the Criminal Justice System
Wed, Aug 8, 2012, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Dr. Phil Anderton, an expert from the criminal justice system, who helps youngsters with ADHD avoid the criminal justice system. The conversation includes discussions around markers that represent important times, called tipping points, when those with ADHD are vulnerable and could head down the wrong path. They discuss how parents can be proactive to catch these things before they happen and identify resources that are available to help parents. Finally, they discuss what to do after an unexpected call from someone in the criminal justice system. If you are a parent of an ADHD adolescent, this episode is a must for you. |
ADHD: How Exactly Did You Do That?
Wed, Aug 1, 2012, 8:00 PM
Got ADHD? Ever make it to an appointment on time? Ever complete a task or a group of tasks? Ever complete a project without procrastinating? If so, “How Exactly Did You Do That” (HEDYDT)? Seriously! Critics are quick to point out what those with ADHD are not doing, but what about the things they do right? Those with ADHD are so focused on what they do wrong that few recognize what they do right; but when they do, only a few realize how or what they did to achieve success. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. David Nowell. He talks about strategic behavioral inquiry and how to use it to recognize what you do right to help you discover specifically what you did and how you did it, making it easier to reproduce your success again and again. If you know you are capable, if you realize you do things right, then this show is for you! Don’t miss it! |
ADHD: Casting Yourself in the Career for You
Wed, July 25, 2012, 8:00 PM
Wilma Fellman, ADHD career counselor, is called to help those with ADHD find a career that suits them. She believes that too many career service providers get it wrong when working with the ADHD population. In this episode, host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Wilma to gain insight on her process so you may begin to pay attention to how you can go about casting yourself in the right role at the right job. For those who are serious, we suggest you listen to her two previous shows: “Talents: Enough Talk, Let's Identify Them” and “ADHD: Finding Talents in Your Role in Life.” |
ADHD: Finding Talents and Your Role in Life
Wed, July 18, 2012, 8:00 PM
For those who survived our previous show, "Talents: Enough Talk, Let's Identify Them" (a bit of a prerequisite for this show), host Jeff Copper interviews Wilma Fellman, ADHD career counselor. The two begin by removing all the things that get in your way of finding the right job and career. For example, Wilma powerfully illustrates why you look at career first and then the disability, but also the reason job characteristics, tasks, and environment should be the focus over career categories. If you are tired of being miscast in your job and long to be cast in the role you were born to play, then you need to listen to this show and study it in depth. |
ADHD: How to Determine What Is Important
Wed, July 11, 2012, 8:00 PM
Those with ADHD are said to be impulsive and distractible, losing hours within a day. So how do they determine what is important and stay on task? With two questions, says Dr. David Nowell. In this episode host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Nowell around these two very powerful questions, puts them in perspective, talks about what determines what is important to them, and then discusses specifics about how those with ADHD can use them daily to move forward. If you want to know what is important to you and then to be able to focus on it, you don’t want to miss this show! |
Got Parents? How Adolescent Teens Raise ADHD Parents!
Wed, July 4, 2012, 8:00 PM
Got ADHD parents? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Bex Taylor-Klaus, daughter of ImpactADHD co-founder, Elaine Taylor-Klaus. Got ADHD parents?
We caught up with actress Bex Taylor-Klaus (Scream, The Killing) who talks about life in her all-ADHD family of five to get her teen perspective around being an ADHD teen raising ADHD parents! Teens, listen in and realize you are not alone. Parents, whether or not you have ADHD, you'll get a new perspective. You might learn something! |
The Impact of ADHD on Higher Education
Wed, Jun 27, 2012, 8:00 PM
Law school, med school, and doctoral programs are all notable aspirations. But what impact can ADHD have on these endeavors if you go into them blindly with rose-colored glasses? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, co-hosts, Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken, interview Kimberly, an ADDer and recent law student. Tune in to hear Kim's story, how she ignored her ADD in the face of a challenging learning environment with no structure, immense pressure, and competing for grades. Her current struggle is to put her life back together post law school. If you are considering higher education, this is a show for you. Learn from Kim's mistakes so you can approach graduate school and higher level education with your eyes open and a strategy to succeed. |
Crushing Your ADD: Stories behind the Scenes
Wed, Jun 20, 2012, 8:00 PM
Alan Brown, as an undiagnosed teen and young adult, was reckless and engaged in crime, drug, and substance abuse. He crashed every car, motorcycle, and mini bike he ever put his hands on. Judges gave him scores of 8.5 and 9 for the two 360s he did on the New Jersey turnpike. In this episode, show host Jeff Copper and co-host Kirsten Milliken interview Alan Brown, the adult, executive, entrepreneur, and ADDer who crushed his ADD and has gone on to do much more. Listen to this behind-the-scenes unplugged edition of Attention Talk Radio and learn how Alan crushed his ADD and how you can crush yours. If you are someone or if you know someone who lives on the wild side, this show is for you. |
Being Gay with ADHD: An Open Discussion
Wed, Jun 13, 2012, 8:00 PM
What is it like to be gay in a heterosexual world? What is it like being ADHD in a non-ADHD world? What is it like being gay with ADHD in our world? In this episode, co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken have an open discussion with two individuals who both are gay and have ADHD… one out on both, but not the other. Listen in as we discuss the challenges, the pros and cons of disclosure, and the personal stories of our guests as they celebrate gay pride month. |
ADHD: What does Dopamine Feel Like? Why Should I Care?
Wed, Jun 6, 2012, 8:00 PM
Got ADHD? Are you unmotivated? Want to figure out how to get motivated or how to arrange your world so you are motivated? If so, meet Dr. David Nowell. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, show co-hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Dr. Nowell as he discusses dopamine… specifically, what dopamine feels like, why you should notice what it feels like, how you can use dopamine to move you forward, and how to use it as a compass of sorts to find your passion. |
ADHD: Putting on the Brakes... 20 Years in Print
Wed, May 30, 2012, 8:00 PM
Putting on the Brakes is an ADHD book written for kids by big kids with young hearts. This best-selling classic, written by Dr. Patricia Quinn and Judith Stern, is celebrating its 20th year in print. It contains everything a child needs to know about attention deficit disorder, with or without hyperactivity. Trusted by parents and professionals, a new edition is being released to commemorate another anniversary of the book. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, show hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview the authors of the book on its content while celebrating its success. If you want to hear more about helping children understand ADHD and learn what they can do about it, or if you are a teacher, counselor, or parent of ADHD children, this is the show for you. |
Attending to How "HOW" Works and Its Impact on ADHD
Wed, May 23, 2012, 8:00 PM
At its core, what do we mean when we say the word “how”? How does “how” work? What is the relationship between attention and how? Are there different kinds of how? How is it that some things don't work the way they are supposed to? How can understanding how “how” works help those with ADHD? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio show co-host Kirsten Milliken talks with Jeff Copper around his thoughts on the word “how.” You can expect them to deconstruct the word “how” to answer these questions and more. If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and want to gain insight on how to move forward, this is the show for you! |
ADHD: Its Impact on Sports, Sports Culture, and Exercise
Wed, May 16, 2012, 7:30 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Paul Hammerness and Dr. Richard Ginsburg around ADHD, ADHD sports, and more specifically ADHD's issues in the context of sports culture. We'll be talking about the difference between individual, team, and non-competitive sports, the positives and negative impact of pressure, the issues associated with the trend towards more and more at younger ages, the impact of learning disabilities in team sports, self-esteem and the benefits of sports and exercise from a physical, psychological, and social prospective. If you have an interest or question with regard to any of this space, we guarantee that you will walk away glad for having listened to the show. |
Talents: Enough Talk, Let's Identify Them!
Wed, May 9, 2012, 8:00 PM
Unique gifts, talents… they're easy to talk about. So why is it they are mentioned in conversations but then bypassed, going straight to skills, knowledge, and experience? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention coach and host Jeff Copper brings with him some very strong opinions and interviews the only person he ever met whom he believes is capable of handling the discussion, that is, ADHD career counselor Wilma Fellman. The two of them, along with co-host Kirsten Milliken, will confront the topic head on by acknowledging how some talents are not easily recognizable, as well as the obstacles (like labels) that get in the way and how the English language makes it even more difficult. Learn why assessment and strength tests may sound good but are difficult to apply. If you want to "get" this issue, then this show is what you've longed to hear. Tune in for an insightful discussion. |
ADHD: Everyone Needs Friends, Especially Those with ADHD
Wed, May 2, 2012, 8:00 PM
Everyone needs a friend, even those with ADHD and especially adults with ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio,show hosts Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview returning guest Dr. Ari Tuckman about the need for friends, what makes a good friend, and how to find good friends. Together, they share advice on what to expect from a friend and what is expected of you as a friend, as well as the impact of ADHD on friendships. Their conversation includes tips around handling sensitive situations, when it’s time to move on, and more. If you have ADHD, you will find this show to be very insightful! |
ADHD and Impulsivity: Stories You Would Not Believe!
Wed, Apr 25, 2012, 8:00 PM
Got impulsivity? Stacey Turis does, along with ADHD and a library of stories only an ADD-er can tell. Are the stories true? You bet. You could not make up this kind of stuff. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and attention coach Jeff Copper and Kirsten Milliken interview Stacey to understand what impulsivity really looks like. Expect a belly laugh as you put your own ADHD impulsivity into perspective. If you have ADHD and awkward moments, listen to this show and compare your experiences to those of this ADHD-impulsive professional. |
Helping Kids with Homework...Even If the Parent Has ADD!
Wed, Apr 18, 2012, 8:30PM
There are specific reasons students of all ages struggle with homework. Because the reasons vary, there is no “one size fits all” solution that works for everyone, and it is no different for those with ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Ann Dolin, a recognized expert in education and learning disability issues. Ann is president of Educational Connections (, an in-home tutoring company specializing in helping those with ADHD learn to study and get through homework. Jeff and Ann discuss some very specific strategies designed to help those with ADHD study. These strategies will help you in your own studies or show you how to help your child study...even if you have ADHD. |
Dating and Marriage with ADHD: Going from Wow to Bored
Wed, Apr 11, 2012, 8:00 PM
Love, love, love! Those with ADHD are full of passion, emotion, and love! Romance is exciting, stimulating, and wonderful! But what happens when these intense feelings wear off? What happens when WOW turns methodical and boring? What happens when that exciting person you fell in love with turns out not to be the right person for you? In this episode host Jeff Copper interviews Kirsten Milliken. Kirsten has ADHD and has been married several times. Question is: Did her ADHD impact her marriages? Listen to this episode and find out! |
ADHD: Is Negative Self-Talk Holding You Back?
Wed, Apr 4, 2012, 8:00 PM
What is negative self-talk? Is it common for those with ADHD? What’s the trick to overcoming negative self-talk? What is it about the real world that inhibits positive self-talk? In this episode, host, Jeff Copper, interviews Debra Burdick, psychotherapist, neurotherapist, and author on the topic. They talk about negative self-talk, positive self-talk, the advantages of positive self-talk, and strategies on how to make the shift from negative to positive. Join us for this insightful episode. |
Coaching Dual Diagnosis: ADHD and Developmental Disabilities
Wed, Mar 28, 2012, 8:00 PM
Coaching high-functioning individuals with ADHD is one thing, but what about those with ADHD on the other end of the spectrum? In this episode, host Jeff Copper interviews ADHD coach Steve Gundy around his experience in coaching those with ADHD and developmental disabilities (MMR and autism). Steve also shares his insight and thoughts around challenges faced by their caregivers where the tendency is to be overbearing or too protective. Join us as Jeff and Steve discuss how coaches can help caregivers to empower those in their care, as well as providing structure that can be a significant aid for those in the support system. |
Executive Functioning in Adults with ADHD: A New Construct
Wed, Mar 21, 2012, 8:00 PM
Executive functioning and many components have been ambiguous concepts due to the lack of specificity and the lack of an agreed-upon definition. Dr. Russell Barkley is ready to change all that. He has constructed a new, more precise definition that acts metaphorically as a Swiss army knife cutting through the ambiguity, bringing clarity to what is and is not an executive function. With this in hand, he has conceptualized a new model of executive functioning as an extended phenotype. This new model shows why adult ADHD is a disorder of executive function. Even if most adults with ADHD are not impaired on neuropsychological tests of executive function. His new model has some very interesting implications for the assessment and management of executive function deficits as they exist in adults with ADHD. In this episode, host, Jeff Copper, discusses with Dr. Barkley this new construct in basic terms and discusses how the model would improve the assessment and management of ADHD moving forward. If you are interested in what the future of ADHD diagnosis and treatment might be like, you won’t want to miss this show. |
ADHD: Medication Shortages
Wed, Mar 14, 2012, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host, Jeff Copper, interviews Ruth Hughes, CEO of Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) on ADHD medication shortages. For many individuals being treated for ADHD, stimulant medications have a positive impact. The fact that they help is great! But the problem is what happens in case of a shortage on these medications. Jeff and Ruth discuss the issues associated with medication shortages and highlight what CHADD has been doing to advocate for those with ADHD. If you have ADHD and take ADHD medications, this is the show for you. Listen to the show live by calling 646-652-4409. |
Study Strategies: What Works for ADHD and How It's Different
Wed, Mar 7, 2012, 8:00 PM
There are many one-size-fits-all strategies for studying. If we were all the same, they’d work for everyone. The fact is we are all different, and these strategies don’t always work for those with ADHD. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Ann Dolin, a recognized expert in education and learning disability issues. Ann is president of Educational Connections (, .an in-home tutoring company specializing in helping those with ADHD learn how to study and get through homework assignments. Jeff and Ann discuss differences in learning strategies for those with ADHD and share several specific strategies found useful by individuals with ADHD. |
The Impact of ADHD on Sex and Intimacy: The Sequel
Wed, Feb 29, 2012, 8:00 PM
Attention Talk Radio, produced by DIG Coaching Practice, presents a sequel to the May 18 show on the Impact of ADHD on sex and intimacy. Host, Jeff Copper, and returning guest Gina Pera discuss details of a survey printed in Gina’s book, Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.? Stopping the Roller Coaster when Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder. Their discussion covers some of the most common troubling scenarios by framing things with humor in the context of the animal typically associated with sex — bunnies. Gina’s book has garnered four national book awards and is hailed as a guide not only to understanding adult ADHD, but also in dealing with the emotional baggage carried by one or both ADHD partners in an intimate relationship. |
Which Came First, ADD or Substance Abuse?
Wed, Feb 22, 2012, 8:00 PM
Which came first, ADD or substance abuse? What’s the difference between abuse and dependency? Are those with ADD at a higher risk for substance abuse? If ADD is treated at a younger age, does it impact substance abuse risk factors? Are those with untreated ADD more likely to have a substance abuse problem? These are the questions host Jeff Copper will be asking clinical psychologist Dr. David Teplin in this edition of Attention Talk Radio. Listen to the show and understand why Dr. Teplin always screens for ADHD when working with individuals with substance abuse problems. |
Putting ADHD Treatments in a Context We Can Understand: Pt 2
Wed, Feb 15, 2012, 8:00 PM
Part 2: Stimulants, computer-based cognitive training, meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, ADHD coaching, omega 3 fish oil, neurofeedback, biofeedback, diet, mindfulness, and ADHD education....all are considered forms of ADHD treatment. If you are overwhelmed with all this, don’t know where to start, or don’t know how it all comes together, this show is for you. Host Jeff Copper discusses all these treatments and more with Dr. Russell Ramsay of the University of Pennsylvania. Together, they help organize and bring sense to it all by putting it into a context we can understand. Join the live discussion by calling 646-652-4409. |
Attention Challenges: How ADHD and Dyslexia Overlap
Wed, Feb 8, 2012, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews neurolearning experts Drs. Brock and Fernette Eide around how dyslexia and ADHD overlap. Their book, The Dyslexic Advantage, provides the first complete portrait of dyslexia. They describe an exciting new brain science and reveal that people with dyslexia have unique brain structure and organization. While dyslexia presents certain challenges with literacy and reading, the dyslexic brain also gives a predisposition to important skills and special talents. While dyslexics typically struggle to decode the written word, they often excel in areas of reasoning such as mechanical required for architects and surgeons, interconnected for artists and inventors, narrative for novelists and lawyers, and dynamic for scientists and business pioneers. Your host guides the discussion to share how the practical advantages of dyslexia might be extremely useful for those diagnosed with or impacted by ADHD. Be sure to join us for this very insightful program. |
ADHD: Transitioning from Adolescent to Adult
Wed, Feb 1, 2012, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Timothy Wilens around the transition from ADHD adolescent to ADHD adult. For many individuals, the transition is a bit more complicated than it might seem. Legal issues change, the mental health landscape changes, and the likelihood of more serious addictions come into play. Dr. Wilens shares his insight on all this and more. If you are impacted by anyone with ADHD between the ages of 15 and 25, this is a show you don’t want to miss! |
Separating ADD Issues from ADDers Living in a Non-ADD World
Wed, Jan 25, 2012, 8:00 PM
Dr. Kevin Ross Emery is an ADHD innovator and catalyst. He sees ADHD as an evolutionary process that should be allowed to adjust the environment and work with it, not medicate it. He further sees the need to separate ADHD issues from the issues of an ADHD person living in a non-ADHD environment. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Emery on his beliefs, his book, and his concept around the love affair between ADHD and depression. Catch this exciting episode of Attention Talk Radio. |
ADHD Support Groups: Finding Them & Running Them Well
Wed, Jan 18, 2012, 8:00 PM
We all need a bit of help from our friends… right! In this episode, host Jeff Copper interviews Margaret Vikingur, president of the management committee overseeing the running of Learning and Attentional Disorders Society of Western Australia, a highly successful ADHD support group. Jeff and Margaret will discuss what makes a good support group, how to find one, and tips for other ADHD support group organizers. If you have ADHD and need support, participate in a support group, or run one, this is a show you won’t want to miss. |
The Impact of ADHD on and after Divorce
Wed, Jan 11, 2012, 8:00 PM
ADHD impacts organization, time management, emotions, sex, and intimacy. Why wouldn’t it impact divorce, as well? In this episode, Jeff Copper, host and attention coach, interviews Curt Hunter, a divorced ADDer with parenting responsibilities, Listen in as Curt shares what it is like to have ADD and be divorced, the challenges ADD presents in being divorced and a parent, and offers tips and insights on how he has been able to manage it all. If you have ADD and are divorced, you are not alone. Tune into the show to learn and gain insight for yourself. |
New Year's Resolution: Divorce Prevention for ADHD Couples
Wed, Jan 4, 2012, 8:00 PM
ADHD and its symptoms can attract couples together, but once married, it can be the very thing tearing a marriage apart. In this episode, host Jeff Copper interviews Melissa Orlov, marriage consultant and author of The ADHD Effect on Marriage. Melissa herself is in an ADHD relationship and has extensive experience working with ADHD couples to save their marriages from divorce. If you are in an ADHD relationship and want to save your marriage, then you’ll find this show very helpful as Melissa shares her insights, tips, and strategies for success. |
ADHD: The History of the ADHD Coaches Organization
Wed, Dec 28, 2011, 8:00 PM
On this episode of Attention Talk Radio, your host, Jeff Copper, interviews Sarah Wright, ADHD coach and former president of the ADHD Coaches Organization. The two discuss a brief history of coaching, the evolution of ADHD coaching, and then have an in-depth discussion around the history of the ADHD Coaches Organization, including its humble beginnings, the players and volunteers, and where the ACO is today. If you’re an ADHD coach or interested in learning about the ACO, this show is for you! |
ADD: The Neurotransmitters You Need to Meet
Wed, Dec 21, 2011, 8:00 PM
Once upon a time, ADD coach Linda Roggli (a/k/a the ADDiva) had trouble remembering the names and interaction of those pesky ADHD neurotransmitters, which made it difficult to explain brain wiring to her clients. So she set out to simplify this exceedingly complex topic and voila! She made friends with three amazing neurotransmitter stand-ins: Nora Penne Effrin (a/k/a norepinephrine), Sarah Tonin (a/k/a serotonin), and Dope A. Mean (a/k/a dopamine). These three low-voltage characters made life much easier for both Linda and her clients, and they might help you understand (and pronounce) these bad boys, too. In this episode of ATR, Jeff Copper interviews Linda about her new neurotransmitter friends and how they impact ADHD. So if you need a crash course (or a lighthearted refresher) in ADHD neurotransmitter action, this show is for you! Linda is the founder of the whimsical ADDiva Network (pronounced ay-dee-dee-va), which supports midlife ADHD women (and a few exceptional men known as ADDivos) as they embrace and appreciate their ADD-ish tendencies. |
ADHD: How It Manifests Differently in Girls and Women
Wed, Dec 14, 2011, 8:00 PM
Psst! Have you noticed there's a difference between men and women? Well, there is and, as such, ADHD manifests differently in both women and girls, as do coexisting conditions. Listen to this episode of Attention Talk Radio as host, Jeff Copper, interviews Dr. Patricia Quinn on the topic. On the show, the two discuss why females are more likely to be misdiagnosed regarding ADHD. They also talk about the more common coexisting conditions in women and the link between ADHD and eating disorders in women. If you have depression, anxiety, or an eating disorder, or if a female around you is impacted by it, this is a show you cannot miss. |
Alexis Hernandez, Food Network Finalist: His ADD Story
Wed, Dec 7, 2011, 8:00 PM
Alexis Hernandez grew up around Latino flavors and from an early age gained a lasting love affair with food. In his early 20s, he began learning the basics of cooking and food science. He discovered a passion about the science of food and understanding the compositional characteristics of ingredients and how they interact with each other and what happens when heat is applied to them in the kitchen. He followed his dream and attended cooking school to fully understand the simple science of cooking. Two years after graduating from school, Alexis beat out thousands of hopefuls and became a finalist on the hit show, The Next Food Network Star, Season 6. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Alexis who was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD later in life. Alexis shares the impact ADD has had on his life, and they both celebrate his success and what has gone right for him. |
Audio Stimulation - Neuroplasticity: Helping ADHD and Autism
Wed, Nov 30, 2011, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host, Jeff Copper, interviews Dr. Ron Minson of Integrated Listening Systems who talks about how the program impacts neuroplasticity, which is often overlooked as a form of treatment. On the show, Jeff also interviews Rebecca Goniwich who shares how the program helps her manage her own ADHD, as well as her two sons with ADHD and autism. Join us live for this insightful and educational show. |
ADHD: Organizing Treatments into a Context You Understand
Wed, Nov 23, 2011, 8:00 PM
Stimulants, computer-based cognitive training, meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, ADHD coaching, omega 3 fish oil, neurofeedback, biofeedback, diet, mindfulness, and ADHD education....all are considered forms of ADHD treatment. If you are overwhelmed with all this, don’t know where to start, don’t know how it all comes together, this show is for you. Host Jeff Copper will discuss all these treatments and more with Dr. Russell Ramsay from the University of Pennsylvania. The two will help organize and bring sense to it all by putting it into a context we can all understand. Join in on the discussion live by calling 646-652-4409. |
ADHD: Go Ahead, Make a Mess!
Wed, Nov 16, 2011, 8:00 PM
If you are like many ADD-ers, you think or perform best with your work sprawled out before you. For visual learners, being able to see everything at the same time is key to staying engaged with a project, but it presents its own issues. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Sandy Maynard on sprawling… boosting productivity without driving resident neatniks over the edge! Join us for what will be a very insightful show. |
ADHD RX Rules: Paying Attention to Meds for Paying Attention
Wed, Nov 9, 2011, 8:00 PM
You get diagnosed with ADHD, the doctor prescribes a stimulant and that is it; right? Wrong! Getting the right stimulant in the right dose delivered at the right time is more of an art than a science. You see, each person is different and metabolizes stimulants differently. All too often, ADDers get the diagnosis, take the medication, have a bad experience, then give up. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Charles Parker, author of ADHD Medication Rules: Paying Attention to the Meds for Paying Attention. The two will have an open discussion designed to inform you and help arm you to have a conversation with your mental health professional to tune into the right drug in the right dose using the right delivery system. The two will also discuss follow up strategies. Yes, once you set meds does not mean your needs won't change. If you have ADHD, have tried stimulants and been frustrated with the results, this is a must-listen-to show to find a physician who is both knowledgeable and current in the field of ADHD. |
Updated ADHD Diagnosing Practices and Finding a Good Doctor
Wed, Nov 2, 2011, 8:00 PM
Imagine walking into the emergency room with chest pains. The doctor asks you a few questions and rushes you in for bypass surgery based on how things appear without ever running a test. Would you be comfortable with this? Wouldn’t you rather have the doctor run some tests to confirm you don’t have GERD or another condition unrelated to your heart? In this episode host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Charles Parker, the author of ADHD Medication Rules: Paying Attention to the Meds for Paying Attention. In the show, Jeff and Dr. Parker discuss the outdated ADHD diagnostic practice and look at science today. The two will also talk about strategies around how to find a physician who is both knowledgeable and current in the field of ADHD. For those wanting current information, this is a must-listen show. |
How a Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Finds ADD Facts
Wed, Oct 26, 2011, 8:00 PM
The Internet is full of opinions on ADHD, but you want fact! How do you find the facts? In this episode, host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Katherine Ellison on her experience sorting through the infinite amount of information on her personal journey as she and her son were diagnosed with ADD. Her experience is chronicled in her book, Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention. In the interview Katherine shares practical tips on how to sort fact from fiction and the importance of noting what influences the perspective of the source. If you want to be efficient in your research, this is the show for you! |
The Difference between ADHD Coaching and ADHD Therapy
Thur, Oct 20, 2011, 8:00 PM
What is the difference between ADHD coaching and ADHD therapy? Find out in this episode of Attention Talk Radio. ADHD Master Certified Coach Barbara Luther and Dr. Ari Tuckman will be on hand to talk with host Jeff Copper to help us understand the difference and the advantages of each. This promises to be an insightful show.
The ADHD Awareness Week Story: How It Happened
Wed, Oct 19, 2011, 8:00 PM
Have you ever wondered how something like ADHD Awareness Week comes about? Join us for this episode of Attention Talk Radio as host, Jeff Copper, interviews Dr. Michele Novotni around how ADHD Awareness Week came to be. Listen as Michele describes what happened and how she and others at the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) pulled this off without being professional lobbyists. Call in and participate in the show. If you think you know how things like this work, you will be very surprised!
ADHD: Permission to Proceed
Tue, Oct 18, 2011, 8:00 PM
David Giwerc combines ADHD education, biology, mental models, coaching tools, and his personal ADHD story all into one book, Permission to Proceed. In this show, David will be on hand to discuss his book with host Jeff Copper. The two will talk about the ADHD paradox, attention and intention, David’s “I” model, his “machine, mind, and mission” model, beliefs, knowing, and a whole lot more. If you are interested in his book, have ADHD or are impacted by ADHD, or if you are considering becoming an ADHD coach or are a mental health professional looking for insight on ADHD coaching, this show is for you!
Ned Hallowell: What is Going on in the ADHD Community
Mon, Oct 17, 2011, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host and attention coach Jeff Copper meets with ADHD expert Dr. Ned Hallowell for a candid interview around what is going on in the ADHD community that excites him. Diagnosis, treatment, the ADHD community, advocacy, public perception, and ADHD help are all open for discussion. If you have ever read, seen, or heard Dr. Hallowell, you know how dynamic and insightful he is. This is a show you don't want to miss. |
ADHD: What Is Attention? Understand It and Manage It!
Wed, Oct 12, 2011, 8:00 PM
Attention; stand at attention; pay attention; gesture to get the waiter’s attention; “I want your attention”; children fighting for their parents’ attention…. Attention impacts everything, but have you ever paused and paid attention to what attention is? Ever paused and paid attention to what you are paying attention to? Or how you use your attention? In this episode, guest Dr. Ari Tuckman and your host Jeff Copper will deconstruct attention like never before. Why? Because the more you understand how something works, the easier it is for you to manage it. |
Neuro-Linguistic Programming: How Can It Help My ADHD?
Wed, Oct 5, 2011, 8:00 PM Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a collection of concepts and techniques intended to help us understand and change human behavior patterns. In this episode your host, Jeff Copper, interviews Richard Bandler, co-creator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), as they define NLP, explain how it works, and discuss how it can help those with ADHD to move forward. Whether you are familiar with NLP or not, this is a show worth your time. Join us for this insightful program. |
ADHD: Paying Attention to Attention with Dr. Beth Briere
Wed, Sep 28, 2011, 8:00 PM Think about it. What’s obvious is a function of what we pay attention to. Thus, it seems worthwhile to pay
attention to attention. In this episode, host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Beth Briere on the topic. Dr. Briere
utilized the research by Dr. Mel Levine around attention to help build a practical clinical model that
focuses on helping individuals understand their attentional weaknesses in order to put appropriate
strategies in place to address those specific weaknesses. Jeff will discuss with Beth how attention can be
broken down into components through an individual profile that then identifies your unique profile of
strengths, affinities, and challenges. The result? A customized learning plan and a roadmap to success. |
The 2011 AD/HD Virtual Conference
Wed, Sep 21, 2011, 8:00 PM The 2011 Virtual AD/HD Conference is around the corner. In this episode, Jennifer Koretsky, founder of ADD Management Group that is producing the conference, will be on hand to discuss the history of the conference, what to expect, how a virtual conference works, and how to make the most of the experience. Join us live with host Jeff Copper as we learn more about this must-attend event. |
ADHD: Controlling Your Attention Using Attention Exercises
Wed, Sep 14, 2011, 8:00 PM
Ever meditate and notice your mind wandering? Congratulations, you're meditating correctly. Yes, meditation is about paying attention to your attention. It's about paying attention to the now. In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Gregg Krech on attention, meditation, and exercises to improve your ability to control what you pay attention to. If you have ADHD and struggle to control your attention, this show is for you. Don't be surprised if this show shifts your paradigm on what meditation is and how it works. |
ADHD: Homeschool or High School? The Sequel
Wed, Sep 07, 2011, 8:00 PM
Carol Barnier was our guest on July 20, 2011, in our show addressing the question of homeschool or high school. Carol was spectacular, offering insight after insight on both homeschooling and teaching ADHD children in general. So much material could not be covered, and we’d be remiss if we didn’t have a sequel to that show. In this episode, host Jeff Copper continues his talk with Carol, picking up where they left off. Listen to the July 20th show as a preview; then join us for this fun and informative discussion. If you are an educator, considering or thinking you might ever want to homeschool your child, this is a must-listen program for you! |
Managing ADHD in the Classroom: A Teacher's Insights
Wed, Aug 31, 2011, 8:00 PM How do you successfully manage students with ADHD in a classroom setting? In this episode, host Jeff Copper interviews Bob Novotni on the topic. Bob was a high school math teacher for 35 years. He stood out in his environment because of his ability to manage ADHD and other learning disabilities in the classroom. Jeff and Bob will discuss Bob’s strategy, tips, experience, and collective insights. This is a must-hear program for educators and for parents as a means to understand the challenges and ways ADDers can coexist in the classroom with a positive learning environment! |
ADHD: Motivation is the Key to Learning
Wed, Aug 24, 2011, 8:00 PM Learning, when it comes to ADHD, it’s all about MOTIVATION! In this episode, host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, Master Certified Coach (MCC) and founder of JST Coach Training, on the relationship between motivation and learning. So many times, parents and teachers focus on learning in the education process but fail to pay attention to what motivates a person to learn. Think about it! When was the last time you learned something when you had zero motivation? Jeff and Jodi discuss motivation and how motivation is what drives learning. Pay attention to what motivates a person with ADHD to learn and the learning will take care of itself. This show promises to be a lively discussion. Call 646-652-4409 and join in on the conversation. |
Back to School with ADHD
Wed, Aug 17, 2011, 8:00 PM It's that time of year! It's back to school. Transitions can be difficult for those with ADHD, especially for children headed back to school. Parents can help their kids prepare for the transition by easing the child into it and gradually re-introducing homework. In this episode, Dr. Kenny Handelman, a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist, talks with host and attention coach Jeff Copper on strategies and tips to make that transition back to school after the freedom of the summer holiday. Join us live by calling 646-652-4409. Dr. Handelman's book, Attention Difference Disorder: How to Turn Your ADHD Child or Teen's Differences into Strengths in 7 Simple Steps, with foreword by Edward Hallowell MD, was released in June 2011 and is available at
ADHD: Benefits from Acupuncture, Hypnosis, and Acupressure
Wed, Aug 10, 2011, 8:00 PM Can those with ADHD benefit from acupuncture, hypnosis, and acupressure? Let's find out. In this episode, host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Max Muenke on the topic. Join us as we discuss the science, Dr. Muenke's experience, and ADHD. For more information on Dr. Muenke, click here. |
ADHD: Transitioning from High School to College
Wed, Aug 03, 2011, 8:00 PM Wow! It’s time for your ADHD child to leave the nest and off to college they go. This is both an exciting and frightening stage in life, especially for those with ADHD. Every December with predictability, attention coach Jeff Copper receives numerous calls from parents whose high school honor student is on academic probation after one semester at college. In this episode, your host interviews Rachel Masson of Landmark College who helps new, unprepared ADHD students transition to college. Listen to this episode to hear Rachel's insights on how parents can best prepare the student for this stage of life. |
ADHD: Tactical Solutions to Situational Problems
Wed, July 27, 2011, 8:00 PM
In this episode, host Jeff Copper interviews ADHD coach Susan Macintosh. The two will be sharing stories about unique and creative solutions used by ADHD clients to help them move forward. This will be a fun show with many out-of-the-box solutions that are not on the top ten list of obvious ADHD solutions! Join us on the call by calling 646-652-4409 and share your stories during the show. |
ADHD: Homeschool or High School? That is the Question!
Wed, July 20, 2011, 8:00 PM
Many children with ADHD have their own unique learning style and struggle in a traditional school setting. One alternative is homeschooling your ADHD child. In this episode, host, Jeff Copper, interviews Carol Barnier who has been homeschooling her two ADHD children (plus a typical one) for a total of 18 years and is still going. On the show Jeff and Carol talk about homeschooling resources and the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling an ADHD child, along with the challenges of homeschooling when the teacher (you) has ADHD. If you think you might ever consider such a thing, this is a must-listen program for you! |
The Machine, Mind, and Mission: A David Giwerc ADHD Model
Wed, July 13, 2011, 8:00 PM
In this episode, host and attention coach, Jeff Copper, talks with David Giwerc about his Machine, Mind, and Mission ADHD model. Listen as David describes the model and how it is used as a tool to understand how to move forward with ADHD. David and Jeff also discuss how the model can be used to understand how meds and other multi-modal treatments, like coaching, can impact progress differently. |
ADHD and College Placement with Keith Kosierowski
Wed, July 6, 2011, 8:00 PM
So, you have worked hard and now it’s time for your ADHD teen to go off to college. Question is, where? In this episode, host Jeff Copper interviews Keith Kosierowski, who is an ADHD coach and a certified school counselor with eleven years of experience. The two will be discussing college placement for the ADHD teen. |
The Impact of ADHD on Non-ADHD Siblings and How to Manage Things
Wed, June 29, 2011, 8:00 PM
A lot of attention is paid to children with ADHD, but what about the non-ADHD siblings? In this episode, host Jeff Copper interviews Keath Low around the impact of ADHD on siblings and strategies to help parents manage the family dynamics. |
Explaining ADHD to Your Child for the First Time
Thur, June 23, 2011, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host, Jeff Copper, interviews Keath Low around the topic of explaining an ADHD diagnosis to your child for the first time. This simple task can be very nerve wracking and challenging for many adults, simply because they love their children. Listen to this insightful conversation as Jeff and Keath share valuable tips that will help you prepare for the task at hand. |
ADHD Parents Raising ADHD Kids! How Does That Work?
Wed, June 15, 2011, 8:00 PM
Parenting calls for structure, organization, and consistency. While that’s true, it flies in the face of an ADHD parent raising ADHD kids. What is an ADHD parent to do? In this episode Dr. Patricia Quinn will be giving ADHD-friendly parenting advice in her interview with host, attention coach Jeff Copper. Listen to the show and learn how to make doable what seems insurmountable. |
ADHD: Tips for Managing Time
Wed, June 08, 2011, 8:00 PM
For many ADD-ers, there are only two kinds of time: now and not now. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host, Jeff Copper, interviews Sandy Maynard around the topic of time and time management. The discussion focuses on ADHD and time in general, as well as tips that many with ADHD have found useful. |
ADHD: Transitioning from School to Summer Break
Wed, June 01, 2011, 8:00 PM
No more teachers, no more books… or so it goes. Yes, summer is here! Time to relax and time for a homework hiatus. It sounds easy but can be very stressful. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, your host, Jeff Copper, interviews Keath Low around transitioning an ADHD child to a summer routine. Listen as Keath shares her insight and helpful tips for those searching for guidance. |
Insights of a Physician Who Learns to be an ADHD Coach
Wed, May 25, 2011, 8:00 PM
Host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Terry Dickson who has ADHD himself, diagnoses and treats ADHD, and is learning to be an ADHD coach. Dr. Dickson discusses the paradigm shift and struggles he has had in stifling his “fix and treat” mentality and realizing ADDers are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole, realizing that they have their own solution. |
The Impact of ADHD on Sex and Intimacy
Wed, May 18, 2011, 8:00 PM
Are sex and intimacy an ADHD-free zone? Not! ADHD has an impact at work, at home, in relationships, and in the bedroom. Host, Jeff Copper, interviews Gina Pera, author of Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.? Stopping the Roller Coaster when Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder, on how impulsiveness, distractibility, hyperactivity, and boredom affect intimacy and sex. |
ADHD, Weight, and Eating Disorders
Wed, May 11, 2011, 8:00 PM
Host, Jeff Copper, interviews Dr. Roberto Olivardia, instructor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, on the topic of ADHD, weight gain, and eating disorders. Dr. Olivardia reviews the research explaining why those with ADHD are more prone to weight issues, obesity, and eating disorders, such as bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. He also discusses the many ADHD traits and symptoms, like sleep deprivation, impulsivity, and distractibility, that make it more challenging for those with ADHD to maintain healthy eating. |
A Review of Non-Medication Treatments for Adults with ADHD
Wed, May 04, 2011, 8:00 PM
Many adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder can't take meds, or medications are not enough. In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Russ Ramsay to obtain an education on alternative treatments that can help manage ADHD when medications aren't possible, or when they're not enough. |
Is There a WAY Art Therapy Can Help Those with ADHD? Way!
Wed, April 27, 2011, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host, Jeff Copper, interviews art therapist Holly Oberacker and Tracey Bromley Goodwin, partners in Navigating ADHD, Inc. Listen in and see how Holly uses art-based activities to address the social, emotional, and communication needs of children and adults. Then listen to what Tracey does by taking Holly's concepts to help the same clients build skills and create action steps for implementing the strategies during her educational coaching sessions. You will be fascinated with how Holly and Tracey bridge their sessions to address the complete needs of the individuals in their practice. |
This Show Is So Totally ADD!
Wed, April 20, 2011, 8:00 PM
Hold onto your hats! This show is ADD on steroids. Listen in as host Jeff Copper interviews Patrick McKenna and Rick Green, two of the most outrageous ADDers on the planet around the conception, creation, and the development of Totally ADD and its website. Learn about the whimsical video that puts ADD into context while educating and informing you in a humorous way. Call in and participate in the show. You don’t want to miss it. |
ADHD Special: Tactical Tools That Can Help You Manage Time and Capture Your Thoughts
Fri, April 15, 2011, 8:00 PM
Tactical tools can be invaluable to those with ADHD to increase productivity. In this special edition of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Jan Rogers of Time Timer and Kevin Thomas of Copytalk. Time Timer is a visual timing device that engages those with ADHD, helping them experience the passage of time, thereby enabling them to better manage time. Copytalk is a voice dictation service (not software) that enables you to capture your thoughts anywhere, anytime with just a phone. If you have ADHD and struggle with time, or if you don't have an effective means to capture your thoughts, this is a must-listen show for you. |
The ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO) and Its 2011 Conference
Wed, April 13, 2011, 8:00 PM
Attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Robb Garrett, president of the ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO), to gain insight on the organization and what to expect at the 2011 national conference in Chicago between April 29th and May 1st. |
A Neurologist with ADHD Shares His Insight in Diagnosing and Treating ADHD
Wed, April 06, 2011, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews child neurology specialist Dr. Jose Foradada around three topics, ADHD and neurology, what we know about ADHD and the physical brain, and what it is like to be a neurologist that diagnoses and treats ADHD, having ADHD himself. This promises to be a great show. |
ADHD: What Is Neurofeedback, How Does It Work, and What Are the Advantages of It?
Wed, March 30, 2011, 8:00 PM
Talk about virtual reality! Can you really play a computer game with no control other than just your brain waves? Listen to this episode of Attention Talk Radio as host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Michael Linden on neurofeedback and its role in helping those with ADHD reclaim control of their lives. In the interview, Dr. Linden discusses the advantages of using a QEEG to accurately diagnose ADHD and how he can customize neurofeedback treatment for the individual. Your host will also be quizzing Dr. Linden on combining neurofeedback and learning programs to condition the brain to pay attention to things differently. This is a must listen-to episode. |
Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG) and Diagnosing ADHD. Say What?
Wed, March 23, 2011, 8:00 PM
You walk up a flight of stairs; your heart races, you feel pressure in your chest and you are rushed to the emergency room. Upon arrival, you are asked to sign a release for emergency bypass surgery. Would you sign? Or wouldn’t you want to see some tests results ruling out minor things like heartburn before you go under the knife? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Michael Linden, director of Attention Learning Center around Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG), a test used to more accurately diagnose ADHD and Autism Syndrome Disorder (ASD). Listen to Dr. Linden as he addresses the pitfalls of diagnosing based on symptoms and the advantages of using QEEG to accurately diagnose ADHD. Don't miss this insightful show. |
ADHD and Addiction
Wed, March 16, 2011, 8:00 PM
Wendy Richardson knows a thing or two about ADHD and addiction. She is a certified addiction specialist in private practice and the author of When Too Much Isn’t Enough, Ending the Destructive Cycle of AD/HD and Addictive Behavior (2005 Pinon Press) and The Link Between ADD & Addiction, Getting the Help You Deserve (1997). Listen to this edition of Attention Talk Radio as host, Jeff Copper, interviews Wendy to gain her insight on the topic. |
The Importance of Emotion in Understanding and Managing
Wed, March 09, 2011, 8:00 PM
Medical papers dating back to 1798 always include emotion in the conceptualization of ADHD. This continued up to the 1970 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 2nd Ed. (DSM-II). Since then, emotional dysregulation has been excluded from the clinical conceptualization of the condition. In this episode, host, Jeff Copper, will interview Dr. Russell Barkley who will argue why emotion needs to be returned to a central place in ADHD. |
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) Membership!
Wed, March 2, 2011, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Ruth Hughes, the acting director of the Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD). Listen in and learn about the benefits of being a member of CHADD, as well as being schooled in the different levels of membership, making it easy for you determine which is right for you. If you have ADHD and need resources, this is the show for you. |
The History of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with Dr. Russ Ramsay
Wed, Feb 23, 2011, 8:00 PM
In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, Dr. Russ Ramsay joins host Jeff Copper to review the history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Dr. Ramsay will talk about when ADHD was first identified, the evolution of our learning, and how treatment has evolved. This promises to be a fun and enlightening show. |
The Impact of ADHD on Finances
Wed, Feb 16, 2011, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Stephanie Sarkis regarding the impact of ADHD on finances and money management. Dr. Sarkis is the author of "ADD and Your Money: A Guide to Personal Finance for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder" (2009), in addition to three other books on adult ADD. She counsels and coaches children and adults with ADHD/ADD. |
ADHD and Sleep: Who Has Time for It?
Wed, Feb 09, 2011, 8:00 PM
ADHD and sleep is the topic of this edition of Attention Talk Radio. Join the conversation live as host Jeff Copper interviews Roberto Olivardia Ph.D. of Harvard Medical School on the topic. Listen as they discuss the difficulties those with ADHD have with sleep and the competition for sleep. After all, who has time for it? Call in and listen to this enlightening show. |
Moving Forward in an ADHD Relationship: What You Need to Know
Wed, Feb 02, 2011, 8:00 PM
Melissa Orlov knows a thing or two about ADHD relationships, as she has lived in one and studied them extensively. She is a marriage consultant and the author of The ADHD Effect on Marriage. Listen in on this episode of Attention Talk Radio as host Jeff Copper interviews Melissa on the topic of moving past defensiveness and denial to move forward in an ADHD relationship. |
ADHD Advocacy Part 2: ADHD Advocacy and the Real World
Wed, Jan 26, 2011, 8:00 PM
Listen in as show host Jeff Copper interviews attorney Matt Cohen around the laws that pertain to ADHD and the reality for the real world application. This is a must listen-to show for those seeking accommodations or to apply Section 504 of the IDEA laws. Join us for this insightful show. |
ADHD Advocacy Part 1: The Law and Your Rights Made Simple
Wed, Jan 19, 2011, 8:00 PM
Host Jeff Copper interviews attorney Matt Cohen on the legal rights afforded those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Listen in as Matt walks us through the basics and the laws you should know when advocating for yourself or others who are diagnosed with ADHD. Join us for this insightful discussion. This is Part 1 of a two-part series. |
ADHD: Computer-Based Cognitive Training, a Psychologist’s Experience
Wed, Jan 12, 2011, 8:00 PM
In this episode, host, Jeff Copper, will interview Wendy Rice, Psy.D., on the topic of computer-based cognitive training and her experience in educating and treating adolescents on how to most effectively deal with problems in the areas of attention, impulsivity, working memory, and processing speed. |
ADHD: JST Coach Training Program
Wed, Jan 05, 2011, 8:00 PM
Host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, Master Certified Coach (MCC) and founder of JST Coach Training. Jeff and Jodi will discuss the difference between regular coaching and ADHD coaching and will discuss Jodi’s training program that is used and endorsed by the Edge Foundation. Join us for a lively discussion. |
"I Inherited ADD from My Kids (Not!)"
Wed, Dec 29, 2010, 8:00 PM
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, host, Jeff Copper, and co-host Linda Roggli discuss the hereditary nature of ADHD and why many adults are not getting diagnosed until later in life or are getting diagnosed with their kids. Listen to this insightful discussion. |
ADHD: The Edge Foundation
Wed, Dec 15, 2010, 8:00 PM
In this episode, guest Robert Tudisco will be interviewed by host Jeff Copper to understand the Edge Foundation, the role the foundation played in the recent research on the effectiveness of ADHD coaching, and the foundation's vision for the future. Join us for a lively conversation. |
ADHD: Third-Party Advocates, an Educator's Experience
Wed, Dec 08, 2010, 8:00 PM
Melissa Malen is an education consultant pursuing her Ph.D. in adult education with special training and interest in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other learning disabilities. She advocates for those with ADHD as a third-party advocate. Join us for this episode of Attention Talk Radio when host Jeff Copper interviews Melissa about her hands-on experience helping children obtain needed accommodations and supporting parents as they learn to advocate for students with ADHD. |
ADHD: Coaching ADHD Teens and Managing Their Parents
Wed, Dec 02, 2010, 8:00 PM
In this episode, attention coach Jeff Copper interviews ADHD coach Jodi Sleeper-Triplett around coaching ADHD teens and young adults with emphasis around managing their parents. There is no question the parents of ADHD love their children and want the best for them. Many times, they are trying to help so much they get in the way of the progress an ADHD coach is making with their child. Join us for this insightful discussion! |
ADHD: To Tell or Not to Tell. That Is the Question
Wed, Nov 24, 2010, 8:00 PM
Join us for this edition of Attention Talk Radio as host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Ari Tuckman around the topic of disclosing your diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to the school, your employer, or the public. Ari and Jeff will address the advantages and disadvantages of going public, and offer an alternative strategy. Join us for this insightful discussion |
ADHD: Interest is the Key and It’s Instinctive
Fri, Nov 05, 2010, 8:00 PM
In this episode, host and attention coach Jeff Copper invites David Giwerc, founder of the ADD Coaching Academy, to discuss the inherent role that interest plays in the lives of those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Jeff and David will discuss how interest is used in their coaching relationships, as a tool to deconstruct what works for ADD-ers. They will also offer their analysis of interest as something that is instinctive. Be sure to join in on the insightful discussion. This episode promises to be one of the best. |
ADHD: Learning Modalities and Organization: How They Go Hand in Hand
Fri, Oct 22, 2010, 8:00 PM
In this edition of Attention Talk Radio, host and attention coach Jeff Copper talks about his experience in coaching adults diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to help them overcome disorganization by helping them first to understand how they naturally learn. Join us for this insightful discussion around how understanding a person's learning modality can give clues on how to get organized. |
The Brain and ADHD Medications Made Simple
Fri, Oct 15, 2010, 8:00 PM
Laurie Dupar, registered psychiatric nurse, joins host and attention coach Jeff Copper on Attention Talk Radio. In this episode Jeff and Laurie will discuss the brain and ADHD medications made simple. Laurie will share information on how medications affect the brain and what happens to the individual’s focus. Be sure to join us for this insightful show. |
The Disorganized Mind: Insights on the Book and How Someone with Dyslexia and ADHD Can Write a Book
Fri, July 09, 2010, 8:00 PM
Nancy Ratey, author of The Disorganized Mind: Coaching Your ADHD Brain to Take Control of Your Time, Tasks, and Talents, joins host and attention coach Jeff Copper on Attention Talk Radio. They will discuss her new book, offer insight on how someone with dyslexia and attention deficit disorder (ADD) tactically takes on a project as big as writing a book, and will share how she brought it to completion. Don’t miss this exciting show! |
Married to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Fri, May 21, 2010, 8:00 PM
Host Jeff Copper, attention coach, has a candid discussion with Kim Gundy about the realities and impact of being married to a husband with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Listen as she shares her insights and lessons learned from years of experience. |
ADHD and Religion
Fri, Apr 23, 2010, 8:00 PM
ADHD coach Steve Gundy and host and attention coach Jeff Copper discuss ADD and its impact on an ADD-er’s spirituality and relationship with God. Join us as Steve shares his ADD story and shares his relationship with God on the topic. |
Positive Trends in AD/HD
Fri, Apr 02, 2010, 8:00 PM
Host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews Jefferson B. Prince, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Director of Child Psychiatry for North Shore Medical Center in Massachusetts on the positive trends in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) to gain insight on what is new and promising in the AD/HD arena. |
ADHD and Co-Morbid Conditions
Fri, Mar 05, 2010, 8:00 PM
Host, Jeff Copper, interviews returning guest and ADD Coach Dan Pruitt on the topic of ADHD and co-morbid conditions. Listen as Dan shares his insight and personal experience as a father and coach to two children with ADHD and co-morbid conditions. |
Hunter vs. Farmer ADHD Theory
Fri, Feb 26, 2010, 8:00 PM
Host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews ADD coach Kristi McClanahan. Hear Kristi share her entertaining personal experience as she came to realize she had ADD and embraced it, and gain insight on ADHD in the context of Thom Hartmann Hunter vs. Farmer ADHD theory. This show promises to be fun, lighthearted, and very insightful. |
ADD Coach Training Schools
Fri, Feb 19, 2010, 8:00 PM
Host and attention coach Jeff Copper interviews David Giwerc, Master Certified Coach (MCC) and founder and president of the ADD Coaching Academy. Jeff and David will discuss the difference between regular coaching and ADD coaching. They will pay attention to what ADD coaches pay attention to and look at what those with ADD consistently pay attention to. |
Coaching Divas with ADD
Fri, Jan 08, 2010, 8:00 PM
An insightful look at coaching wiser, more mature women with attention deficit disorder. Host Jeff Copper interviews ADD coach Linda Roggli to gain her insight on coaching women with attention deficit disorder. Linda will talk about the unique challenges facing divas with ADD in the 21st century and how she helps them move forward. |
Cogmed: An Insightful Discussion among Coaches
Fri, Dec 18, 2009, 8:00 PM
Host Jeff Copper interviews Ali Kaufman, founder of Space of Mind, to gain her insight on cognitive behavioral tools and her experiences in working with those who have attention deficit disorder (ADD). |
The Many Versions of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Fri, Oct 16, 2009, 8:00 PM
Host attention coach Jeff Copper will interview fellow ADD coach Dan Pruitt and gain insight on the many different versions of ADD and ADHD. To be diagnosed with ADD/Hyperactive, a combination of any six symptoms must be exhibited out of a possible nine. This means that dozens of different combinations could result in an ADD/Hyperactive diagnosis and excludes the different symptoms and combinations for ADD/Inattentive or ADD/Combined. Copper and Pruitt will discuss ADD traits and how they manifest and will also look at the many varieties of ADD to gain insight and an understanding how everyone with ADD has their own unique version. Finally, they will look at how different versions of ADD impact which solutions are effective and which are not. |
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